“It is what it is!”
I cringe when I hear people say that phrase- “it is what it is.” People add it to their description about something happening in their life like “nothing can be changed” or like the last nail has been driven into the proverbial coffin.
It makes me want to scream!
As God’s children, our reality is not doomed!
“It is what it is” – captures only a snapshot of time.
“It is what it is”- is only for the moment.
[Tweet “God is the Great I Am that I Am! He #triumphs over all of our moments, time, and eternity! #IAM “]
“It is what it is”…..
Of course “it is what it is”- Doesn’t “life” happen? Didn’t Jesus, Himself, tell us that in this world there would be trouble? We were banished from the tree of life in the Garden of Eden because of sin but we’ll be invited to eat from that same Tree of Life when sin is destroyed and we are made whole. After all, we are still living between the first and last tree of Life?
Well, grab hold of the perfect Word of God and don’t let go of John 16:33-
this is Revolutionary News-Good News- Fantastic News- Overcoming News- Liberating News!
[Tweet “”In this world you will have #trouble. Take heart- take #courage! I have #overcome the world.” “]
Now read this beauty of scripture from the Amplified Version!
“but be of good cheer [take courage;
be confident, certain, undaunted]!
For I have overcome the world.
I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.”
Amplified Version (oh my gosh how good is that?!!)
Listen friends: “It is what it is” is not our reality. There is a transcendent reality ! This verse exemplifies God is not quagmire d in our present circumstances!
God is past, present, and in the future. He is over and beyond our circumstances. He is moving us to where it “will be what He wants it to be!
[Tweet “God is over all and beyond our #circumstances. He is moving us forward in His #good plans.”]
“We have to move our finite thinking from “it is what it is”- to what God says:
Age to Age- outside of time and space-
Almighty God- Sovereign King-
Savior of the World and Lover of Your Soul- Redeemer-
Everlasting Father- Light of the World-
Victorious over hell and the grave-
Ancient of Days and the GREAT I AM
He is the Lord- WHO FAILS NOT-
“I Am that I Am”
Surprising Treasure: Our reality will be transcended by God’s great reality- His Sovereign Goodness IS working things out in our life! God doesn’t just have the “last word”-
love it!
Loved this one Cindy..It made me think about the fact that we are but a vapor and how wonderful to have all those promises. It makes a mature body feel good.:) Your words bring courage , strength and uplifting. May your day be blessed with all He has to offer!
Hugs to you all! God has been really speaking this to me- that I can let the Great I Am overshadow “what is!” Blessings!
Love it!
Me, too! Jesus IS The Omega Word, He knows the end from the beginning, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who begins His work in us and brings it to completion. Sounds like the whole story! Thanks for the refreshment treasure, Cindy!
Beautiful–and listening to one of my favorite songs! Thank you, Cindy.
thanks Julie- I love that 5 simple words – I AM that I AM is God’s signature of Authority over all He has created! Infinitely more than anything that would try to exalt itself against His power or authority. hugs