I found this great quote above by Melody Beattie on Pinterest!
[Tweet “Want a #happy life? Practice #gratefulness!”]
“Mo-om!” (try to envision our sweet Bethany with a mopey, pathetic, whiny voice striving to bring sympathy to her plight 😉 )
“Do I HAVE to go to school tomorrow????” sigh
“No, Bethany. You GET to go to school tomorrow! 🙂 Do you know how many children would love to get to go to school and learn? You’re so blessed. What a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow!”
“GET TO” vs. “HAVE TO” has become my personal goal and my mother mantra for the last few years. I not only want to teach this attitude, but I want to model it!
[Tweet “We are #blessed with unbelievable choices and opportunities! #thankfulness”]
Do I have to go to church? NO! It’s not a requirement or obligation! I GET to go to church and worship God!
Do I have to clean my house? NO! I GET to take care of the home God’s blessed us with and create a homey sanctuary!
Do I have to work? NO! I GET to work and provide honest gain for myself and my family.
Do I have to be nice to that person? NO! I GET to put on God’s love and show His grace to the booger person – who needs it most.
Do I have to read my Bible? NO! I GET to read God’s Words of Truth and let my life be transformed!
Do I have to pray to be a good Christian? NO! I GET to talk to God of the Universe. He listens to my prayers and works all things together for my good. Then He offers to exchange my worries for His peace.
Do I have to obey God- my parents? my teachers? NO! I GET to choose obedience over disobedience. Obedience to God’s ways bring joy and peace- disobedience to God’s ways bring sorrow and consequences for poor choices.
It’s just a small mental adjustment but a humongous outlook changer.
It’s short-sighted and ungrateful to have a “Have To” attitude.
It’s an attitude of Gratitude to realize we “Get To” choose to do the right thing- the best thing- the most productive thing!
I can’t count how many times I repeat and rephrase the have to vs. get to. DAILY. But it’s paying off, because just the other day, Bethany caught herself.
She started, “Mo-om. Do I have to——– silence. She looked at me and smiled. Mommy! Do I GET to go to school tomorrow?”
“YES, Bethany! Isn’t that awesome?”
“Yes, come some kids don’t get to-right?”
[Tweet “Gratitude unlocks the #fullness of #life! #gratitude”]
Surprising Treasure:Â I Thessalonians 5:18Â New King James Version
18Â in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
The Message says it this way-
16-18Â Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.
WONDERFUL, Cindy!!! This is one that will stick with me, I promise. AND one for the “as-long-as-this-earthly-life-goes-on” archives. Thank you!
Thanks so much for stopping by Serena! Praying the Lord infuses you with JOY and His perspective. That’s what I want and need so very badly! He is good and He’s working good in our lives! hugs and blessings sweet sister in Christ. I’m blessed we GET to know each other. 🙂
I think gratitude should be added to the list of essential spiritual disciplines–Joining the same list with Bible Study, Serving, Prayer, Meditation, Disciple-making and Worship. With an attitude of gratitude it is easy to maintain consistency in the spiritual disciples. It is a circular relationship, as most of us know- gratitude requires a disciplined heart and mind.
Amen- plus gratitude frees us from the tyranny of self absorption and self pity! Gratitude puts our eyes on God and His grace! Give thanks always- for this is the will of God!
Awesome reminder, Cindy! Your examples hit me right where it was needed! Showing my lack of knowledge of psychology, I am led to believe that that inner child will always be with us, and will always have a purpose–if only to keep us humble and in touch with others. 🙂
Thank you for your sharing, as always.
Thanks Cecilia! I think you’re 100% right! Ever since God brought Bethany into our life, I see myself less of of a grownup and more of God’s child- needing Him in every area of my life. You’re right- humbling and in touch with others! So good to hear from you- hope everything is going great for you and your family! hugs and blessings!
“18 in everything give thanks; for THIS is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I’ve pondered this verse and asked the Lord, “To what does ‘this’ refer? the everything? or the giving thanks?” I have to conclude it refers to both! If we practice giving thanks even when the everything is unimaginable, I see Jesus instead of the circumstances. What a comfort that is! Thank you, dear Cindy, for this attitude adjustment. 🙂
Sweet Edy! How I would love to experience Bible Studies with you! We could explore His treasures and encourage one another with His manifold truths! A day with you- in His Word- oh my! Thanks for sharing that- I’ve never looked at it quite that way. “If we practice giving thanks even when the everything is unimaginable- I see Jesus- and that is our peace and joy in every circumstance! hugs and blessings. I love you all to pieces!
What a day that will be – digging into the deep, deep mine of God’s Word for rich jewels, together! Who knows, there aren’t any oceans between us and the LORD is always full of surprises! 😉 I love you and your bumpity heart right back, precious girl.
I love your philosophy! Learning to “re-language” our words can be powerful and life-changing. We have so many opportunities and should greet each day as a privilege to live, love and serve God. We don’t have to, but we “get it” live here and support others, pray for them and encourage them to keep striving. Thanks for this wonderful reminder.
Thanks for the comment, Kath and for dropping by! It reminds me of the scripture- the power of life and death is in the tongue. Words can bring life or destroy- inspire or discourage! I love what you said- “we should greet each day as a privilege to live, love, and serve God!” PRIVILEGE- GIFT – great perspectives to live by.
Thanks so much Kathy- re-language- reform and re educate our thinking! My prayer- transform my thinking so I can live in You!
I read Melodie Beattie daily–love her writing!! And this is such a precious post. I’ll never forget my grandmother telling me how important it is to have an “attitude of gratitude.”
That kind of thinking changes us…big time!
Thanks, Cindy.
I’ve just discovered Melodie Beattie! I love her! When I think of my grandparents and aunts and uncles and parents- I realize they have instilled that attitude of gratitude, first of all by modeling it, but second of all by holding me to that standard. As I grow older- it’s my prayer that I increase in thankfulness and NEVER become one of “those complaining, bitter, unthankful, negative” people that drains all joy from those around them. There is Always- always- always something to be thankful for! hugs Julie! Thanks for popping by!
I love this! So many times we forget that we “get to” and grumble that we “have to”.
Thanks you for this wonderful reminder and maybe I’ll catch myself when I get all kinds of whiny about having to….
I can’t imagine you whining, Marie! You are one the most encouraging people I know! But I know I love this “little game” I play with myself and the kids- We are so blessed and need to see all the things we “GET” to do! hugs and blessings- hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🙂
This is good, really good. I so needed to hear this. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Theresa! So great to hear from you! How are you doing? Blessings to you and praying the Lord surrounds you with His joy and grace! hugs!
Cindy you already know how I feel about your blogs! Marvellous insights, God Bless