Nothing is impossible with God!
IF God is God – why do people struggle with a virgin birth, angelic visitors, a star guiding wise men?
If God is God- then everything is possible.
God- King of all Kings, Creator, Savior, Redeemer- stepped into an impossible situation-
His creation chose to break the rule. Mankind is broken, sin-laden, hopeless, rebellious and sin-laden, unable to restore themselves back to God. So our Great God planned to make All things GLORIOUS again- through his overcoming power!
[Tweet “The #Glorious #Impossible is a person and a #promise- #Jesus #CHRISTmas”]
The core message of Christmas is-
Fear Not.
I’ve had years of practice living under the bondage of fear! I believe most of us are terrorized by fear.
Fear of losing another child, fear of failure, fear of not measuring up, fear of not really being “saved”, fear of dying young while my children were still little, fear of getting cancer, fear of people’s opinions, etc. etc. etc. I knew what the Bible said about living in fear but it seemed impossible to live above fear’s grip on this side of heaven.
[Tweet “Chains of #fear He will break- all #oppresion will #cease. #CHRISTmas #Savior #FEARnot”]
Life is a journey, and I’m sure God is working constantly in our lives! 🙂 I
I can pinpoint a time about 7 years ago, that it felt like God literally flipped a switch, a light went on and I SAW fear for what it was- a desperate tool used by the enemy of my soul to put a WEDGE between my Heavenly Father and I. I heard my Father say, “FEAR NOT” and my heart breathed a sigh of relief and fully agreed. Of course, fear still comes knocking but I try not to answer the door. 😉
John 4:16-We know how much God loves us and we have put our trust in his love.
God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. 17And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. ch love has no fear, becaue perfect love expels all fear.
If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
We love Him because he loved us first. I John 4:16-18
[Tweet “There is no #fear in the #perfect #love of God. #CHRISTmas #WondersOfHisLove”]
God is for us! He is the Glorious Impossible!HE I
Surprising Treasure- Fear Not! Our impossibles are more than possible in the hand of God! (if you want your socks blessed off :)- take 3 minutes and watch the song, especially if you’ve never heard it- it’s one of my favorite Christmas songs.)
Cindy..this is wonderful. It really encouraged me. Thank you for sharing it..and the clip of the song.
you bet Amy- love you and hope you enjoy watching Its a Wonderful Life!
It’s funny how whenever I find myself angry, exhausted, or just all-around “overwhelmed”; it always boils down to some sort of fear setting in. I have to pick it apart to face the fear part of those icky emotions before they take over- those feelings steal joy, mental/physical energy and time! Perfect love seems to be an answer to even more than sending away little monsters under the bed! Thanks for the reminder that we have nothing to fear!
So true Sarah! I spent years ignoring or sending away those little fear boogers…Shining the light and picking our emotions apart isn’t easy but so liberating in the end. Love you sweet daughter- I think you’re an awesome woman of God! hugs
Cindy…You never fail to touch me in some way and I am so thankful you have so many treasures to share. I always need what you have to say. And Sarah is an amazing woman of God who had wonderful examples of a “stick to it through all things that Satan throws at us” You are an amazing mother Cindy and you have wonderful children.
I’m glad Charlene- His word is such an encouragement and I want to “reach out and touch everybody” with His message of love, grace, and surprising treasures!
Cindy, when I pray, I tell God I know I’m not supposed to model myself after others. I’m supposed to want to be like Him. But, then I ask him to please make me more like Cindy Barclay (because I know she tries to be like Him).
aww Kelly- you’re so silly girl 🙂 I love ya- I used to “try” so hard to be like Him-(I think it’s gone from trying to falling head over heels in love with loving Him because He has kept my mind from going bonkers and filled me with His joy when I was totally on empty! I guess I’m older now and see I have to be very intentional and make room in my life for Him- and fill up with His thoughts and promises- drink from His wells of salvation- those concepts sounded like “things to do” 20 years ago but He is internalizing them into my heart! Hugs to you girlfriend!
This is awesome. Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such an eloquent manner.
Thanks Kris! Living in fear is such a terrible thing- 🙁 I’m so grateful He understands and doesn’t want to leave us in that place but take us to a better place of faith and love. Blessings!
Thanks for sharing. Your words really encouraged me. As a parent, I find myself worrying about something or the other, and it all comes down to fear. I try to remind myself to not worry about tomorrow because today has its own challenges! Thank you for reminding me to quash my fears!! :). I enjoy each and every one if your blogs! You are a gifted writer! Take care ~
Oh Anne- I just want to give you a big hug! As a parent- there are a million little fears always scuttling around waiting to pounce on our hearts and minds because we love our kids so much and want to protect them! It wasn’t until we were going through something very difficult with one of our children (as a teenager) – I was in agony about what “might” happen and how everything was out of “control”. As I prayed, (more like worried outloud 🙂 ) God showed me HE LOVED MY CHILDREN INFINITELY MORE THAN I DID AND HE WAS IN CONTROL TO BRING ABOUT A GOOD END. WOW! To this day, that truth anchors me when I start getting afraid for my kids or grandchildren.
I read your posts and think, this is the best one, yet. And, you keep on doing it! Obviously, the Lord has led you through dark valleys and out again to green pastures, blessing you with insights learned no other way. I, too, recall that sensation of having a switch flipped in which (after years of striving) His Spirit bore witness with my spirit that I am a child of God. Oh, the joy of His assurance that He is faithful who promised! I am relishing your series of posts emphasizing the “fear not!” scripture readings. Thank you, my dear sister!
Sweet Edy- your comment made me think of that scripture- He has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light! Oh that we could shine like lighthouses or beacons, bearing witness there is LIGHT in this dreary world. I can’t begin to tell you what a light you are to me. 🙂
🙂 <3
Hmmm. You and I must have the same “writer.”
My sermon on Sunday is “No Fears,”
Good synonyms for the Greek word translated as “perfect” are the words whole or complete. I need God’s whole love!
By the way sweetheart- I love you completely!
Isn’t that cool? I mean, that God is teaching us the same things? I need God’s whole love too! I hate living in fear and worry. Love you husband. (I hope that’s not too mushy for everyone to see 🙂 )
Great post! So much is out of our control, and most of the stuff that we fear the most are things that we wouldn’t be able to change even if we tried. Fear is such a waste of time!
I agree that fear wastes our time and our emotions too! But it can be helpful- I see FEAR as a red flag- a head’s up- a chance to examine what’s really going on inside. For years I tried to “shut down” fear by ignoring it or stuffing it or “reasoning” it away. If I really want to be FREE from fear- I need to move in closer to God, His love, and His promises.
I absolutely love your blog!! It’s so encouraging and it is always what I need to hear to help get me through the day. Thank you for letting God use you in a way that touches my heart.
Grace- I absolutely love you! thanks for your encouragement 🙂
Thank you for this journey, Cindy. I’m looking forward to seeing where the Lord takes both of us in the days ahead. As I read the list of things that produced fear in your life, in one way or another I could say to myself ‘me, too’. And after this past year, there is a whole new list to add. Wallowing around in that emotional upheaval is stressful and exhausting. I’m ready to throw off the cloak of fear and savor the love He lavishes on me. The things we fear are of this world, not of God. Words of a song by Helen Lemmel come to mind: Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.
Debby- I’m moved to tears as I read your response- we are fellow sojourners! I love what you say- “I’m ready to throw off the cloak of fear and savor the love He lavishes on me!” Many times, I’ve wished “spiritual” things were visible- if we could see that cloak of fear- we’d know to throw it off as quick as we could- if we could “see” that “garment of praise” or His “glory” or His “presence” in a tangible way- I’d like to think we’d run to it. Then I remind myself how the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness and saw a visible manifestation of God every day, either a cloud or a pillar of fire; and to some, it did not make a difference. I think your solution is right- we have to intentionally turn our eyes upon Jesus- take action- direct our eyes- set our heart and desires on Him- meditate on His goodness- THEN things will grow dim and lose their power in the light of His glory and grace! Glad to have you on this journey! Hugs
How absolutely amazing…It is easy to explain why you shouldn’t be afraid of the dark, why the scary looking movie boxes cannot hurt you and that the violent games you see as commercials are not real. But fear, worry, anxiety and despair creep in and make their bed on our hearts anyway. They try to distract us from the truth, and what is real; that the light of the world can shine through any darkness and overcome any fear. Thank you Jesus for being the big light switch that says “FEAR NOT!” and then showing us the peace that is found only in your perfect and permanent love. And thank you Cindy for being so open and candid with your “stuff”
Keith! I think you could be a guest blogger! Well said. “fear, worry, anxiety and despair creep in and make their bed on our hearts anyway. They try to distract us from the truth, and what is real!” WOW- that is profound. Wouldn’t it be cool if there was an App that could shine light on our fears- oh wait- we have Someone better than an app! LOL Thanks for sharing. blessings!