Are you having a “Merry Christmas” or a Mary Christmas?
I’ve been thinking about that first Christmas and all that led up to beautiful, troubling, not so silent night.
Mary had only a promise from God that He was doing something supernatural in and through her.
Her circumstances told a different story.
Her fiancee’ thought about divorcing her, her family might have rejected her, the townspeople could have stoned her if Joseph had made the accusation of unfaithfulness. She left all that was beloved and familiar, riding a donkey- 9 months pregnant – for miles over rocky terrain, only to get to Bethlehem just in time to deliver the Son of God in a dirty stable. Uninvited visitors came and worshiped her baby boy, angel visitations told them to flee the country to escape death.
CHRISTmas is not a sentimental fiction or photo touched for our proper sensibilities.
[Tweet “CHRISTmas was God’s #LOVE #stepping into the #messiest parts of our world. #CHRISTmas “]
Every year I try to “romanticize” Christmas- you know-the Christmas card perfect “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” The truth is- our reality and circumstances end up telling a different story. 🙂
[Tweet “The reality of #CHRISTmas is God refused to give up on #humanity. #JOY2theWorld”]
The reality us we usually end up having a Mary Christmas. A Christmas full of treasures to be sure, but wrapped with chaos and ponderings about the messiness of life.
Christmas was not neat and tidy, romantic, or perfect. It was scary, troubling, disturbing, wondrous, angelic, and frightening. (didn’t the angels keep saying Fear Not?)
And Mary treasured and pondered.
[Tweet “Take #time this #CHRISTmas to #ponder and #treasure #life and God’s gifts!”]
19 But Mary was keeping [h]within herself all these things, weighing and pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19
That’s where I am this Christmas.
Our youngest son, Josh, is getting married this December 21st to a wonderful, young woman, Amanda. Yes! THIS December 21st. This part is easy to celebrate. Joy! God’s divine love sparking a fire of love in these two whose heart is to serve Him with their lives.
(Aren’t they precious? 🙂 )
And with the treasure, comes the pondering.
Another bedroom empty, another son finding his wings. An almost empty nest. This is part of my “pondering”.
Not only is Josh getting married, he recently started police academy. More pondering. I don’t have to tell you I need the Fear Not message of Christmas with our out of control world that resists lawful authority and seem to hate, or at the very least, mistrust policemen. This is especially true for a mother and new bride’s heart.
I ponder the creative juggling of timing and celebrating with six children 5 spouses to said children, 9 grandchildren with over half still needing naps in the afternoons, 2 kids with differing disabilities, and sharing the holidays and celebrations with others sides of families.
This is life.
We can’t let life stop us from celebrating and rejoicing! God has been, is, and always will be good to us. And that is a JOY better than any measure of “merriment”.
“What about you? Are you trying to have a “Merry Christmas” or a Mary Christmas?
Let’s not miss Christmas by wishing it could be “merry”. We don’t have to have a white Christmas or lots of presents or every thing perfect for the holidays. A Mary Christmas turned out to be the turning point in all of history. A promises fulfilled and begun. The beginning to the end.
[Tweet “This #life isn’t #perfect- but God’s #love fills every heart that receives Him. #CHRISTmas”]
Treasure and ponder the wonders of His love. His joy to this broken world. His amazing grace to ungrateful people. His promise of Fear Not- He is with us~ all part of a very Mary Christmas.
Surprising Treasures: Remembering Mary- who had the most memorable Christmas of all- because she was willing to be used of God and filled with His glory.
19 But Mary was keeping [h]within herself all these things, weighing and pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19
I have been doing some pondering myself… after Christmas this year, the flow of our household is going to be more than a little different. I heard someone say that the scriptures give us a enough information for us to live with hope, but not so many details that we don’t have to live by faith. Yup!
Love that quote! I am full of hope- He is for us and has plans for us!
What a neat perspective, Cindy! I love the ponderings of treasures and the revelations the Lord gives to deepen our understanding as we walk with Jesus through this often vale of tears. Thank you!
I think you’re a fellow “ponderer” Edy. Everything I read and our chats show me how much you store up and ponder the treasures of the Lord. Hugs and blessings and many Christmas blessings to you and yours!
Likewise, my dear! Merry Christmas to all of you.
Sometimes Gods will is hard and scary. Sometimes it brings tears but all the time it is perfect.
It’s hard to keep and ponder Gods promises in our hearts but that is were our focus needs to be when the questions, fear and concerns creep in.
We gained a wonderful daughter in love this year too. This Christmas will be like none I’ve ever had but I’m looking at it as the beginning of many wonderful Christmas’s to remember.
love and prayers for you during this time!
Thanks for stopping by Marie! Thanks even more for the love and prayers! Our gain- I need to remember that is to be my focus. We are gaining so much! and you can’t really “lose” someone- our relationships just change and transform. hugs and blessings to you and yours!
Have a Merry (Mary) Christmas, sweet Cindy! God bless you and your sweet family!
Thanks Lisa! And may the Lord flood you and your family with the wonders of His love. <3 Merry/Mary Christmas