“Hey Nana!” he shouted on his way to the refrigerator. He quickly announced.
“Nana- I’m hungry for breakfast- real bad. I looked in your friderator and you’re out of milk for cereal!”
(he had eaten first breakfast at home but was ready for second breakfast at Nana’s 🙂 )
Still enjoying my second cup of coffee and reading my emails, I stalled and murmured, “Hmmm, I’m not sure what to do.”
This was my “nice” way of saying, I’m busy and I don’t want to stop what I’m doing to go to the grocery store and get some milk- at least not yet! 😉
Blue eyes twinkling, Cohen said sincerely, “But Nana! You do know what to do. You need to get dressed, go to the store and get some milk.”
Oh how I love my little buddy! I’m going to miss him next year as he adventures off to kindergarten!
When I got done laughing- I did do just that. Perhaps, it’s that uncomplicated.
A situation arises. I stall instead of dealing with it head on. I postpone making a decision or don’t even see the the simple answer straight in front of me.
I wring my hands and say, ‘I don’t know what to do.”
As a follower of Christ,
the truth is,
most of the time,
I really do know what to do-
I just don’t always want do it!
Do you ever feel that way? 🙂
[Tweet “Be #doers of God’s #Word- not just listeners. #life #blessing”]
Instead of running out of something physical or material: ie milk,
I sometimes run out of the spiritual, unseen things;
strength, joy, peace of mind and hope.
Now and then, I run out of perspective.
From time to time, I run out of faith and succumb to the worries and cares of this world.
I think- “I don’t know what to do.”
Stop! Wait! Re-evaluate!
“Yes- I do know what to do!”
Based on God’s words and instructions, I have access and wisdom for every situation in life!
[Tweet “God has #wisdom and #truth for every situation in #life.”]
I need to get up, get centered in God’s word and begin to think His thoughts and act on His words!
To do nothing is to stay empty, stuck and confounded.
To do what I know to do brings blessing, fulfillment and satisfaction!
So, thank you, Cohen, for reminding Nana- I do know what to do-
I just need to do it!
Surprising Treasures: James 1:5 New Living Translation
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.
Wish I’d read this yesterday….
hugs Serena! love you! You, are such a blessing and encourager!
Love this one. I know what to do!! xo
::) Julie- You make me smile! I can’t believe how many times I fall into my “wringing my hands, anxious thoughts worrying mode- silently saying- I don’t know what to do!” I’m so glad God is patient with me! Learning to do what I know to do! hugs