“In the beginning God …..”
Genesis 1:1
God is always in our beginnings- because He is the beginning of all things.
And that’s why we can move forward with the new, challenging, and unknown. Each moment in life is ripe with the purposes of God.
Our life stories vary as much as the stars in the heavens, but the commonality is God- the good Father. He is the Author of life; replete with epic beginnings and redemptive endings.
[Tweet “God is faithful to orchestrate every beginning to His purposeful endings. #transformation”]
And so, Bethany has yet another beginning.
For years now, Bethany has been dreaming of someday working with children. Not in a day care but a preschool. She has always wanted to teach children, maybe even be a para someday. 🙂
Having no idea how God could work out the details, we’ve dreamed and prepared as best we could. (although with 13 nieces and nephews to practice with, she’s gained some valuable experience. 😉 )
And one day, God opened the door for a new beginning.
[Tweet “God’s love and mercies are #new every morning, great is His faithfulness. Lam 3:22”]
Below is her account of her first day at her internship.
I so excited and nervous. Nicole says I can help at Precious Ones Learning Center. I work with Miss Cheyenne.
Mom and me pick out books for me to read to the kids. My mom drop me off and I go upstairs to my class. They are 3 and 4 years old. I love them. They are fun.
I read to the kids and play games. We color and sing songs. We play outside. I help with lunch. When it is after lunch we help the kids lay down for a nap. I rub their backs so they can go to sleep.
This is really cool. I text my mom and everybody and tell them what I doing.
I tell Miss Cheyenne goodbye and walk out to the car by myself. My sister Moriah is waiting for me. I can’t believe this is really happening!!!
God’s Surprising Treasures: What God begins, He sees it through to completion. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith- our lives.
God’s faithfulness in adversity, disappointment, and difficulty has been evident in Bethany’s life since her “first beginning.” We continue learning as Bethany continues to begin new adventures. Her purpose is being worked out. Humbling, so humbling and delightful to watch!