October is National Downs Syndrome Awareness month. Bloggers are being encouraged to post 31 days to bring awareness & celebrate people with DS are deserving of inclusion and equality.
October is also National Clergy Appreciation month, Fire Safety month, Pregnancy Loss & Infant Loss awareness, Rett Syndrome month, Breast Cancer Awareness month, Domestic Violence awareness, National Cyber Security Awareness month, Dwarfism Awareness month, Fair Trade month, Auto Battery Safety month, LGBT History Awareness month, and last but not least, National Squirrel Awareness month!
That’s only one month out of 12, and one country out of hundreds where people are lifting their voices to bring awareness to their “cause”. People feel strongly about everything- even squirrels! LOL
I’m so very thankful Bethany was born now instead of my era! (or before) The atrocities and isolation which people with disabilities experienced are sobering to think of. Even now, the abortion rate for children with downs syndrome is a terrifying indicator of how people perceive imperfection.
Would you believeI had never interacted with someone with downs syndrome before I had Bethany!? You could say I was totally “unaware” of what my future was going to hold. Fear and a twenty year old vague remembrance of 1 page out of my Biology nursing books describing downs syndrome, was all I had to shape my opinion.
But to know someone is to love them…..
As a blogger, I’ve sometimes struggled with finding and defining my niche. LOL How do I pick one? 🙂 I’m a God follower who wants to bring AWARENESS about the many social injustices; abortion, poverty, slavery, sex trafficking, homelessness, child abuse or cruelty of any kind. I’m on a mission to see people healed and restored by God so they can live the abundant life He created us to live. My heart is full of concern and compassion for people. I want to speak words of encouragement to those who are walking through spiritually dark valleys; alzheimer’s, cancer, disabilities, miscarriage, divorce, death, depression, and debilitating illnesses.
I think all these situations are worthy of “awareness” so we become motivated to do something positive, celebrate our differences, point out injustice, and reach out to others with God’s amazing love!
But so many voices can drown out and dilute the Primary Awareness we should be focusing and filtering everything through. This is my niche: My heart beats to bring awareness to Him who loved us so much He stepped into our messy, broken lives to redeem and restore us to Himself.
When I focus on the One, I’m not overwhelmed by the many.
I’d like to see National Awareness to this “cause”:
“God loves you so much and wants you to run to Him so He can help you through this life and bring you into His eternity which will be filled with more joy than our hearts can imagine”
I have no idea how I made it to 40 without meeting anyone with downs syndrome. I have no idea how so many people are unaware of our AWESOME GOD. But I know this- I need to raise my voice and spread the good news…. because to Know Him, is to Love Him!
Surprising Treasure: Jesus said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all peoples to me!” What a fantastic promise. Every day, let’s make people aware of Jesus- the Savior and Good Shepherd who laid down His life to save us from death, hell, and the grave!
Well said my friend! Amen and amen!!
Thanks Lori- We’ll shout it together until the whole world know- the Lord of Love has come to me- I want to pass it on! Awesome God!!
“When I focus on the One, I’m not overwhelmed by the many.” That is the key, isn’t it? What a gem in this Surprising Treasure chest, Cindy! 🙂
You picked out the thought that has been pounding into my heart and head- Focus on Me- Breathe in Me!-Abide in Me- Find your joy in Me- then everything else will flow peacefully …. I meant to BOLD that line- that really is the point isn’t it. I’m gonna go back and do that right now! hugs sistah!
🙂 Sister-kindred-spirits is what we are, thanks be to God!
Thank you for sharing and helping me to re-evaluate my focus as I tend to tunnel my vision towards anything and everything that grieves my heart. “When I focus on the One, I’m not overwhelmed by the many.” What peace when we focus on Him! May I have your permission to republish this post in an e-newsletter for my husband’s ministry as a chaplain?
Hi Beth! Thanks for the comment! Gladly, you have my permission to republish this post. I’ve struggled with this concept my whole life until recently. As a pastor’s wife and a natural “bleeding heart” with a love for people, He is teaching me to keep my eyes on Him and lift all these things into His capable hands. May the Lord bless you and your husband as you serve our great God. hugs and blessings