Definition – Beautiful Things #7387
[Tweet “To #behold #beauty is to understand the heart of #God. “]
Watching our grandson, Cohen (4), jumping on the trampoline and singing at the top of his lungs- “You Make beauuutiful tings out of de dust! You make beauuutiful tings, you make beauuuutiful tings out of us!
When I first heard this song, You Make Beautiful Things, by Gungor, the poignant cello, the raw lyrics of the verses- made my heart ache with longing!
The Bible says- from the dust we were made- to the dust we’ll return.
[Tweet “I’ve been reduced to dust in my #journey- BUT GOD can create #LIFE from dust.”]
Life hits us so hard we can sometimes relate to Job- the upright man who suffered more than anyone I know. His sorrows drove him to sitting in the dust, wishing he had never been born. It’s not an easy season in life- this suffering- suffocating pain- being reduced to dust- the lowest denominator from which God created us from the first place.
We realize- without God- we are NOTHING.
Without His presence- We are EMPTY.
[Tweet “Without the Spirit of #God in our lives- we are dust. #ComeAlive”]
But I’m an impatient kind a gal. lol
I want God to stand up and make everything new right now!
I want Him to remove the barren places and make them a garden- NOW.
I want Him to heal the painful, brokenness in this world – NOW
I want the devastation that life has wreaked to be reversed- NOW!
I want all that was lost in the Garden to be found by the Good Shepherd- NOW!
I want to be made new- NOW!
But Cohen-
He rejoices
that God is making.
Do you see the difference?
His four year old heart is content. He sings with abandon the joyful truth that God is making (present ongoing tense) ALL things beautiful. He dances and skips as he sings “You make me new- You are making me new!”
There is joy in his journey! And there should be in ours- for we are more than dust- even on our worst days. We are becoming beautiful in God- He’s with us on our journey!
[Tweet “Don’t wish away #today- or we’ll miss the #beauty of now. #life “]
I watch him dance and begin to feel bubbles of joy as I realize God is doing all those things NOW- He is present always and will always be making things new.
I might “miss” the beautiful making part – wishing for the finished part.
Thank you Cohen- for showing me – He makes beauuuutiful things and I can watch and rejoice right now.
Cohen and I, both hope you’ll listen to the song. For in Cohen’s words,
“Dat song is the best beauuuutiful song ever Nana!”
Love little Cohen’s outlook. Choosing it for myself!
Me too! Cohen (and all my grandchildren) are sonshine to my spirit- something about their fresh innocence and vibrancy- that and the fact that I’m older and more focused on enjoying every moment with them…. Grandchildren are such a gift from God! thanks sweet friend!
From one piece of dust to all the other pieces of dust- “I am so sorry for the times my judgements have treated you as something less than the beautiful image-bearing pieces of dust you are. I am so sorry.”
It is a powerful thing when we realize our collective human frailty. Love you babe.
Out of the mouths of babes God has perfected praise! Another beautiful blog, Cindy – thanks so much!
Thanks Edy- blessings from a one dusty sojourner to another! hugs and hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Thanks, Cindy, I did! Exhausting week, since we have our nursing school alumni reunion this same time every year, too. Fun seeing everyone, but now I need a nap. 🙂
Isn’t it strange/true that fun is exhausting?! rest this week if you can! hugs and blessings! so glad you’re in my life!
🙂 …and you’re in mine, dear heart!
Hi Cindy,
He does indeed make beautiful things out of dust. What better day to read your post than Easter Sunday. The day when we remember that God turns death to life, despair to hope and brokenness to victory. It would be great to see the fulness of all of that in each of our lives, but for now there are always precious glimpses. Heaven will be amazing but when we come into His presence, it doesn’t always seem so far away. Children often have so much to teach us about coming to God. Happy Easter to you!