Bethany especially loves babies.
And that’s an understatement.
Life is simple for Bethany.
Her mantra: If we love everyone, everything will be all right.
Bethany recently turned 15.
We’ve dreamed of God using her to become an advocate for down syndrome and for LIFE.
Because of prenatal testing, fear mongering, and prejudice, people like Bethany are a vanishing people.
It’s our prayer that her love- her life- will be a shining testimony to the world that choosing love- is the most awesome adventure of all! 🙂
Thus, began our quest last Saturday- the protest in front of “Planned” Parenthood. It was quite an experience standing for life with 800 others who shared our passion.
I wanted to share Bethany’s conversation about our first experience as a family at a pro-life rally.
[Tweet “Life- a #beautiful #choice.”]
Interview with Bethany about Babies and abortion.
“Bethany, Mommy and Daddy are going to go up to Kansas City this Saturday to a hold signs and protest abortion. We want to save babies. Do you want to go with us?”
“Oh, yes! I love babies!” Giddy with excitement, Beth starts jumping up and down. “Will we get to take some home with us?”
“Ummm, no. That’s not the purpose of the rally. We’re going to hold signs and stand with other people and pray for mama’s and their babies.”
She pouts- “But I want to get a baby.”
I take a deep breath.
“I haven’t wanted to tell you this Bethany, but you’re 15 and I think there is something you need to know about. I wish I didn’t have to explain it to you because it’s very sad. It’s a new word for you- it’s called abortion.”
“What is abortion, mommy? Why it make you sad?”
“Well, sometimes people find out they’re going to have a baby and they decide they don’t want it so they—”
Bethany burst in before I could finish, “That’s OK mommy. I love babies, I take them home with me.”
Tears fill my eyes as I think- “Oh, God, if it were just that simple.” I try again. I pull her close to sit by me. I need to hug her and protect her somehow.
“No. This is different. These mama’s don’t go to a hospital to have their babies. They go to place to get rid of the baby before it can be born.” (I notice I can’t say the word kill or abortion again- I’m floundering here.)
I wish I could describe the blank look in Bethany’s eyes, trying to process what I had just told her. No smiling. Just pondering.
Finally she asks, “What you mean- they get rid of the baby?”
“God! I don’t want to say this to her!” Somehow, it seems more horrific to describe abortion to her – the innocent- my “love everybody girl”. I take a deep breath. “The baby is killed before it can be born, Bethany.”
No! No! No! They need to have a home birth and push. I will take the babies and take good care of them. I love babies, Momma. Babies are good. Nobody kills babies!”
“That is why we’re going to Kansas City. Do you want to come and hold signs up so other people can see that babies are good and wonderful and life is a beautiful choice? We can pray and hope people change their minds. Some babies might be saved.”
“I’m going with you! But mama, maybe we can get some babies while we’re there?”
The Event
[Tweet “Life isn’t promised to be easy- but #Love finds a way. #GodsLove”]
I loved the signs we chose to hold. Ours said- “Defend Life” and “Choose Love- Choose Life”. I got chills as I read one sign a lady held- “I survived an abortion and I love my life.”
Then there was the sign that broke me. I hadn’t thought to prepare Bethany for the “graphic signs”. Yes, there was a sign that had a vivid, horrific picture; displaying cut up baby parts thrown into a trash can. Real. Yes. Disturbing. Yes. Honest. Yes. But I still cringed as I answered her incredulous question.
“Mommy!!!! Why is that baby all bloody and in the trash can, mommy? Can’t we get them out of the trash can before they get hurted!!!?”
Oh God! Isn’t that the question?
Can we get them out of the trash can before they get hurted?
[Tweet “#Rescue those being led away to death. #Life #Love Prov. 24:11”]
Oh, Cindy! Your precious Bethany has me weeping for all those who lack the understanding Bethany has. It is so difficult to endure the rhetoric, that denies the humanity of all the little ones, in spite of the graphic evidence. Just today I shared that same verse from Proverbs on such a battleground forum.
Your difficult conversation with Bethany needs to be shared; reminds me of another encounter a mother had with her little boy, whose first exposure to the issue was a photo. He remarked, “Who broke the baby?” Out of the mouths of babes, who tell the truth!
I sure do love you, dear sister, and that overflows to your family as well. Thank you!
It is so difficult to endure the rhetoric- I found myself stumbling and groping to find the “right” way to tell Bethany about injustice of all kinds. Some have asked me why in the world I thought I needed to expose her to it at all….
I guess I feel that she should be told about all sin and poverty of the soul- homelessness, hunger, abortion, divorce, slavery, prejudice, genocide- why should I keep her in a bubble of innocence?
Perhaps, she can be a light and part of the solution to some of these problems.
So many people want to just hide their heads in the sand from these atrocities- I want to hide from them too- but looking the other way won’t help and we’re called to help our fellow man and point them to God and the love He has to offer. There is darkness in this world, but we’ve seen a great light and we have to shine the glory of the Lord to overcome the darkness.
Love you Edy! Thanks for your ever flowing encouragement.
How is it that so many believers have forgotten Proverbs 24:11?
Bethany is slowing coming to understand what abortion is. I wish she didn’t have to “know,” but Cindy and I are certain there is a ministry, Kingdom opportunity for Bethany with this issue.
There are many “poverty’s” in this world that I/we want to ignore or at least wish they would go away on their own- But the reality is they darkness will not flee until light is shed. Homelessness, mental illness, abortion, abuse- We are given the ministry of reconciliation- the ministry of hope- the ministry of sharing the love and light of God to a dark and hurting world.
I love that mantra and I agree with it. Things get complicated and troubles happen when we let other things occupy our hearts; like hate, greed and envy. Love eradicates all evil.
Love wins! thanks for stopping by Lux! 🙂
I’m in tears . . . there is no sanctity for life anymore, whether born or alive and grown up. Sweet Bethy . . . if only . . .
Crying with you but hanging onto the hope of a better Kingdom coming- we will occupy ourselves with love and justice, truth and grace, until He steps down to reign- and of His kingdom there will be no end! Hallelujah! hugs Mid.