Bethany, Cohen & I love to eat subs at Subway. Funny, but we always seem to get the same person taking our orders, every time we go! He knows our orders from memory and loves to tease Cohen and Bethany as they give their orders. Today, he asked if they were going to be zombies for Halloween.
Being an anti-zombie-ghost-vampire-witches-wizards type mom/Nana- I murmured- “Oh, no- we don’t dress up like that.”
He raised his eyebrows. He was incredulous!
“Why not!!? Zombies are so fun! Everybody loves zombies!”
I was amazed by his enthusiasm and passion. He hurriedly launched into a description of the latest zombie movie and how zombies love to eat brains. I mean, this kid was lit up like a Christmas tree talking about Zombies.
He asked if we’d participated in the Zombie Parade in Lawrence was (can you believe 1000 people showed up- wow- I think that’s more than were at church Sunday 😉 ) He tried to explain how cool the zombie apocalypse is going to be- (I began wondering what “rock” I’ve lived under that I’ve missed all this fun?) Then he finished his commercials for zombies by saying something that broke my heart.
“I not only play mine craft but I have it on my phone and ipad- THAT WAY, when my kids come up and start bugging me- I give them the stuff so they’ll leave me alone. Zombies Rule.”
I didn’t realize Zombies were now babysitters.
Ummmm- NO.
Not in my house- not in my lifetime. I have never, nor will I ever knowingly, willingly, or with enthusiasm let a zombie entertain my child or grandchildren. That’s truly the way to get your brains sucked out in my humble opinion. 😉
Do you think I’m being judgmental or over-reacting? Isn’t it just harmless fun? It’s silly- right?
What concerns me is this: ZOMBIES are not the only brain sucking enemies in the 21st Century.
While I would never let a zombie or vampire into our home to entertain
I have let other brain draining “babysitters” enter our lives!
Nickelodianish programs, video games and movies that are full and overflowing of nothing substantial-
Maybe I have let zombies feast on our brains? (or maybe something worse than zombies?)
Say NO to brain drain.
Brain draining is brain draining after all. Does it matter “what” drained it?
[Tweet “”The best way to prove a stick is crooked is to set a straight one beside it. No words need to be spoken.” AW Tozer”]
Maybe I need to set my standard to the straight stick- God’s Best-
“Summing it all up, friends,
I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things
true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—
the best, not the worst;
the beautiful, not the ugly;
things to praise, not things to curse.
Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized.
Do that, and God, who makes everything work together,
will work you into his most excellent harmonies.”
Philippians 4:8 The Message
Surprising Treasure- Jesus said- I have come that you might have LIFE and have it to the fullest!
Challenging me and you: to get your filling- with God’s best- let’s not let our brain drained but fill it to the brim with Him!
Thanks, again, Cindy! You remind me of the Sunday school song: “Be careful little eyes what you see….” It’s easy enough to have nightmares even without letting those hideous pictures past our eye gate. I’m forever grateful to have had the parents I did (they would be so proud of you!). I’m also thankful for a best friend who early on told me that everything we let into our mind is there permanently and can come back to haunt us, which is why we warn our children about all the troubling distractions the world tries to use in luring the unsuspecting into its trap. Praise the Lord we can enjoy each other’s company with wholesome games, singing together, etc., that leave wonderful memories to draw on through life! I feel so sorry for your Subway waiter; he’s standing in the need of prayer! 😉
All those precious songs we learned in Sunday School- that give us foundational knowledge on how to honor God- It amazes me how blatant and over the top- horror movies- role playing games- ghoulish, demonic movies- are common place and accepted & brought into our homes! We are praying for our young friend- 🙂
I could never understand how Christians could be so enamored with the Twilight movies and books, my children (grown adults and some with children) included. They were vampires. Period. And written by a Mormon woman who received the “inspiration” through demonic means. Be that as it may, Halloween itself opens doors to the dark world, no matter how “Christian” we try to make it and pass it off as just harmless fun. How much better, as you stated, to fill our minds with the Word of God and those things, which are pure and holy, and so much the more as His coming fast approaches!!
At the risk of offending- We had better wake up- Dark is darkness and Light is LIGHT! When the Son of Man comes- will He find faith on this earth? Praying the “blur” of good and evil- disintegrates and only the TRUTH is seen. hugs Mid
I feel like a frog in a pot of ever increasing hot water- I don’t want to get adjusted to the climate of this world!
My heart breaks when I see the new fall TV network line-ups… so much occult, on so many new programs. So many zombie movies, video games… etc. We have come a long way from Bewitched… A show that concerned me back in the day…