That was the headline I saw in a Christian magazine.
Can Someone with an Intellectual Disability know God and be Saved?
My answer:
DUH! If God has perfected His praise from the mouth of babies and nursing infants- then He certainly can reveal His love and goodness to anyone and everyone He created!
But hey, I’m prejudiced.
Let’s look at what God’s opinion- after all- it’s the only one that counts.
“How horrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You lock people out of the kingdom of heaven. You don’t enter it yourselves, and you don’t permit others to enter when they try.
[Tweet “God “wills all men to be #saved & come to the #knowledge of the #truth. I Tim. 2:4 “]
even the intellectually disabled?
(and let’s be honest- compared to God- we’re all intellectually disabled!)
If God’s Word says that God wills/desires that all come to the knowledge of salvation- that’s what it means.
God’s will is to save and seek that which was lost. period.
And Jesus made it crystal clear- those who are childlike in their thinking
are the poster children for the Kingdom of Heaven!
[Tweet “The Kingdom of #Heaven is personified by the #simple and #childlike in spirit~ #faith “]
And if that’s not enough- just look at Luke 10:21 when He was talking about the kingdom of God and who God is going to reveal it to!
At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.
[Tweet “Let the little #children come 2 Me-4 such is the #kingdom of #God. #Jesus”]
So today- for your joy and encouragement- I give you my interview with Bethany- about God and why she chose to get baptized.
Mom- “Hey Bethany, can I interview you about who God is?”
Bethany- “Sure Mom.”
Mom- Bethany, do you believe in God?
Bethany- “of course Mom!”
Mom- “Why?”
Bethany- “Because God is love. I know He loves me. I feel Him in my heart.”
Mom- What is God like- if you had to describe Him to someone- what would you tell them?”
Bethany- “Oh that’s easy. God is really good. And He is kind. He is Love…… and He’s very loveable. He’s Heavenly Father. Jesus is God but I love Holy Spirit a lot.”
Mom- Why do you love the Holy Spirit?
Bethany- “He lives inside me. He helps me. God loves to help.”
Mom- Why did you decide to get baptized?
Bethany- “I love baptized. Jesus got baptized. Baptized means I follow Jesus.”
Mom- How do we follow Jesus?
Bethany- “Jesus help me be good.”
Mom- “Wait- I gotta ask you? Does being good and getting baptized get you points with God? Is that why you’re His girl and you’re going to heaven?
Bethany started laughing “- no Mommy. You’re funny.”
Mom- “well- how do you know you’re God’s girl and that we’re going to live with Him forever?”
Bethany- “Well, He made me. He sent Jesus for me. Jesus died for me. He loves me. He helps me Mom. He helps everybody if they ask help.”
Mom- “Bethany, do you remember we talked about when you go down in the water it is like showing we are dying to our old ways that don’t please God- and when we come up out of the water- it is like we are showing we are alive to a new life in God?”
Bethany- ‘”Yes, Mom!”
Mom- I’m going to draw a cross in our notebook. On one side I want you to write things that need to “die” in our life- and on the other side- would you write the things that God will give us in our new life in Him?
Here’s Bethany’s list.
[Tweet “Whoever won’t receive the #kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” #Jesus “]
My apologies for being AWOL for awhile. What a lovely come-back post from you for me to relish! It’s funny how upside down some thinking is, questioning if we could be smart enough to know God, as if it is the head rather than the heart that makes any difference.
I’m so delighted at your Scriptural answers for such sad suggestions. Aren’t we glad and grateful that Jesus is the Lover of our souls, and it’s His job to win our hearts! Whoop-de-do! It’s a love story, after all!
Awww Edy! Big cyber hugs. 00000 Totally understand AWOL- life is full to the brim and overflowing!
I love how you said it’s upside down thinking! God’s kingdom thinking is upside down: serve if you want to be great- lose your life to find it- die to live- become childlike instead of growing up and being self reliant- worry only about today- not tomorrow 🙂
The saddest thing to me is there was 2 people who have tried to “enlighten” me that Bethany might not really understand of “know God”. (but I try to have compassion for them because they, themselves have no assurance of their blessed hope in Jesus)
I pray Bethany’s simple trust will help everyone see how SIMPLE God’s plan is to save the world- Jesus- is the answer- Love is the way- Follow the road home.
hugs and blessings- pray you’re all doing well and thanks 4 encouraging my heart this morning!
We’re enjoying the sunshine and the Sonshine with you, this morning, dear Cindy. I love that paradoxical list you posted (the Prayer of St. Francis comes to mind as well) that those with still veiled eyes have yet to comprehend. In my dad’s first parish, he had a young girl who couldn’t speak (I was a baby, so don’t know the reason). Her mother insisted her daughter wanted to be part of confirmation like the other youth, so Dad included her in all the classes where the rest of the students had memorization assignments from Scripture and Luther’s Catechism. On confirmation Sunday, Dad prepared questions for her that she could answer in the one word she could utter: “Jesus.” So, her desire to have her faith confirmed became reality. PTL!
I have goosebumps on top of goosebumps! How wonderful that your Dad had “eyes to see”- This is JOY.
I’ve never written about the opposite experience my sister had- her son, my nephew has William’s syndrome and his attention span is short. When he was young- their church asked them to take turns staying home with him- because he didn’t fit in and was too disruptive. I didn’t know whether to cry or be mad so I chose to do both.
Your family sounds like my kind of family- and look at the precious girl they raised- Edy!!!!! <3
🙂 All in the family – God’s family! Love and hugs, Sister!
This is precious! So beautiful!
Bethany’s faith is genuine. Profound, but not complex. She trusts when others struggle.