When Bethany started riding a tandem bike with her Daddy, we had dreams that one day she would be able to ride a bike independently.
Years have passed and many attempts have been made. 🙂
Good thing I never read the stat below. LOL-
The vast majority of people with disabilities never have the experience of independently riding a conventional two-wheel bicycle during their lifetime. Research shows that over 80% of people with Autism and 90% of people with Down syndrome never experience this thrill.
I’m glad I didn’t know that stat- but now that I do- I LOVE DEFYING the odds and being part of the minority statistic!
We’ve been helping Bethany learn to ride a bike for years. Jeff and I have tried for years. Finley joined in her efforts. It was Finley’s insight that shattered the barrier that was holding Bethany back and Bethany launched into independent riding.
We had Blast Off!
[Tweet “God – not #statistics- have the final say in your life. #GodsLove #overcoming”]
Bethany can learn, will learn, and no stat is going to define her life. We’re shooting for the moon and maybe we’ll get a handful of stars in the process! 🙂
Can or can’t, do or don’t, succeed or fail- we can all try-Â Blast OFF!
Surprising Treasures: Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11
Hi Cindy,
I have enjoyed reading your blog before and wondered if you would please keep my sister in your family’s prayers? She may need to have back surgery this summer. Beautiful post today!
Thank you,
I couldn’t agree more. As Joel Osteen puts it, put faith over facts. 🙂
God, not statistics have the final say over your life! I love that! Let’s go ride bikes!
Way to go, Bethany! Now, I’m curious to know what Finley’s insight was that helped to turn the corner. (I remember discovering the water at the lake would actually hold me up, thanks to a coach that told us to just fall back and see what happens. Voila! Surprise! It works! Ha! Sort of similar to letting go and letting God.) <3
I’ll have to ask Finley and Bethany. All I know, after all of our “trying” to help, the girls took their bikes to the church parking lot. Finley came back and declared- Bethany is really good now! I helped her. and viola- 🙂 she was. We’re planning a bike trip on one of the bike trails soon! 🙂
This is so cool!
To many parents base what their kids can and cannot do because of statistics.
Hopefully this will encourage them to look beyond statics and look at their child.
much love
Thanks so much for stopping by Marie! Sometimes I just need to dream and ignore all the “information”. May God give our dreams wings.