“Mommy! I SAY…… I want to work at the hospital.”
“MMMhmmm. I know.” I murmured. 100 times of hearing that sentence in the last 24 hours had me scrambling to think of anything to get Bethany Re- Directed.
Bethany gets “fixated” “stuck” “embedded”- Focused on what she wants- She keeps talking about her plans- hoping it will finally make sense to me also, and she will finally get what she wants.
Re-direction is not simply distracting her
but finding the key to unlock her brain to think in a new direction!
[Tweet “God wants to help #direct our paths- so we don’t get stuck or bogged down. #TheWay”]
The “EVENT” Bethany is totally obsessing about???? Our son and daughter-in-love, Adrienne and Micah are expecting again 🙂 Yay! Woohoo! Beautiful Blessing!
Warning! Warning! Pregnancy and Babies are a Triggered Fixation for Bethany!
She puts balls or pillows under her shirts or pushes out her stomach as far as she can- “This is MY baby – she’s growing bigger every day. I’m gonna be a great mom!” she declares with pride as she rubs her belly with affection!
She loves holding her back and waddling as she imitates walking like a pregnant mama. Diligently, she practices her breathing for the big event- hee hee whoooo. hee hee whoo.
It’s also time for more creative parental controls- Moriah “caught” her on You Tube after she googled LIVE home births! tooooo much reality!
This is our 8th grandchild- her 8th time at becoming an AUNT! This time- she’s decided if she can just work at the hospital, she’ll be to be there with Adrienne to help her when its time to push.
Why does God always show me a hidden, surprising lesson when I’m dealing with Bethany?
[Tweet “Our #thoughts are #limited, our #understanding is #incomplete- God knows the best steps forward.”]
Like Bethany, I get fixated, embedded, stuck. I think I know what I need and want. I make plans to achieve what I think I want. I don’t STOP and listen to His re-direction very well. My mind plays my own wants like a pre-set recording, hoping if I just tell God loud enough, long enough, He’ll give in and let me do what I want.
But if I will stop……..
If I will acknowledge His ways and will are better than my ideas or fixations
If I will listen to His voice………
If I will take His cue and follow His lead……..
He will re-direct my path
What lies ahead will be beyond what I can imagine or think- and infinitely more fulfilling.
It sounds so simple- but the God process of making everything new is arduous!
[Tweet “Ask God to direct your path- He’ll show you the best path. #trust #TheWay”]
So, here we are- fixated until we can find the “key” to redirect our “fixated” girl, Bethany.
The baby isn’t coming until July! I wonder how many more times I’ll get to hear her insist she wants to work at the hospital! Come to think of it, it might just be easier to get her a job there. I think I’ll go pick up an application today. 🙂
Surprising Treasure: Psalm 139:3-5 3 You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am. 4 You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD. 5 You both precede and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know!
Such true words, letting the Lord direct our path…and changing the desires of our hearts as needed. 🙂 I’m thinking Bethany has such great mothering skills that she could get a summer job, right in the family, as a mother’s helper/”nanny” with her little nieces and nephews. She could even collect letters of reference for her own resume’ to show future employers! It’s so exciting to walk with Jesus and see where he takes us. I love that photo of her holding the baby, a gal after my own heart. Hugs and kisses to you both, Cindy!
So true Edy! Great minds think alike! She has actually gone and helped my niece with her two girls as a mama’s helper and Grace assured me she was great with the girls- that she could actually get things done while Bethany entertained them! She’s going to take the Red Cross Baby Sitting class too- One things for sure- she’s in the right family to get practice with lots of babies! 🙂 hugs to you sweet Edy!
LORD, i know that my life is not my own; it is not in me to direct my own steps… so teach me your ways, that I might teach others… like Bethany. Jesus may you be our “redirection!”
I love that- I want His re-direction- even though its hard to change gears sometimes! His ways are higher- better- !