[Tweet “Jesus said, “If you want to be great in the kingdom of God, learn to be the servant of all.””]
Parents spend a ton of time, money, and effort raising their children. Multiply that time, money, and effort for a parent of a child with a disability.
But my effort will be incomplete if I don’t encourage Bethany to serve others. It will only be when she steps into her purpose of service- that she’ll find her true satisfaction. And there’s nothing more exciting or fulfilling than living for God and others– rather than self.
In fact- SELFishness- is probably the worst disability ever. No one is more miserable than one who lives only for themselves.
As a parent, I don’t want to cripple my kids and consign them to a life of narcissism.
Especially Bethany. The kids we want to protect the most are the ones we need to equip to find their place in this world.
Because of Bethany’s disability and needs- she needs more attention and encouragement and time than most kids.
Too much “hovering attention” produces SELF-centeredness and a “needy” personality.
[Tweet “”me first” + too much + easy life + not serving others=crippled kids #disability”]
And God’s word says our place – our fulfillment- our joy- where we find our greatest purpose is “Doing Good Works” and “Serving Others” while serving Him.”
[Tweet ” We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works- that we should walk in them. Eph. 2:20″]
Did you catch that??? We are created to do good works!
BUT Good Works and Serving Others doesn’t have to be grandiose. Small acts of service are the same in the Lord’s eyes. Just do what you’re created to do!
Here’s just a few ways Bethany is learning to serve and think of others first: Greeting people at church, helping Grandma, buying birthday gifts for others with her own money, first rate hug giver, peace maker, helping babysit and being a Mother’s helper, volunteering at the Crisis Pregnancy Center, volunteering at our church Day Camp, helping around the house without being asked, and learning to “see” the “hurts” and “needs” around her.
[Tweet “Serving others is simply bringing the fragrance of God’s love to every person we meet.#love”]
To listen and pray and give of our time and attention. That is what Jesus did. Can we follow in His footsteps?
Surprising Treasure: Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not to be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for many who are held hostage. Mark 10:42
beautiful post!
Thank you DeMishea! blessings to you!
so very, very true… thank you
I have no doubt that Bethany has found her service occupation in her love for babies. Someone once said, “If you find a job you’d do for nothing, you’ve found your life’s work.” [To which I’d add, it’s more like play than work!] 🙂 You and your family are terrific role models for her and I love you all to pieces!
Thanks Edy! I love watching Bethany find her place in God’s kingdom- she truly “looks” for someone to love and encourage. 🙂 Love you too!
Thanks for the reminder. I have a house full of kids, too, and balancing rights vs. ministering isn’t easy. Perhaps I’ll let them know that selfishness is a great disability as well as displeasing to Jesus.
That picture of Bethany holding a baby is precious. 🙂
Thanks Cheri! For your insight and taking the time to comment! I’m so glad you popped by- I’ll email you soon! Love your book! Sorry it’s taken me so long.
she’s a JOY spreader!! this post made me smile! ohhh if others would just catch on to this. It’s the little things for sure