For you have been born again,
not of perishable seed, but of imperishable,
through the living and enduring word of God.
I Peter 1:23
We recently found out that our 16th grandchild is on the way! Moriah and Jonny are expecting their first little one in April 2020. Having never had a sonogram with any of our 7 children, I delight in “seeing” and not just imagining, that precious baby; an ever growing, unfolding miracle of life!
Bethany and I love it when Moriah opens her pregnancy app and it shows us how big the baby is in 3 D animation! For example, today their baby is the size of a small naval orange! He/she is almost moving constantly with ballet-like movements. can grimace or frown, and suck their thumb. Every day there are changes we can see and exponential cellular growth that we can’t see.
As we joyfully and eagerly anticipate the birth of this precious miracle, I am awestruck that our Father God has the same joyful and eager anticipation as Jesus is being formed in us.
When we are born again, the seed of His immortal, abundant life is embedded in us. Then begins the miracle of incorruptible spiritual DNA replacing our perishing selves.
[Tweet “I Peter 1:23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.”]
He spoke our life into existence, planted the incorruptible seed of Jesus, and is nurturing us with His Spirit and Word until we come into the fullness of our redeemed, intended identity.
As I was walking this morning, I was listening to a podcast about Christ being formed in me. Pregnancy, sonagrams and miracles all collided within my thoughts and I thought, “What if I could actually see a spiritual sonogram? What if I could actually see what God the miracle of His handiwork as He is forming Christ within me???” Mind blown!
As our Heavenly Father, we know He is uber joyful and excited about the conception, development, and delivery of His offspring. He’s in every detail of the process, guaranteeing there will be no miscarriage or disability. Our spiritual formation has a guaranteed outcome that we will be like Him!
What if we could visualize and understand the exponential “cellular” changes that are rapidly unfolding as the Spirit begins to lay down the incorruptible seed that will renew our minds, heal our souls, and produce good fruit?
What if we could actually “see”, instead of just imagining, the good work God is doing in our lives? What if we could discern the daily, exponential unfolding of our spiritual formation???
Jesus- the incorruptible seed is unfolding with us! And He who began this good work, is going to bring everything in our lives to His good end! Our self focus will decrease as His glory increases. Brokenness, sin, shame, and dysfunction will be systematically and lovingly replaced with His wholeness, holiness, acceptance, harmonious abundance.
Why don’t you join me in a happy dance right now?
[Tweet “Our Heavenly Father will not leave us undone, unwell, or unwhole. When we finally see Him, we shall be like Him. #JesusinMe”]
Oh, how I could cry with relief and happiness at this absolute truth.
Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but He has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like Him, for we will see Him as he really is.
I John 3:3
Surprising Treasure: Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Phil. 1:6