Bethany and I were in the car singing and running errands, Laura Story’s song, “Mighty to Save”, began. I’ve sung this song a LOT but this time God gave me a spirit dump; you know- where your heart and eyes are open to see things the way God sees things. 🙂
Everyone needs compassion
A love that’s never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
As I stopped singing and listened, really listened to the words, I was reminded that I (and my loved ones) are not the only ones who suffer, get tired or burnt out, or feel like we’re fighting a losing battle some days. I’ll be honest, most of the time I’m caught up in the ongoing saga of my own quirky life and I’m profoundly consumed by the ongoing decisions for Bethany’s here and now and future life without us.
Everyone needs Compassion.
I don’t really want pity or people to feel sorry for me. But I love when someone shows compassion for my weaknesses and humanity. Someone who doesn’t blow off my feelings with a glib, positive answer; someone who listens and pauses to acknowledge that life is hard.
When someone feels sorry for someone AND goes the next step by showing kindness, caring, and a willingness to help others, they’re showing compassion.
Having been broken and a hot mess myself, I want to default to offering compassion for others-but as a human being, I have a limited capacity of sympathy and compassion. I don’t always have the time, patience, or resources to go the extra mile. And if I allowed myself to “feel”the weight of what everyone is going through- all the injustice and sadness happening 24/7 – I ‘d have a mental breakdown.
But it’s not about me! It’s about our Father!!!
As the song played, I got a picture of OUR Father God! Not just my Father- OUR Father! The One who lives in heaven and is unfolding His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. I saw OUR Father is filled to overflowing with glorious love, and consumed with the same intense compassion, for EVERYONE.
He holds the answer to this crazy life. Not me.
He is limitless compassion for each and every one of us! And I can let His compassion and strength flow through me!
He is that perfect love that never fails- for each and every one of us. (Read Romans 8 every day and let that truth sink in! 🙂 ) And I can grow in His love so I can share with others, the great love of our Father.
It’s all about the great, unlimited power and purpose of our God who’s very character is to love, care, listen, show compassion to His creation; each and every one of us. God doesn’t play favorites- there’t not one person who is more than or less than any other. He sees our weaknesses, our limitations, our fears, our worries, our challenges, and He is not daunted or worn out.
And God!!! He has more than sympathy and compassion. He has total empathy for us.
Empathy is heartbreaking — you experience other people’s pain and joy. Do we get that??? God’s heart breaks for us! That is why Jesus came to live and die as one of us. So we would know He “gets it”. He totally gets how tough and crazy, lonely and sad, distressing and difficult, this life on earth is.
This is our hope- what we must cling to. Jesus prays for us.
So while we long for understanding and compassion from others, let’s never forget the One who understands us best. He prays for us daily and His arms are open wide to comfort. He never sleeps and has the power to heal every hurt.
So my prayer- for me, for Bethany, for you, for everyone:
Our Father,
we need to be reminded of Your compassion and never failing love today. Thank you that You not only see and hear our pain and suffering, but you understand our pain intimately- because you became human. We thank you you have overcome this world by Your love and one day will put all things right. Help us receive Your love and compassion and grace others with Your love.
God’s Surprising Treasure: Heb. 4:15 The Message Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.
There you are!! I’ve missed reading your posts. It was such a treasure to open my email and find this message from you this morning. It’s exactly what I needed. Funny how that works, huh?
Bethany is so beautiful. And she’s so very blessed to have you for her mom. I love the photo of the two of you.
I think of you often and look forward to reading your treasures. Hope you and your entire bunch are doing well.
Blessings and Hugs,
Thank you so much Susan. I’ve struggled this past year to write. But God is stirring my heart to share again. Blessings to you! Hope all things are going well.