We recently celebrated our 36th anniversary! We had such a lovely time in Kansas City- 24 hours of much needed get away to just enjoy one another. Looking at our pictures- you would think we’re worry free- stress free- problem free…….
photo credit goes to Bethany Barclay 😉 thanks Bethie-
Not possible to have a perfect- stress free life.
There is no “stress free” – “problem free” life. No one is smiling all the time! We must fight the good fight; for God’s peace – for His presence- for His joy- in our lives.
[Tweet “Fight to live in God’s presence- it’s where you’ll find #joy and #strength.”]
Right now- there’s a situation that is literally tearing my heart apart-
I can’t share the details but this “problem” is literally making me heart sick. I’m close to tears, my stomach hurts, my prayers are pleadings- and begging- for God to do SOMETHING. Have you ever been there?
Last night, I fell into a deep sleep—-
During the night- my mind was still “working” the problem-
you know- where you can’t shut off your worry- your thoughts- your million mile an hour brain.
It didn’t come with flashes of lightening or rolls of thunder but 3 questions began to dominate my dreams.
How big do you think I AM?
How good do you think I AM?
How much LOVE do you think I AM?
[Tweet “God is #good. God is perfect #love. God is Sovereign. #truth #believe”]
I know the right answers.
God is bigger than ALL my problems, fears, worries, situations-
God is perfect good- no shadow of turning- working ALL THINGS together for our good.
God is perfect LOVE which never fails or gives up.
I may know it with my head but the truth hasn’t set me free – yet. (isn’t that such a hopeful word? 🙂 )
When I woke up, I realized I’m at a crossroads- again. Of necessity, crossroads call for decisions.
[Tweet “The King’s #Love is Sovereign Over #chaos and destruction. #Believe”]
I can keep on working the problem over and over and over in my head. I can beg and plead for God to do something- I can worry and fret and feel sick.
I can begin to set my heart and mind on God’s power- His goodness- and His perfect love. I can ask Him for a SUPERnatural (outside myself) revelation of who He is! Then I need to ask myself and decide- Just how big- how good and how loving my God is!!!!!
I can do nothing in this situation.
That’s part of my problem- I HATE being powerless.
But God delights when we realize our limitations. Great God and Mighty King loves to show Himself strong on our behalf!
But the truth is- God can-
and maybe more importantly- already IS doing something.
God will vindicate- protect- and ultimately have the final Word on everything. (It’s just so hard to wait and watch it play out- but that’s where trust and faith spring up as a well of living water.)
[Tweet “My God is bigger, better, wider, and deeper than any problem earth life gives me. #blessedAssurance”]
thank you to Gwen Smith for the photo
I love how God answers my question with a question of His own.
“I am the Sovereign God of all peoples- is anything too hard for me?”
As I question and seek the truth- wrestle my doubts and fight the good fight-
Faith arises yet again.
My heart shouts with joyful certainty- No! Nothing is too difficult for You!
Surprising Treasures: God IS Sovereignly working all things together for our good and His glory.
Learning to trust. Rejoicing that our God is greater… than anything!
learning- the state of becoming- the one it seems like I’m always in- 🙂
AMEN to every word! Praying with you and for you!!
thank you so much Serena- ah the journey- one day we’ll all meet and compare stories and glorify our great God who brought us through triumphantly! hugs and thanks for the prayers!