“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 NLT
[Tweet “Blessings come to those who #persevere in doing #good. #blessings”]
Jeff and I grew up in a small farming community. Harvest time was an especially exciting time of year as we watched the farmers bring the crops into town. When the last farmer was out of the field, our church would call for a special night of prayer and thanksgiving.
Autumn is God’s appointed “time” when we reap what we’ve sown.
sWe sow. HE BLESSES. We reap.
[Tweet “We may plant the seeds but #God alone gives the #harvest. #blessing #bounty”]
As the crops are being harvested and Thanksgiving is approaching, I’ve been contemplating how parents are the “farmers” of their family. There’s a long season of sowing and laboring in the field, but the harvest will surely come!
Most parents sow good seed into their lives. But parents of children with special needs??? Why, they’re sowers extraordinaire! They won’t quit sowing and working their field- even if they wonder if their hard work will ever have results! Sometimes we think our work will have no ending point. BUT for those who know God is a rewarder of those who seek and serve Him, we know our blessings are promised.
As I was writing this, God surprised me by showing me I focus too much on the tedious job of sowing- thinking that this process is all up to me somehow. Ha! No wonder I get so tired. I forget I have a Partner who never grows weary! The very Lord of the Harvest!
He said, “Cindy, instead of focusing on all your hard work- open your eyes. Start celebrating the bountiful harvest I’ve been giving you and the harvest blessings yet to come!
Do you remember when you worried Bethany wouldn’t walk? Well, she dances on a dance team doesn’t she?
Remember when you worried she wouldn’t talk or that people wouldn’t be able to understand her? Rejoice! Didn’t she just give a speech to her 8th grade class?
Remember when you worried that she might not be able to read or learn? Remember how much time you’ve invested? Rejoice! She not only reads but reads her Bible and hides My Word in her heart!
Remember when you worried she wouldn’t have any friends, except for family? Rejoice! Can you believe how many friends of all ages I’ve interwoven into her life?
Cindy! Don’t get tired- keep on sowing- but Rejoice! Open your eyes! Your harvest is plentiful and I want you to celebrate the amazing things I’ve done with all your little seeds!
[Tweet “God will #bless our #humble acts of #service and bring a #harvest we can’t fathom.”]
Dear, precious, parents. Let’s keep on doing good. You aren’t alone in your labor! We may sow but our Great God blesses and guarantees our harvest.
His promise- if we sow- He will bless- we will reap.
Dear ones. Let’s keep on doing good. We aren’t alone in our labors. We may sow but our Great God blesses and guarantees a harvest!
Today, tomorrow, and most assuredly in eternity!
Surprising Treasures: II Corinthians 9:6
The one who sows generously, will reap generously.
Such glorious encouragement — for all of us! Thank you, my friend.
Thank you Julie! God is so good to encourage us with a future hope and a present harvest. Blessings to you sweet friend!
Weeping my endure for a season, but joy comes in the morning… Not wanting to overstate the situation, but I am seeing many Christians becoming weary in well doing… in due season you will reap if you faint not… Sow seed… harvest will come.
Yes, we should keep going. The Lord will bless the work of our hands. 🙂