Have you ever wished you could hear-
I mean with your ears
God’s voice?
[Tweet “God was not in the wind, or the earthquake, but in a still small #voice. #prayer “]
I’ve never heard God’s audible voice but I’ve prayed I could, many times. I wish we could pick up the phone or get G-d mail making everything crystal clear.
But that’s where FAITH comes in, I suppose. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who haven’t seen and yet still believe.”
[Tweet “Blessed are those who have not #seen- yet still #believe. #WalkWithGod #faith”]
I’ve come to hear His voice in my heart- through His revealed Word, the Bible, through nudges and the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart, and through the people He brings into my life that speak truth, comfort, and life.
[Tweet “How would it change our life if we could audibly #hear our #Father’s voice? #communion”]
I can hardly wait until all the “barriers” are gone and I can SEE Him- HEAR Him- Love Him unhindered.
That day is coming my friends- and it’s going to be nothing short of Miraculously AMAZING!
Last night, Sarah and I watched this video that’s going viral right now. Take a few minutes to see a “shadow” of the wonder we might experience when our “limitation” of spiritual deafness and spiritual blindness is removed forever!
[Tweet “Remember that #prayer is not just talking to God, but learning to #listen 4 His voice.”]
Watch this amazing video clip of Grayson- 3 years old- receives miraculous implant that allows him to hear his Father’s voice for the first time!
Surprising Treasure: Genesis 3:8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. What we lost in the garden- we’ll regain in His Kingdom Coming! Hallelujah!
We may all be hearing God’s voice much more than we think… funny how His voice can sound like mine. Call it God-conscious… I am not sure, but Jesus said His sheep will hear His voice… John 10:27. I wonder if there is a difference between listening and hearing? Certainly, if the Lord does speak, if we don’t change our thoughts or behaviors, we haven’t really heard HIm. :-))
I love that scripture- Like Grayson, I’m touched by what lengths his father (and mom) went to so that he could hear- in part- and understanding came as he grew in the gift of hearing. Isn’t that so much like God- He reaches down into our limited world and does what He can to initiate hearing His voice and understanding His purposes. God is good!