Our Happily Ever After is Coming!
“Once Upon a Time” and “Happily Ever After”.
The stuff all good stories begin with and end.
Each one of our stories began with His intimate plans and details.
Our life is a journey to discover His love and His purposeful redemption.
*But Happily Ever After doesn’t come until He comes back to reign and rule as King of Kings.
Does “Life” crowd out ANTICIPATING the happy ending God has planned for us?
In between our celebrations and fighting our dragons,
eeking out our monetary existence and gathering “treasures” here on earth,
perhaps suffering or being persecuted,
perhaps experiencing loneliness or anxiety,
perhaps hitting road blocks or disappointments,
perhaps enduring disabilities or sicknesses,
perhaps agonizing over a hopeless situation or grieving a loss we think we’ll never recover from—-
[Tweet “Do you ever forget- like me…. that this present life is not the end of our story? “]
We have God’s promise- Our Happily Ever After is Coming!
Will you reach out & remind others???
“It’s Just a Long Way Home.”
Surprising Treasure: God has surely given Steven Curtis Chapman this song/message to encourage us to keep on going- BECAUSE- WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT- It’s just a long way Home! Praying His blessings on you this week~ Keep your eye on the finish line 🙂 Encourage someone today- pass it on!
“Once upon a time” – I wonder who was the very first to write those words! They began the adventure for many a child hearing a story and fostered a hunger for more. How interesting to connect that beginning phrase with the familiar closing “And they lived happily ever after.” I know I never gave much thought to what came “after” the storybook tale. 🙂 Now, you shed a bright new light around the corner to another adventure, after our own story, here, ends. You know I love it, Cindy!
Once upon a time- it seems like the perfect beginning-
But then, again, if we started our stories with- “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” told our story, then finished with “and He will wipe away every tear” maybe we could put our story in perspective- In the beginning was God creating all that is good- evil steps in and tries to destroy it- but God comes in to redeem and ultimately brings about our happily ever after 🙂 hugs Edy