One of the first things I discovered to help Bethany succeed in learning was the skill of “rehearsing”. You know- repeating, reiterating, review, study, and doing a new skill or word over- and over- and over-;). Bethany might not get it the first or second, or even the third time- but with repetition and rehearsal of said skill- wallah! Success!
Now, I already knew that no one learns instantly. (My own experience and home schooling our other children had taught me this.) But I didn’t realize the increased amount of time AND repetition Bethany would need.
While she can memorize most Bible verses in just one day, it took weeks to memorize simple addition facts. It took a year to learn & identify our 50 states. Many times, Bethany would seem to know something only to give me a blank look the next day and say, “I don’t know.” sigh.
Rehearsal- We finally repeated it so often she got it past her short term memory and working memory into her long term memory- Hard Won Victory.
[Tweet “Don’t let #specialneeds #intimidate you- everyone can #learn and grow! #downsyndrome “]
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Bethany rehearsing her spelling words via microphone 🙂
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Jesus was fully human. (and fully God) When He took on human form, He surrendered His supernatural powers and became just like us. To grow, he had to learn by applying Himself to each task or skill.
And so do we. Step by step, word by word, action by action- May the Lord help us learn and grow in the knowledge and grace of His wonders and treasures.
MMMMuuuuuuaaaaaahhhh! That’s a super BIG KISS from us to you!
I wish we could be there to see Bethany in her Play!!!
MMMMMuuuuuuaaaaaah back! we wish we could have seen your kiddos in their many performances! Can hardly wait to see y’all when we come up to the Berg! hugs and blessings
We’re actually all in the same boat, aren’t we! We have to rehearse our spelling lessons, our Bible study lessons, our choir concert numbers, preparation in everything we want to do well. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that through patience and through comfort of the scriptures we might have hope. Now the God of patience and of comfort grant you to be of the same mind one with another according to Christ Jesus: that with one accord ye may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Romans 5:4-6
I love that linking of “patience” with “comfort” – Hallelujah! – to the glory of our Lord and Savior. I do so appreciate the life insights God gives you for us, Cindy! Big hugs!
Edy! How did you find that scripture verse in Romans!!!? It is perfect- through patience (wow- that’s insightful) and comfort- Big hugs back to you! How are you doing? <3
Excellent. Any educator of any student would be encouraged by this post.
Thanks babe. As a great educator yourself, I take that as a compliment!
We could all use this system in our lives especially in strengthening our faith. 🙂