Snowflakes and people are a marvelous mathematical miracle. Both are designed with intricate information with infinite potential for beauty and design.
[Tweet “Snowflakes and #people are #miracles of intricate #design and #beauty. #treasuresOfSnow”]
Sunny, windy, blustery Lawrence, Kansas got a “kiss” of snow last week. We’ve had the warmest (45-70!) winter thus far so this cold snap and snip of snow has me confused to what month it is. Then I realized, at the worst, we probably only have 6 weeks of cold weather left and the days are getting longer.
When I’m shivering and shaking, it’s the farthest thing from my thoughts to be analyzing what God meant when He told Job there is “treasure in the snow” just waiting to be discovered.
[Tweet “Have you ever entered the #treasures of the #snow- the #secret place where it’s made? #Creator #indescribable”]
Job tells us- God has hidden treasures in the snow.
Oh, I never cease to be amazed at the creativity of God!
When He creates He builds in such unique variance that no two people, no two snowflakes, no two anything have exactly the same creation code! He doesn’t make one model of something and then- poof- put them on His assembly line, cranking them out. He devised a way, an observable, mathematical, scientific, yet creative way to show His Glory.
[Tweet “God’s #divine #fingerprint is on and in everything. #design #miracle #CREATOR”]
His divine fingerprint is on and in everything.
Even in our brokenness.
I’ve wrestled trying to figure out how disabilities, genetic breakdowns, fit into God’s creative authorship. Many claim God actually creates and assigns who will be blind, deformed, or disabled. And they have some scriptures to back up their position. To me, that seems to leave out the truth that God is perfect- and when He first created- EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT AND GOOD.
It was only after MAN stepped out of HIS perfection and rebelled, imperfections and death came into the world. Death- even at the cellular level, entered this world AND that God is working through the redemption of the cross to redeem and restore His creation.
Does that mean God loves any of His creation less in their imperfect state? Is there a rank of worth saving, not worth saving, slightly broken, broken beyond repair?
As Bethany would say, NO way, No how!”
I believe if we could see with His eyes, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross shouts He thinks we’re all worth saving and NO ONE is broken beyond repair.
And at last, we come back to the snowflake. I started wondering if a snowflake, made up of planes, angles, and precision, could ever be imperfect. I googled snow and was blown away.
God designed the basic blueprints for snow but snowflake growth is a result of the environment! The smallest temperature and humidity difference affects the shape of the snowflake. If the changes occur on a length-scale smaller than the snow crystal itself, then the snow crystal will be irregular. So while snowflakes start “almost” perfectly, a myriad of conditions determine their shape, size, regularity or irregularity.
Similar to people- God gave them the code to form perfectly, BUT BECAUSE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT, they cannot attain perfection!
So maybe, one insight to treasures of the snow is this:
Snowflakes “shout” the glory of God by their individuality and beauty of design- like us. 🙂
Their environment (a fallen world and conditions beyond their control) determine they cannot form perfectly- like us 🙂
But God has not left His creation! Their is a hope and promise for restoration!
[Tweet “Can you begin to fathom the hidden #treasures of the snow-made by #God breath?”]
SURPRISING TREASURES: There is still beauty in the broken, because God has stamped His authorship on His creation- BUT there is hope in the promise of restoration and completion when He will wipe away every tear when He brings His creation back into His perfection.
Oh, the depths of the riches we have, thanks to our marvelous Creator, Redeemer and Comforter! Your research just thrills my soul – it is such fun to read what you’ve uncovered, dear Cindy. Which reminds me – Moody has a science video (“Hidden Treasures”) that I have loved for years. Have you seen it? I should check if it is still available. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw your introduction “treasures in the snow.” <3
Oh Edy, there are so many illustrations of God’s handiwork in snow (and I’m sure everything else too)! It reminds me of that line in the Bible where it says “all the works and miracles of Jesus were too many to write down.” Infinite learning- makes my brain hurt just to think how great our God is! I’ll have to try to rent that DVD- sounds great. hugs to you and thanks for always encouraging me to write- I look right away to see if my dear friend has commented 🙂
Here’s a DVD version – I hope it’s the original, and not a later “jazzed” version (that seems designed for a more juvenile crowd). Moody’s “Empty Cities” is another eye-opener favorite of mine. 🙂
I’ll have to see if I can find it! I love Christian DVD’s about science!
It has been awhile since I have read your “Treasures” but this was so enlightening to me and such a wonderful analogy of God’s creations. Loved this one in particular, (who knows why one will speak to you in a special way )but this one sure did. You need to put these in a book for all to enjoy. Love you sooo much Cindy. Did Beth ever find her tree top angel?
Was it a tree top Angel or a tree top star she was looking for,….I forgot and I cant find the link of where you talked about it
I found it 🙂 It was called Fear Not- Shine Bright
So great to see your smiling face again Charlene! I am actually looking into binding them into a Surprising Treasure book- As to Mom and Bethy finding an outdoor Christmas star for the house to place over the nativity scence- I didn’t find one. 🙁 I ended up getting pnuemonia and kinda lost 3 weeks around Christmas time- barely had enough energy to do the basics. But we’re all good and there’s always next year. Hugs Char…. love ya!
“Perfectly” put, Cindy… *wink, wink* I love how God confirms what we write! Different people compliment each others perspective on the same word/idea given by the Holy Spirit! Just as with the snowflakes, no two are alike, but they are all “snow”. No two Christians are alike, but we are all “one in Christ”… His Bride!
Love it!!
I know! I couldn’t believe it when I read your post- and it seemed to flow right with my thoughts! I love that analogy- ” no two Christians are alike but we are all “one in Christ” His bride- (dressed in white 🙂 ) thanks for visiting my blog Mid.
For what it’s worth- I just read on his Facebook page that Aaron Schust’ new baby was born with Downs Syndrome. We hosted Downhere, Jason Gray, and Aaron Schust in a concert last fall. He and I had a fascinating visit about a physical trial his youngest son had just come out of. Aaron Schust’ lyrics in his most recent album dealt much with faith in the midst of difficult times. Let’s hold him, his wife, two sons, and his music ministry in our prayers. Schust is a genuine Christian man. The night of the concert he led the pre-concert devotions. He talked profoundly on being real… really Christian, no matter what.
Cindy, your post is timely and real! I love you so much!
Definitely will be praying. It’s so hard to come out of one test and go right back into another. May God surround the Schusts with His love and grace!
It is amazing to think that God creates everything so uniquely, and even though he shapes us from the moment we are born he still allows our environment to effect us. I suppose good and bad things can come from our environment, but it is up to us to allow God to teach us when both good and bad things come up. This was really cool to think about. Thanks mom, love you!
Thanks Micah- I didn’t have time to expand on the thought but snow and raindrops need dust particles to start their formation- I think about how a pearl is started with sand or other irritant- God is amazing how He can take the “irritants” in life and form something beautiful. Love you too!
If it could snow in my house there would be a blizzard. I have lots of dust!! This was a wonderful post
Cindy. Love you friend!
Hugs Lori- how are things settling down after the wedding and all? Isn’t it amazing to see our children- growing, thriving, marrying, settling down? What a blessing!
Yes, it truly is a blessing to see the children growing, maturing and happy. We are getting to settle down, which is nice, although it was such a great time over the holidays and the wedding! Looking forward to this year though. Last year was quite challenging!
challenges make us stonger LOL 🙂