If we, being imperfect and fallen,
flawed and broken,
dim of soul and spiritual eye
If we know in paltry part,
how to celebrate and worship
the Christ Child and His coming
How much more-
does Heaven adore
the Living Word, wrapped in flesh,
Stepping down to make His home with us?
Emmanuel- God is with us!
[Tweet “We are not #alone- #Emmanuel- God is with us- always. #CHRISTmas”]
The first Christmas, all of heaven watched, as the Glory of God became Son of Man.
All of heaven………
That would entail the company of angels
And seraphims and cherubim and creatures that cry Holy-
But not yet did that praise break the complete oppression of mankind.
For Christmas was a calculated advance on the kingdom of darkness
to set us free
we, who were captives under “Satan’s power”
He embedded Himself into our cursed domain to bring us home again.
God in the flesh- now appearing!
Can you imagine?
When I sing, the Christmas carol- O Come All Ye Faithful- I close my eyes and open my heart to see Heaven. I imagine I am coming before God’s presence-
[Tweet “The Everlasting #Father welcomes us into His #presence. #worship #adoration”]
Joyfully- (because He has chosen to set His love upon us)
Triumphantly (because He has redeemed us from the chains of sin)
O Come- Come away-
We must come away from our worries- our fears- our distress- our anguish and misery
Come away from our uncertainties and vexations
Come into- His glorious presence!
Let us adore Him!
Worship, bow down, fix our thoughts and hearts, praise, exalt exuberantly!
The second verse ignites within, a foretaste, a glimpse of glorious union
Sing choirs of Angels- sing in exultation-
Can you see the myriad angels, exalting and celebrating the King?
Unthinkable- joining in praise with angels!
Sing all ye citizens of heaven above-
More than angels dwell in heaven dwell there now!
Sons and Daughters of God are citizens of heaven now
For Christ has ransomed and paid for them with His own precious blood!
My daughter, my mother ……..your husband, your granddaughter, your sister, your child, your love……
We are never closer to our loved ones than when we enter into worship with all of heaven!
Can you hear them?
Their glorious cries of unfettered worship?
Can you see them?
Faces full of glory, set upon the Word of the Father, having appeared in the flesh,
Come once
And yet coming again to reign and rule?
[Tweet “O come- let us adore the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. #CHRISTmas #adore”]
Heaven and earth- united as one
Praising Christ the King of Kings!
Love it- Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing! Hope people take time to listen to the song at the end- such an exciting version- gets ya all “Christmas-Y”
Hugs Sarah- The Word that framed the heavens and earth! Taking on flesh and blood! Inconceivable!
How breathless one becomes when you paint such as beautiful picture with your words!!
His breath, breathes His glory on us all- His power holds together heaven and earth- His love is taking us all home! Love you Charlene!
Our Christmas devotion. All the Barclay children and grandchildren are gathered around a warm fire. Merry Christmas from Clan Barclay in Lawrence, KS! God bless us all, everyone!
I am overwhelmed by His love and grace- though we suffer and ache for an end to the unfairness of life- it will all be a distant memory compared to the wonders of His love that lay ahead of us! Guaranteed! Blessings!