We just got back from a whirlwind trip to visit my sister & family, my cousins, and my Aunts and Uncles. Nostalgia- magic memories of days gone by- a time when things were simpler, kinder, sweeter; played in my mind like a haunting melody.
Both Aunt Eleanor and Aunt Mary, who in my child’s perception, seemed to have inexhaustible energy and zazzle, are struggling with health issues. My Uncle Jerry, the indomitable farmer who worked from sunup to sundown, and Uncle Don has also been touched by time’s inevitable force.
Yet I was filled with thankfulness and joy in remembering. We reminisced about nothing and everything. We “caught up” on what was going on in everyone’s lives; who had died, who had gotten married, employment or address changes, the “stuff” of life happening. A new reality tinged with surreal feelings.
How could my cousin’s child be six foot four and married? How could some of my cousins have any gray hair?- lol- I color mine regularly so I forget. How dare my husband’s old high school friend inform him that Jeff’s 40th!!!!!! reunion from high school is next year?
One thing was crystal clear- time has stops for no one.
[Tweet “To every thing there is a #season, and a #time to every #purpose under the heaven- Ecc. 3:1”]
Bethany, the only child who went with us, was fascinated and captivated by her “new” cousins. She was super-charged as everyone made her the center of attention. LOL! Even now, that we’re home, she’s planning for when we go back or they come out to visit. Of course she wants to skype everyone & has already punched in phone numbers to her go phone.
It’s amazing; these invisible cords of love binding family, regardless of how far or how long you have been parted. Still palpable when together, connected again, trying to absorb each moment, and not wanting to think about “when” this “communion” will happen next.
[Tweet “Blessed be the tie that binds- our hearts in the Father’s love. #family”]
Finally, it was time. Bags packed, most goodbyes said. We were eating lunch with Aunt Mary and Uncle Jerry before we got on the road again. Sadness had started to saturate me like mist on a foggy day. Thoughts swirled; ” When would I see them again? God, please strengthen all my family and bring wholeness and joy to their lives. Why does life have so many challenges, complications, and partings?”
The food came. We bowed our heads to pray together. When Jeff finished, we all looked up and smiled.
Before we could take a bite, Bethany piped up with an ear to ear grin!,
“Amen- Now! Let’s go get tomorrow!”
We all laughed! It was as if God had put His seal on our time together!
Amen- so be it- blessings-
He was saying to all of us- Be filled with joy-
go get tomorrow-
look forward with excitement and anticipation-
I have planned many wonderful things ahead for you.
Go get it.
Now that’s a benediction worth remembering!
[Tweet “Tomorrow’s #forecast- God #reigns and the Son #shines #hope”]
Surprising Treasure: There is a time and a purpose for everything under heaven: a time to remember & a time to move on 🙂
Give that Bethany girl a big hug from me! 🙂 This is just what I need to hear right now, feeling lonesome for loved ones so far away. It sure makes us look forward to that tomorrow when Jesus makes all things new, and we’re together in that place where we never have to say goodbye again!
I will give her a hug! It was just what I needed to move forward. I don’t know where the phrase “Parting is such sweet sorrow” came from, but they’re right. Looking forward with you to the glorious tomorrow where we’ll never have to say goodbye again. Hugs and more hugs- sweet Edy!
What a blessing your posts are! Wow! Give Bethany a HUG from me, too! Thank you for these powerful words of inspiration. Hugs to you!
Thanks Rita! I had to laugh- I’m still smiling every time I think of her saying that. It’s going to be my new “Move On in Life” phrase. Amen- done- finished- Now let’s go get tomorrow. 🙂 God certainly knew what He was doing when He gave me so many children that fill my life with treasure!
One thing about the genes that God gave Clan Barclay… and Bethany proves it- passivity is not in our nature. Now, let’s go get today, so that we can get tomorrow!
Hilarious- I guess I never have to worry about being “left behind” 😉 You guys are ready and roarin to go.