In the movie, “Facing the Giants”, we’re told there are 365 scriptures urging us to
“Fear Not”–
that’s 1 for every day of the year!
But I can’t help wishing we could wake up each morning and audibly hear His voice, saying- “FEAR NOT. I’ve got everything under control.”
As I’m sinking my roots down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love (Ephesians 3:17 NLT) and filling my mind with His words, I’m stretching into a deeper understanding of WHO God is and the depth of love He has for all of us! I am beginning to hear FEAR NOT reverberate in my soul!
Everyone has had “those” Christmases- the ones you have to “get through”. Death or separation of a loved one, divorce, job loss, sickness, or any number of tragic, sad events can threaten to extinguish any efforts to celebrate Christmas.
For CHRIST is Christmas.
Think about the promise of Christmas.
Let’s not get it confused with the ho ho ho holiday. The tinsel and garland have little to do with the splendor and glorious wonder of Jesus- LIGHT of the World- Savior- Prince of Peace- pleased as man with men to dwell!
Emmanuel- God came down, entered our world in a unbelievably tangible way.
God with us!
Not a God afar off-
but One who laid aside all of His divine privileges and took the form of a servant!
How can we even begin to wrap our puny minds and timid hearts around that truth?
Good news of Great Joy to All people- a Savior has been born. Jesus’ first public reading of the scriptures shouts to us God’s heart and mission. We see in Luke 4- Jesus reads from Isaiah 61.
18“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,
that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free,
and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.
The Amplified versions says it this way:
He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity],
19To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day [l]when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound.
Do you feel crushed? Fear Not! ♥ Are you bruised or down-trodden? Fear Not! ♥ Do you feel oppressed, depressed or imprisoned by life’s circumstances? Fear Not! ♥ Are you blind to God’s presence? Fear Not! ♥ Are you perplexed, shaken, confused or afraid? Fear Not! ♥ Are you broken down by calamity? FEAR NOT! ♥
Jesus was (and still is 🙂 ) on a mission! He is mighty to Save!! His mission is you. His mission is me. His mission is to the sick, the spiritually blind, the lost, the down trodden, the oppressed, the depressed, the lonely, the imprisoned, the ones broken down by calamity and those who walk in fear and darkness.
LIGHT and LIFE to all He Brings–
(John 1:1-8)
Risen with Healing in His wings!
(Malachi 4:2)
Surprising Treasure: God says FEAR NOT because He love us. ♥
Chris Thomlin- Emmanuel- Hallowed Manger Ground!
Wonderful words Cindy! This morning’s headlines (in God’s newspaper) reads, “Good News- Christ Has Come- Fear Not- Joy To The World!” Besides like the song Vince Gill and Amy Grant have been singing, “What’s the worse they can do? Threaten me with heaven?”
I love that song! When we squarely face our worst fears and bring them out into His light- those fears lose their power.
Cindy, you touched my heart and fed my soul! Thanking God for His love as tears flow. Hugs!
Thanks Rita- God seems especially near as this Christmas season approach- even though there is so much sadness, and unsettledness, and part of me “feels” like I should be sad, instead I hear “FEAR NOT” good news of great joy to all people- and a peace overwhelms me that God is good and He make all things right- if He with-held not His own Son—- how much more???? hugs
I so needed this today…it is perfect. What a beautiful post again…
Thanks Amy- you radiate His beauty! 🙂
Wonderful inspiration once again! Thank you for sharing and reminding me to face my fears. Beautiful words, Cindy! Great spending time with you and your family on Sunday. Looking forward to visiting with you soon 🙂 Take care~
Ann- I’m so thankful the Lord has crossed our paths! It’s so great getting to know you and your whole precious family. Soon- 🙂 blessings-