“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
Isaiah 55:8 NLT
Bethany’s quirky thinking never ceases to surprise me- (but God’s not surprised by our “human” thinking.) We may be created in His image but even the most brilliant thinkers thought processes are like an infant compared to Him!
[Tweet “A one track #mind is awesome- if the track it’s on runs leads to #God. #joy”]
Bethany sees LIFE her own way and heaven help you if you try to help her see it another way. (ummm- as I typed this I started laughing- who am I kidding? like that’s something unique??? – I filter LIFE from my own bias too!)
[Tweet “Life is growing to #know God’s good ways- and #think His best thoughts. “]
Anyway- for your enjoyment-
Bethyisms- How Bethany “sees” things from her point of view-
For instance, I’ve home schooled for over 30 years now. But Bethany insists we call it “Fun School” because- well, here’s why:
“Bethany- I want people to know we study and read and take education seriously- that’s why I call it home school.”
“I don’t care if people are serious or not- they need to have more fun. that’s why I call it Fun school. We have fun. They should too.”
A few more Bethyisms:
Mom! Why people keep ask me if I’m a freshman this year??? I’m a FreshWOMAN- not a freshMAN- Can’t people see I’m a woman?
Bethany talks so much about the day she gets married that I finally banned all wedding planning except for 1 hour on Wednesday afternoons. I told her we have to learn to live in the day the Lord has given us.
“I know you don’t want me to talk bout my future all the time, Mom. But I got to. That’s where all my fun is.”
Bethany downloaded and printed a picture of a miscellaneous sonogram off the internet. She brought the picture to me and declared,
“Look mom- I know you say I can’t have babies cause of down syndrome but “I AM gonna have a baby grow in my tummy after I’m married and I have the sonogram to prove it.”
“Mom, I’ve been thinking. When I grow up and get married, should I change my name to Jennifer or Michelle?”
“What?? Oh, no, Bethany. Your name always stays Bethany, you change your last name to your husbands last name.”
“Well, what’s that gonna be?”
“I don’t know yet, we don’t know who you’re going to get married to.”
“Well, then- I guess I just have to practice writing my name this way:
“Bethany ChangemyLastName”
But the kicker line came yesterday as we were doing our devotions together. The topic was Hope.
“Hope is more than a wish or a dream. It is expecting God to keep His promises because you know that you know that He will.
Then we read the verse that followed:
“So our hope is in the Lord- He is our help and our shield to protect us. We rejoice in Him and trust His holy name. Psalm 33:20-21 and That faith and that knowledge come from our hope for life forever. God promised that life to us before time began, and God does not lie.” Titus 1:2″
Isn’t that awesome Bethany? What God says – is 100% going to happen. We can trust Him and what He says because He cannot lie!!
I know that Mom. God can’t lie. He does what He says. But I know someone else who can’t lie-
What do you mean Bethie? We all have the ability to lie. Only God is truthful all the time.
No- Donkey can’t lie.Donkey from Shrek says, “I like big butts and I cannot lie.”
(for those of you who never saw the movie Shrek- Bethany’s quoting a song!)
OH.MY.GOSH. see what I mean?
Surprising Treasure: You know everything I’m going to say
before I start the first sentence. Psalm 139:6 the MSG
Hmmm- I wish I could see if God the Father is chuckling and shaking His head when He’s listening to our conversations.
What a precious gift you’ve given us, here, Cindy. Everything about your writing is sheer delight, connecting Bethy’s thoughts with our thoughts and with God’s thoughts which are beyond our comprehension. I just love it. I’m reminded of my mental picture upon reading Malachi 3:16 – “Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another; the LORD heeded and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the LORD and thought on his name.” In my mind’s eye, I was hearing the Lord as He told the angels to “Ssssh – they’re talking about me, and I want to hear it!” Won’t it be exciting to snuggle up to the Lord, one day, and listen while He reads to us from that book of remembrance? Then we will understand and see how He turned all that the enemy meant for evil into His own good purpose. Amen! I love you all to pieces, Cindy and Bethy! Thanks so much for this keepsake.
Thanks so much for taking time out of “life” to share our journey Edy! Of course, there’s times when Bethany’s “one track mind” make me wish I could be the conductor of her brain train and shut it down- but mostly- she lights up my world with humor and quirky insight. I do love seeing her connect the dots her way! Love the scripture you shared- that wonderful day of ALL THINGS NEW is coming! love ya!
You captured our Bethany! And I love ever word! Bethyisms!
She’s a hoot and a hollar- taking one day- one thought- one Bethyism at a time. 😉
Precious! I just about snorted coffee right out my nose! Thanks for the laugh, and God’s Word this morning.
Hugs from Texas♥
Smiles and hugs- I know- how does she come up with these things??? I just shake my head and laugh instead….