[Tweet “God is not a God of #chaos or disorder- He is #Peace!“]
I Cor. 14:33
I woke up at 4:00 this morning 🙂
My mind was wide awake and already churning out plans for the next 3 months.
I’m planning my Dad’s 90th Birthday Shebang, creating a memory slide show for it, planning Bethany’s IEP for high school and working on a transfer to a different school, meeting with a behavioral therapist for our foster daughter who has has a lot of “issues” right now, trying to make sure I keep taking time to exercise so I can continue on my fit and healthy journey, not to even mention the daily stuff that we all deal with!
I evaluate. Nothing can be cut out- everything is necessary.
I’m confused and a bit overwhelmed, wondering what to tackle first or how to bring some semblance of peace to this current crazy. I think, “This is just CHAOS, right now!”
God Speaks Peace into my Chaos
Then God stepped into my brain!! No- He really did!!!! I know it was His voice because I don’t have great clarity at 4:00 in the morning when I’m already ramping up to have a stress attack. 😉
In my mind- I saw the word CHAOS-
and then I watched the words rearrange and become an acronym.
C- Christ
H- Has
A- Authority
O- Over
S- Stress
WOW- I technically know that but seeing it made me KNOW that!
[Tweet “It’s God’s pleasure to speak #order into our #chaos- #peace #prayer #help”]
Remember the verse above? God is not a God of disorder or chaos- He is our Peace- our Shalom! He loves bringing things from disorder back into order.
Remember the story of Jesus in the boat with His disciples. He fell asleep (Now there’s a guy that knows life is in His Father’s hands) A storm came up- a big storm and the disciples were afraid and overwhelmed.
They even wondered why Jesus was asleep and why He wasn’t doing something about it. (Have you ever wondered if Jesus is asleep and why He isn’t doing something about your storm?)
They woke Him. They called His name! Jesus! Please- help us! We’re going down- we’re perishing here! A little help please!!!
And Jesus stood up and He just spoke to that storm!
Just like He spoke the world into being- just like He brought order from chaos at the beginning. Jesus spoke to that storm and said, “Peace- Be still. Stop the fury! Be in the state I created you to be.”
Then Jesus spoke to the disciples and asked, “Why were you afraid? Where is your faith in my provision and love?”
And the disciples marveled- “Who is this man who speaks to wind and waves with such authority?”
Somewhere between 4:00 and 4:15, Jesus commanded Peace and order back into my mind!
“Cindy- calm down- receive my peace. Don’t be afraid. Commit all things to me. I am your ever present help.”
My list looks the same BUT the difference is my Friend is calming my chaotic thoughts.
He’s bringing order and clarity and a knowing that He is my Help.
[Tweet “God is our #stormchaser- Trade your #storms for His #peace.”]
Stress– and STORMS- and every type of CHAOS life can produce!
Surprising Treasures: This is Amazing Grace- lyrics- Phil Wickham
Who breaks the power of sin and darkness
Whose love is mighty and so much stronger
The King of glory, the King above all Kings
Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder
Leaves us breathless in awe and wonder
The King of glory, the King above all Kings
This is amazing grace
This is unfailing love
That You would take my place
That You would bear my cross
You laid down Your life
That I would be set free
Jesus I sing for all that You’ve done for me
Who brings our chaos back into order
Who makes the orphan a son and daughter
The King of glory, the King of glory
Who rules the nations with truth and justice
Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance
The king of glory, the King above all Kings
Worthy is the lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
I feel like breaking down and crying. What a hard, hard week it’s been! I’ve begged for help in my prayers, begged for it. And help has come in small ways, but the massive problems remain. And I remain afraid. Thank you for this, Cindy. It speaks to my need.
I’ll be praying for/with you Serena! I need Him to speak over and over to my fears. When I was a child, I was fearful of the dark and dogs- my mom and dad said- “You don’t need to be afraid.” But fear isn’t reasonable- it doesn’t make sense- you can’t turn it off- We need deliverance from it. And our Jesus is so patient with us!!! He knows our weaknesses- our fears- and is in the “boat” with us. Sending you sister love and hugs- prayers that our great God will do what He knows is best and cover you with His wings of love.
Not all storms are winds, waves, lightenings and thunders. You are right Cindy. Often the most destructive are the storms in our souls. Jesus our comfort and shield… and our ever present storm closer!
When I think of all the storms He’s brought us through- I think we’ve even been shipwrecked multiple times! But God!!! He will not let us perish!!! <3
You did it again, my friend. You nailed it! Thank you~~beautiful Truth.
your words are so encouraging Julie- thank you. Blessings and hugs!