Usually, my joy meter is off the chart in the month of December! l mean, what is better than choosing gifts that will bless others, baking special goodies, writing & reading Christmas letters, reconnecting in small ways around the hope of the world and celebrating Jesus!?
[Tweet “Jesus isn’t found in a #perfect #CHRISTmas; He’s gracing the imperfect, humble, broken places.”]
This Christmas “feels” different to me; the recent shootings, the poverty, the orphans, the natural catastrophes, the hurricane victims that are still suffering from Sandy, and I could go on and on. There has always been sadness, brokenness, and tragedy but it seems the world is facing a tsunami of sadness and pain like no other time in history. There is an increasing, exponential groaning for redemption!
[Tweet “Each one of is an #innkeeper deciding if we will open our #heart and let #Jesus come in. #CHRISTmas”]
And Jesus is standing at the door of every heart, knocking.
Do I have room for Him?
Jesus is the concrete, indisputable evidence that God thinks His creation is not a total loss- a do-over- a “throw them in the trash heap and forget about them” people. I mean, let’s be honest. If we had created something that became so messed up and broken, without hesitation we’d throw it in the trash to be carted to the landfill.
[Tweet “God is the #Glorious #Redeemer- determined to #rescue His creation. #CHRISTmas #Hope”]
But not God-
He still places high value on us-
even in our broken, pitiful state.
For some reason, rooted deeply in a Father’s love that is too vast for us to understand, He has set His love upon us! He chose not to destroy us or throw us away or even leave us to our awful selves- but to send His Son to us- to redeem and restore us to His original specs for humanity- Imageo Deo- created in His image- His sons and daughters once again!
My joy is more subdued this year. “Christmasy things aren’t really doing it for me- only when I surround my self with His presence, is my joy full. Instead, there is an intense longing for His Second Coming stirring deep within my soul.
[Tweet “Jesus will finish what He started – #Emmanuel- God with us- His kingdom come! #CHRISTmas”]
Surely, we need His Second Coming now as much or more as we needed His first coming then.
This Christmas, my prayer is:
“Oh Lord Jesus, let your kingdom come
Let your will be done- on earth as it is in heaven!
Let ALL governments be upon Your shoulders.
For those of us who belong to You-
help us to shine brighter and brighter
lighting the way for the lost to come Home to You!
Bring us to our knees to your magnificent Rule
And let every tongue confess you are indeed, the Lord of all Lords!
Surprising Treasures: How great the Father’s love for us- that we can be called children of God!
Amen, and Amen.
Love you guys! One day – we’ll be rejoicing together- but for now- we occupy until He comes. Hugs
This is perfectly stated. I agree wholeheartedly..beautifully stated!
miss you sweet sister! Praying for your family- that the Lord will pour His blessings upon all of you- His treasure!
When I first saw a poster with this phrase on it I knew immediately this would be the title of our Advent sermon series at Christ Community Church, http://www.ccclawrence.org. I am so glad that the “stable’s” influence and His government will ever increase and never end. We live on a broken planet, filled with broken people.
“Thank you Father for loving us enough to send and give your Son as a sacrifice for the sins that come from our brokenness. Forgive us and remake us in Your image. May hearts be softened and accepting of Your love. Amen.”
Amen- I used to think “we” could collectively work together to create a better world- we could never work hard enough or get everyone to join in- only a GOVERNMENT upon His shoulders- perfect love- perfect justice- perfect righteousness- will ever bring us the Peace on Earth we long for.
I have been feeling exactly the same way. I find myself praying “Come, Lord Jesus, come.” Then, feeling guilty for the lost, and praying to be a light to reach those lost. Even feeling an urgency to share and spread His love more than ever before. Thank you for sharing. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Yes and Amen- There is this longing for Him to come and put all things right- but an even greater pull to reach the lost with His light! The scripture the Lord has repeatedly impressed on my heart is this: When the Son of man is lifted up- He will draw all men to Him. I know that means the cross but I believe our calling is to lift His wonderful Name up- His sacrifice- His love- that- will draw the lost to Him! blessings and Merry Christmas- thank you so much for sharing!
Beautiful blog, much needed message. May you and your loved ones be blessed. May the Prince of Peace reign supreme forever. Amen