The Holidays are upon us and I have a secret I’d love to share. 🙂
 I’m turning my holiday celebration into Holyday Rejoicing!
[Tweet “Turn your #holiday into #holydays- #rejoice #CHRISTmas #JOY”]
We lost something precious when our word “holy days” became diluted to “holiday”! It has become effectually assimilated into our culture as a word that now represents a time of feasting, food, football, fabulous favors, and a flurry of festivities.
I really want to feel energized and rejuvenated by hope and joy this CHRISTmas. And I really don’t want to have the “bummer blue blahs” the days after Christmas when the consequences of holidaying instead of holydaying come to haunt me.
[Tweet “Holiness became #humble, #Majesty became a man, #Peace was born to us. #CHRISTmas”]
The secret is simple, really. Holy means to set apart from the ordinary; blessed, consecrated, sacred, divine- that which has its blessedness directly from God or is connected with Him!!!!
Here’s five simple tips I’m doing to refocus the holidays to Holydays!
1) When I wake up, I ‘m going to try to see each day as a gift from my Heavenly Father; just ready and waiting for me to tear off the paper and enjoy what He’s given me for the day! I’m going to ask Him to open my eyes to see each person as a “treasure from Him.”
I’m not going to live tomorrow today.
2) I choose to become a child again. “Wonder- joy- giddy excitement- love- simple belief- unwavering faith-” these are the good things from the world of children!  God has abundantly filled my life with children, grandchildren- I’m going to celebrate with them – and not let the busyness of the season steal the wonder and mystery of CHRISTmas.
3) I’m already flooding my life with music! I’m meditating on the words….”pleased with men as man to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel”, “Joy to the World, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King! Let every heart, prepare Him room”, “Long lay the world- in sin and error pining, TIL HE APPEARED and the soul felt its worth!” “Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above! Glory to God In the highest: Oh, come, let us adore him,”
I really can’t get enough of CHRISTmas music! 🙂
4) I’m setting aside extra time to mediate on Him! (yes! extra time = extra blessings) If I want my HOLYDAYS to be different from my normal days, I have to put more into them! I love reading the CHRISTmas story in The Message or something I’m unused to- but I especially love reading The Jesus Story Book Bible to our grandchildren!
[Tweet “To #experience #CHRIST- make each day a #holy adventure. #childlike #faith #CHRISTmas”]
5) The most important tip of all…. I can’t let the holidays happen to me. I have to take the proverbial reindeer by the antlers and move them to the background while I give Jesus the spotlight. I have to make the HOLYDAYS happen!
These are some of the things I’m doing to have a “take off your shoes- I’m walking on Holy Ground moment” this Christmas-
What would help you move from holiday- to HOLYdays?
Surprising Treasures:Â The beauty of holiness is found in the simplicity of worship.
How Many Kings- by Down Here
Cindy, thank you, not only for the reminder, but the how-to, to keep this special time of the year Holy and unto Him. THe truest meaning of the Christmas season. Wonderful article!
Thanks Rita! It’s so easy to get derailed in our pursuit of a Merry Christmas! There are so many ways we can focus & pursue Him but the secret- I can’tover think it- I just have to do it!” hugs sweet friend!
I agree. There is nothing like approaching the holidays as a holy time. Every day, each moment is holy, but something very important begins to be refreshed and worked in me during this season, beginning wth Thanksgiving through New Years. A renewed desire for the things of God- renewing the “old” things and discovering the new things.
Yep! Yep! “a renewed desire for the things of God” From glory to glory to glory to glory……
Thank you, Cindy! And I’m sharing!
hugs Cecilia- isn’t it funny how things get “clearer” as we get a “little” older- I see what’s truly important now- so much easier than when I was a frantic mom trying to make all the wonderful memories associated with Christmas! He is EVERYTHING good and true and joyful!
Thank you Cindy for encouraging me to try to do more than get through the holidays. To try and concentrate on what really matters. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Awww Sheryl- hugs- each day is such a gift & so precious- I think, if satan can’t get us to follow him, he, at the very least, is on a mission to rob our life of joy and purposeful focus on the One who died to set us free! blessings and Joy
Cindy So inspirational! Giving us all food for thought!
Thank you so much Catherine! I love, love, love CHRISTmas but I need to be very intentional because of all the busyness- God coming down as a baby! What a wonderful mystery! hugs and blessings
Great message Cindy! Pastor Thomas said something like this last Sunday when he said we needed to take “Joy vacations” during the day to renew our strength. Of course, we must remain in His presence because “In His presence is fullness of joy.” Merry Christmas to the Barclays from the Burkheads.