Discovering our Bundles of Joy
Our granddaughter Finley (8), recently blew us away with her insight. While holding her brand new little sister, Cadence Joy, for the 1st time she said,
“Awwww- look at you- you’re a bundle of joy, wrapped up in the shape of a person.”
Sarah (our daughter), her husband Keith, children Mari, Sophie, Finley, Cohen and now Cadence 🙂
And here’s the other “bundle of joy” our family just received another precious bundle- Lydia Jean– born July 10th this year. Our son, Micah, his wife, Adrienne- sister Mataya
Welcoming children into our family pure joy. When you’re a new parent, you focus on the miracle before you. You don’t begrudge the late nights, the crying, the topsey turvey to your used to be normal life. Because the JOY outweighs the inconvenience.
“When” and “why” does the wonderment of “people” cease?
Maybe our life should be spent nurturing the wonderment by treasuring each bundle. We should be surrounding them with God’s love, every step of the way, so they will grow into the fullness of joy they’re meant to be.
The miracle is still there in each person. Sure, sometimes the joy is hard to discover under the grown up crustiness some people assume. But let’s uncover the bundle again.
In fact, let’s never quit seeing people as the beautiful bundle God made them at the beginning.
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Created in God’s image.
I Peter 2:9 NIV- Bible Gateway
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Oh, Cindy, I’m so glad you’re my friend so I get to peek into all the delightful family experiences you share so well. What a precious concept from such a little girl! Each one of us, a bundle of the heavenly Father’s joy, He wraps up in the shape of a person. How can we ever be sad, remembering this treasure, which has the power to turn tears into smiles!
Edy- I count it all joy that you’ve “adopted” me as your little sister! It has been a precious glimpse of the Father’s love as I watch all the love swirl around the babies. It’s like we recognize the miracle of “people” when they’re that small. Finley kept gazing at her and she also said, “Awww Cadence, now I see why everybody gives babies so much attention!” <3 Bethany's in baby heaven! hugs to you sweet sister!
🙂 🙂 🙂
I love this post… Finley’s quote tells it all. Made in the image of God, He longs for each person to be His joy in the shape of a person. My heart breaks for those who do not understand this.
Smiled all the way through the post! Loved it, Cindy–what a beautiful family~~~~rejoicing with you!!
Thank you Julie- so much joy right now- storing it up for rainy days…. hugs and blessings