Having home schooled Bethany until last year- we were blissfully ignorant about constructing an IEP.
Each public school child receiving special education & any related services must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Each IEP is an individualized document which creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel and students (when appropriate) to work together to design an unique curriculum enhancing educational results for children with disabilities.
The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability.
* I’ve discovered IEP’s can be trash or treasure!-
Jeff and I just returned from an hour and a half long IEP meeting for Bethany. Unlike any meetings in the past, each and every teacher/para/educator was not only excited about Bethany’s abilities but understood and was already implementing solutions concerning her weaknesses.
I felt vindicated from last year’s “void” which resulted in us pulling Bethany out of school and completely home schooling her again. I did a little happy dance inside my heart as one educator held up last year’s IEP and declared, “This is trash. She is so far past this, we’re throwing it away and starting at a whole new level.”
Last year the only “goal” was to help her transition & sit in class. Not 1 goal about what she would or could learn- other than sitting and not disrupting the class. And this is the paper that “followed” her into Junior High- the information that her future educators would read- and asses her abilities and possibilities upon! Thank God, our new team didn’t let a bad IEP limit their vision of who Bethany is and who she can be!
This year, we sat stunned, as the team of Bethany’s teachers/paras/principal OPENED THE TREASURIES OF EDUCATION FOR HER! They applauded her attitude, diligence, ability to work, and her fortitude. Her science teacher raved, “She’s kicking butt in school” Then they told us she was nominated to be a student representative for student council. What? I’ll admit in my mind, I was thinking- awww that’s such a nice gesture of inclusion- but they went on to assure us this was not just a “token” position but they all feltt she modeled school spirit and a great “can do” attitude.
Then came an interesting part. Grading. How in the world do you give grades to someone who isn’t able to finish or understand the complete assignment???? Last year, we chose to opt out of grades/achievement tests but it may have backfired. If she isn’t in the “pool” of learning, what incentive is there for them to teach her? One teacher mentioned she wasn’t sure how to “grade” Bethany. I replied, “I don’t really care about grades. I care about her learning and growing. Even if she just gets the “crumbs” of information- that’s better than being given nothing.
And perhaps that should be the goal of the
“Individualized” Educational Program
Each student nurtured to discover the treasure learning and growing!
Different abilities, different capabilities, different challenges.
My encouragement for you- take out the TRASH- dig for the TREASURE!
Here’s some pics of Bethany’s wonderful new mentors, teachers, paras and friends. I am beyond thankful that they have truly individualized her educational program this year! I guess IEP’s can rock when the people writing them are committed, insightful, caring educators!
Surprising Treasures: This reminds me of the story of Jesus- and the persistent woman. She wanted her daughter to have a blessing- to be healed. Some people feel that “inclusion” is taking the children’s bread away from the table of their gifted students. They feel the struggling learners are holding back the gifted ones. Unfortunately, inclusion is sometimes still just a token phrase. But she was diligent- and persistent- and right.
She said, “Lord, help me!” 26 But He said, “It is not right to take children’s food and throw it to the dogs.” 27 She said, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the pieces that fall from the table of their owners.” 28 Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have much faith. You will have what you asked for.”
I’m so thrilled at the way God has provided this environment for Bethany! It’s wonderful that you’ve shared this here, Cindy. You’re an encouragement to me and to so many others! Love you!!! Go Bethany!!
Me too Becky- after last year: all he tears, frustration, second guessing, doubts, & even fear of school – this year is a gift beyond measure. I just feel terrible for the people who go through the “trashy IEP’s”- that don’t feel like they have the option to just pull their child out and home school them. It was the only thing that “saved” last year. No way, will I keep my child in a negative, learning environment where they’re just being babysat. Rejoicing at what God is doing! hugs
Cindy, Thank you for sharing and for recognizing the positive teachers and their influence in Bethany’s life! As the wife of a retired teacher, I know that often our teachers hear more parents complaints than praise!
As for Bethany, I am thrilled she has been recognized for her school spirit and “can – do” attitude. Sounds like this is going to be a fun year for all of you!
Agreed!Bridgit and thanks for commenting! I can’t sing their praises enough! I’ve home schooled for 25 years- I know it’s not easy- especially with special needs. I tried for 3 weeks last year to resolve the problem but felt it wasn’t ultimately worth a fight- my energies needed to be put into building Bethany, her study skills, and her confidence back up. This year is a gift- I’m so very thankful!
I was so happy to read this post! I can feel your excitement and relief in every word. Our education system has some serious flaws—after teaching for 29 years, I’ve seen it first-hand. But there are so many great teachers, paras, and admins out there who love the kids and do what’s best for them, sometimes in spite of our crazy, restrictive rules, regs, and laws. Hats off to Bethany’s team of edu-angels! Teaching—done well— is a work of heart♥
Thanks for sharing the pics, too. What a beautiful little girl you have!
Love to you,
Susan! You inspired me! We’ve been trying to think of a way to “thank” our team- I love the idea of edu-angels! I’m going to brainstorm – that’s exactly what they are! thanks for commenting- have a grace-filled Thanksgiving! hugs
I am so grateful for the educational team at South Middle School, Lawrence, KS. Bethany is flower in full bloom.
Happy Tears rolling down my cheeks 🙂 Love you Beth & you all….
Thanks Amber- I’m enjoying every moment of this gift- <3 hugs to you and Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family! love and miss you all!