Life isn’t ALL treasure-
Most of the time it’s hard and messy.
A few months ago, we received a SURPRISING phone call. Jeff’s brother, Steve and his wife Allison, and son, Justin, got transferred and they’re moving to our neck of the woods after 20 years of living on the East Coast! They flew in Saturday to begin looking for homes and a school. Reuniting Family- Treasure! A reason to celebrate- Amazing God blesses our socks off again! 🙂
But there’s a reason it’s called a “Surprise”.
We call them SURPRISES simply because they’re startling, unique, unusual- a departure from the days and years when our socks aren’t blown off with blessings. Every day sift and pan through the dirt of life- and once in a a while– we find surprising treasure.
Jeff’s brother, Steve. was sharing with me last night, that he has a friend in New York that has a child with special needs. He shared my blog with her and she read it a few times. But in the end, she was discouraged by my blog. 🙁 She didn’t think she could do what I do. In fact, she thinks I spend all my time working with Bethany!
Maybe, I know how she feels. Sometimes I compare my life to someone who looks like they have it all together- ie Michelle Duggar – mother of 19 and Counting-
[Tweet “#Comparing our lives to others breeds #trouble. #BeContent #Thankful”]
Just to set the record straight—- 🙂 My life is messy- mundane- monotonous and murky. It is NOT 24/7 Glorious.
We have six children,
5 spouses of said children,
9 grandchildren and growing…..
Jeff’s mom, my dad,
and now a foster young adult with special needs
that contribute to the crazy dynamics of our family.
Oh, add to that I’m a wife of a pastor who feels she never does enough for her church family. I struggle with not exercising, stress eating, wanting to escape from life’s realities by reading, blogging or playing silly games on my phone.
But you don’t really want to read about that and I certainly don’t want to focus on my missteps, mistakes, and mayhem!
What I LOVE to share are the nuggets of treasure along the way that have helped me through the hard times.
[Tweet ” God surprisingly graces us with glorious #treasure to help us #overcome life’s messiness.”].
That’s what we all need to hear-
over and over and over again- until it sinks into our hearts!
The name for my blog “God’s Surprising Treasure came from an idea that treasure in life is hidden in the dark places of life!
I want to share those Eureka moments when God reveals the shiny nugget of treasure in my otherwise monotonous life. Some days I’m too tired to prospect! Some days I’m just sifting through the dirt and sand of life looking for what God has promised.
And then there’s the days where I find a nugget- a SURPRISE- a departure from the mundane. Even as I share them with you, I’m chronicling the treasure of God for myself. I actually go back and read some of my posts to encourage myself that God is moving us forward with our family, my faith, and Bethany’s journey with down syndrome.
Everybody’s life is messy- and hard- and challenging. The grass isn’t greener anywhere- only in our imaginations and misunderstandings of life. I’m not going to blog about the 90% of my life that would bore you or scare you!
Never forget: Life isn’t all treasure- but God is ALL treasure.
[Tweet “God’s unstoppable, unfailing, unending #love is the most amazing #treasure of all”]
Surprising Treasures: Luke 11:9
9 “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
Oh, my, Cindy! You have given us some keepsake quotables, here. I had to chuckle over sifting through the dirt of life. That’s about the size of it, alright! Over the years I’ve learned to call my surprising treasures “glimpses of God’s glory,” that he gives us just when we need it for encouragement. Without those delightful “interruptions,” to the “daily grind,” we might be tempted to agree with the classic definition of life as “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Thank the Lord that knowing He is our Good Shepherd we can appreciate the significance each day, though drab and mundane, actually is in His sight.
Edy- I absolutely love you! It has helped me so much to chronicle the surprising treasure- the more I write and contemplate- the more I see! Life can just suck it out of you sometimes. I agree 1000%- He is the Good Shepherd- guiding us through the trials to the treasure! hugs
Oh no, the truth is out… Cindy is not perfect… None the Barclays are… Particularly her hubby.
But two things are certain Clan Barclay celebrate and enjoy one other and we make proclaiming the relationship we have with Jesus the keynote of every celebration!
OH, I LOVE this one! Full of so much truth and humor! I laughed several times as I thought about various women who’ve come to me and thought I had it all together. Yes, life is messy . . . and mundane . . . and full of surprising treasures. 🙂
Good Morning Carrie! Life is so much more “fun” when we’re not thinking it has to be “perfect”. So glad I’ve met you Carrie- you’re a bit of sunshine and new found treasure in my life! hugs
I love this in particular —> “I struggle with not exercising, stress eating, wanting to escape from life’s realities by reading, blogging or playing silly games on my phone.”
I’m with you! life is messy for all of us and we make it through each day the best we can, giving God all of the Glory!
thanks for the smile, the giggle and the love that is clearly felt for those who feel that their life is too messy.
one of my top rules – don’t compare. just don’t. it’s a lie of satan to steal our joy and hide the blessings God pours out.
much love!
Love your top rule!!! Comparison is a thief that steals our joy! One great thing about not being able to “do it all” or “be perfect” is realizing how much we need God in our lives! Everything else pales as we look as His grace and treasure! hugs Marie and thanks for stopping by!