Do you ever question your “purpose” in life;
your “identity” and “worth”?
Have you ever felt like a loner?
a misfit?
Why not watch Wreck-it Ralph and pocket a special nugget?!
Meet Wreck-it Ralph
(is a loveable, bumbling character unhappy with his persona, his calling, his “job”)
Ralph is told- “You wreck everything” “You’re not good for anything but wrecking- You’re a bad guy and don’t deserve to be with us “good guys” We’re celebrating- now go away”
Meet Vanellope von Schweetz
( a character who is under the impression she’s not a “real” member of the game because she has a “glitch”-
she blinks in and out- (oh my gosh- can I relate 🙂 )
Vanellope is derided and told “you’re not really a part of the game” “you’re a glitch” “you’re a big mistake”
My heart actually ached for most of the movie. For me, the mother of a child with special needs, Ralph’s and Vanellope’s pain became mine.
Would they ever fit in?
Would they be “understood”?
Why did everyone have to exclude and even worse, make fun of them?
I’m glad I hung in there and watched the end of the movie!
Brave souls that they were,
they continued on their quest to find their place in their world.
Ralph and Vanellope came to understand and embrace their “specialness”
and so did everyone else. YAY!!!!!
Brave Souls that we must become–
It is our quest
to find our place in His world
and learn to embrace our “specialness”!
Yes- my heart aches for kids and adults with special needs that struggle with feeling like they don’t fit in.
But because we live in a fallen world- sickness, sin, brokenness has come to us all.
Some more than others.
Sometimes we feel isolated, sometimes we avoid those bungling people that seem to make a “wreck” of everything. Sometimes, we feel like “glitches”, blinking in and out.
But the good news is The Creator is with us in our quest.
He wants us to find our true identity.
He holds the answers
to our yearning to belong,
our craving for meaning,
our hunger for acceptance.
Surprising Treasure:
We are His treasure He died to gain back.
He sets the crown of “sonship” upon our heads-
declaring we are His very own.
You can read the synopsis at
We are born broken. Then we compound our brokenness by breaking other things and other people. Like Ralph we wreck things and are often misunderstood and misrepresented… God does neither. He even picks up the pieces. How gracious and patient is that!?!?.
Only the King can put us together again! He is beyond amazing!
The peculiar thing is that even those masquerading as part of the “in-crowd” have the same fears! Even the “good guys” hope nobody discovers their not-so-obvious secret failings. Yes, we’re all broken, yearning, craving for acceptance, just the people Jesus came to redeem. Aren’t we glad to know and tell others – that in Him we all belong! Halleluia! Thanks for posting – now I think I’ll have to see the movie, too. 🙂
Great insight- even the “in-crowd” have fears!!! I especially appreciate the message inherent in this movie- what a fun way to get the thought across to kids to accept and treasure others- for who they are. I don’t want to ruin the ending but just wait til you find out who Vanellope REALLY is! 🙂 hugs
I understand. I still get sad when I see The Island of Misfit Toys on Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. And we’re all misfits, in one way or another, and we’re dearly loved!!
LOL- Julie- my heart actually thought of Rudolph and on so many levels the storyline is the same! I remember as a kid, being so mad at all those other deer who wouldn’t let Rudolph play all the reindeer games! hugs sweet friend!