Bethany and I were baking pumpkin spice bread the other day. Mmmmm- I wish I could slice you up a warm piece right now and have you join me with a cup of coffee! Utter deliciousness.
We were talking about her job and the hard work it takes to make it successful.
She paused and looked at me with curious, sincere eyes, “Mom, I was wondering. I have a job and you’re older than me. When are you going to get a real job?”
After I got done laughing, I told her I’ve had the same job for 38 years- I own and run a family circus.
[Tweet “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. #holdsMeTogether Col.1:17 “]
When we still had 6 children living at home, (ages baby to 19 years old) I thought, “Wow! Our life is a circus! There’s always something going on; crazy, chaotic, excitement and drama, celebrations and tough times, six unique stages with which to juggle, give attention to, cry with and applaud at appropriate times. It can’t get much crazier than this! 😉
Oh, but if I had but known. LOL
Our family circus grew up and had circuses of their own! More people equals more of everything. 🙂
and we’ve added 3 more babies since this picture was taken 😉
Always something fun & exciting: There’s the Marriage Circus, the Married Children Circus, the Grandchildren Circus, The Extended Family Circus, The Special Needs Circus, the Church Needs Circus, and the ever elusive individual Take Care of Myself Circus.
So many circus rings- so little time.
Whoever said “Not my circus- not my monkey” had the right idea. However, what to do when they are my circus and they are my monkeys?
My bad: I’ve been trying to keep up with the circus. Orchestrate, participate, jump through fiery hoops, trick ride, perform, and I’ve even been a human canon ball. 😉
Is life ever like that for you?! So many things happening at once, not sure where to give your attention or determine where you’re needed most?
[Tweet “God has pitched a tent over our lives- His banner over us is #love.”]
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth……
[It is He] who stretches out the heavens like a veil
And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. Isaiah 40:22
There is a Ring Master. The spotlight is on Him. He is the golden thread tying everything together. Clothed in splendor. In Charge. Orchestrating the rhythm of events. Overseeing. Commanding Attention. Bringing Order out of seeming Chaos.
[Tweet “God is the Great Ring Master brings beauty and order to my circus! Col.1:17 “]
Instead of saying “What in the circus is going on?”
I’m learning to say, ” I will bless the Lord at all times! Lord my God, you are very great. You are dressed in glory and majesty.
You wrap Yourself in light. Darkness has to flee from your presence. You spread out the heavens like a tent. You care for everything under Your dominion.
With one eye on the rings and one eye fixed on the Ring Master- I begin to understand there IS order in the seeming chaos.
I have a part to play. My part.
I have a Ring Master to watch. For my cues.
The Ring Master is in control of this whole production we call life- and I can trust Him because He sees and knows more than I do!
He brings joy in the jumble, order to the chaos, peace in His purposes, strength for each day, and hope for tomorrow.
[Tweet “Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth. Keep your eye on the RingMaster.”]
His canopy unfurled over us, His voice commands our attention, His provision and care of all He’s created is assured. It’s a beautiful thing to live under God’s Big Top.
Surprising Treasures: Psalm 104:1-4 1Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty, 2Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain. 3He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind;…
This is seriously good writing. Funny. Truthful. Encouraging. Insightful. Did I mention helpful and encouraging? ;-). Wonderful!
lol. I’m so glad I married you- for so many reasons! Do you like the circus as much as I do? 🙂
Wonderful post, Cindy.
What a blessing your circus is. Even when I throw in all the furbabies, my little one-ring-circus family only measures 13.
I always smile when I get your latest post in my inbox. Please keep sharing. I love the circus.
Blessings and hugs♥
Thank you so much Susan! I’ve always focused on the circus aspect, but the scripture about God furling out His canopy above the heavens like a tent- that spoke volumes to my heart. Even though life is crazy- it is all under His care. Sigh of relief and a happy dance. 🙂