[Tweet “”You are the #light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. “]
[Tweet “And the darkness cannot overcome the Light. #shine #Glory”]
After searching five different stores, I was still unsuccessful finding a large outdoor star to shine over our Nativity scene. I finally began asking. “Don’t you have any stars?
One man pointed to a snowflake and said, “right there.”
Hmmm? how in the world did he think a snowflake looked like a star- I muttered.
“Mommy- why can’t we find a Star for Jesus?” troubled, yet trusting hazel eyes begged an answer.
Hugging Beth close, I muttered, “I’m not sure Bethie Boo.”
(snowflakes, reindeer, santas, trees, and sleighs- but not a star or nativity in sight)
“But Mommy, we need a star for Jesus.”
An inspired idea winged its way into my heart ♥
“Bethie- maybe we’ll have to be Jesus’ star this year and shine our light really bright.”
[Tweet “God has lit our souls with His #fire so we can #shine His #love to show the way #home.”]
How will people know the difference between a star and a snowflake- unless we show them?
Swallowing my frustration at the absolute lack of any Christian Christmas symbols, biting back my sarcastic remark, I put on my most twinkling smile and said with true Christmas cheer and goodwill:
“That’s too bad you don’t have what we want. I really need a star instead of a snowflake. That’s what pointed the way to Jesus in Bethlehem, you know.”
(pic of Sarah, Moriah, and Bethany gather around our small nativity last Christmas)
As I held Bethany’s hand, we returned to the car empty-handed, but our hearts full of the LIGHT. The LIGHT can never be vanquished, darkness cannot overcome it’s presence. FEAR NOT was the message of the first Christmas and His light still shines the way in a dark and dreary world.
John 1:5,6 says: The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and his life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.
[Tweet “Jesus is the #light of the world. The darkness can never overcome Him! #glory #CHRISTmasLight”]
Tell Bethany that God can use His chosen to shed the “Light” and she will have to be the one star this year.
So tell her that even though we are miles apart, …..I will think of her every time I see a star on a Christmas tree
thanks Charlene- I’ll tell her- He is our light- what a joy to shine ours for Him.
love your “avatar”Charlene! good to see your smiling face- hugs-
thanks Cindy…It was taken by Wendy outside at Applebees a year ago
“You are the light of the world… Let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and give glory to God, (Matthew 4:5:14-16) My prayer- “Lord, if there is anything in me that tarnishes my reflection of you please help me give it up.”
Arise shine for your light has come- the glory of the Lord is RISEN on you! Sweet husband- you shine Jesus brightly. 🙂
Thanks for being that much needed light! One of those times we need to stand and speak the truth.
You’re a beacon of light too Sarah- If we would realize how powerful His light is, maybe we’d shine it in people’s lives more often 🙂
That was exactly what I needed to read today, Mrs. Barclay.
I’m glad Becky- and it’s Cindy- 🙂 Mrs. Barclay sounds so old to me lol