Bethany came home from Dazzlers with her yearly dance pictures. On the top of the photo sheet was her individual pose- on the bottom, the picture of the team- she is absent- missing- vamoose.
Her daddy asked her, “Hey Beth, why aren’t you in the team picture? Where were you?”
Immediately she covered her ears, squeezed her eyes shut, and replied emphatically, “I not wanna talk about it.”
Jeff tried again.
“I not wanna talk about it. I not wanna talk about it.”
“Beth- look at me honey. I just want to know why you’re not in the picture.”
Finally an answer came. “I left the studio cause I was looking for you. I missed you. But, I still. not. gonna talk about it.”
[Tweet “Not wanting to admit you’re wrong, doesn’t make you right. :)”]
When we get “caught” in a mistake or error in judgment- I think our first response is like Beth’s- “I not wanna talk about it.” She was embarrassed. She knew she made a mistake, an error in judgment. “I not wanna talk about it.” was her attempt at the “cover-up”.
It really wasn’t that big of a deal. But the problem is we can’t go through life thinking mistakes go away by denying their existence. If an elephant is in the room- just say it- “hey, there’s an elephant in the room.”
It reminds me of how I get embarrassed or ashamed when I make a mistake – or blow it- or sin. I don’t like the light shining on my error. I instinctively try to “cover-up”. But God has a better solution. I’m supposed to confess up!
When we look to Him, and confess – His light chases away the darkness and power of shame.
Our confession opens the floodgates of forgiveness that usher us into to a new beginning
Let’s not Cover-Up- ‘Fess Up 🙂
Surprising Treasures: I John 1- from the Message
If we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purges all our sin.8-10 If we claim that we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—make a clean breast of them—he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. If we claim that we’ve never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God—make a liar out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God.
What I thought was kind of interesting is that Bethany knew she was “wrong.” And that she remembered the “incident.” That was hopeful for me. I really want to know God in ways that are real to her, not just re-peats from us. Now she has shown this kind of knowledge (sometimes, even profound wisdom about life and God) many times, but this episode demonstrated that she has a conscientious toward God. She was wrong to be in denial and eventually she came around to admitting it. For me, the entire episode was encouraging. Bethany grew as a Christian disciple and I learned a couple of things about her. Number one lesson- picture day is a big day for her and she wants me to be there. She is on her seventh year of perfect attendance at Dazzlers! Seriously, perfect attendance–not missing one class for seven years! I guess that means Cindy and I have perfect attendance too–except for the most recent picture day when I dashed next door to Munchers for a cream cheese danish! (By the way, she did have her single cameo photo taken! So we that one.)
I love you 🙂 She is growing up!
I love this!!!
I’ve laughed so many times! 🙂 She is constantly reminding me of my heavenly Father’s heart- just confess- You’re forgiven- but boy do I try to avoid dealing with “stuff” sometimes. Hugs Pam- thanks for taking time out of your busy- 🙂