I had decided to buy some patio tomato plants this year. They were already a great size with a few barely ripening, cherry tomatoes dangling from their stems, making my mouth water with anticipation. I strategically placed it outside in the sun.
That night, it frosted. As I looked out to snowflakes the next morning, I suddenly remembered the promising prize I had so eagerly placed out front. I scurried out and hustled my bustle to get that plant indoors where it was warm. The next day, it appeared fine, but a few days later, I began to notice drooping and some brownness creeping in on the leaves. I hovered, I watered, I placed it in our sun room. A few tomatoes ripened and we ate them with the hope there would be more.
But each day I could see death was encroaching from the inside out.
About two weeks went by and I placed it outside again, hoping it would snap out of the damage and something- anything- would spring back to life.
Cohen, Bethany, and I were leaving the next day and we walked by the sorry plant. It had obviously died.
“Well, Bethany- Cohen,” I sighed, it looks like our tomato plant died. No more tomatoes from this plant.”
“Actually Nana, dats not qwuite wight.
You see, my mom and me, we’s experts on tomato pwants.
All tomato pwants have to die before they can live Dat’s de twuth.”
I burst out laughing at my little “know it all” sage.
But Jesus’ words sprung up and danced through my mind and heart.
“In most solemn truth I tell you
that unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies,
it remains what it was–a single grain;
but that if it dies,
it yields a rich harvest.”
I am dead and dying from the inside out.
This world I live in has “frosted” and “damaged” me.
Death is inevitable.
But thanks be to God-
He has provided a way to die
and yet rise up-
with a richer and fuller life than we could ever have
if we tried to remain as we are.
Surprising Treasures: In God’s economy- dying to this world is gain in the next.
Just wanted to share with you an exciting “treasure.” I am now an affiliate with I See Me– a company that personalizes books of every sort, size, and shape for your children or grandchildren- or any little one you treasure! If you click on the pictures/links on my web site and order through them, Surprising Treasures gets a small percentage of sales. 🙂 What a keepsake idea! Blessings
I did get to several dozen tomatoes before it went on tomato heaven. But Cohen is correct- “Youse gotta die for you can wive.” I love our little prophet teacher!
me too! <3
Oh, Cindy. Bless this child’s heart. Don’t you just love it when God speaks the Truth through children? One day, Cohen will love seeing what you wrote about him.
Big Blessings, my friend.
Cohen’s little heart is so tender- I love the innocence and insights he has into everything it seems. hugs Julie- the best part of your kids growing up??? grandchildren –
That’s precious! I am curious, though, since Cohen and his mama are experts on tomato plants, if she has any resurrection ideas for your dead plant. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your little sage’s words for us!
LOL! Oh my- I think I’ll ask Sarah – although she suggested we keep the green tomatoes and see if we could plant them for next year and see if any of the seeds sprout up! He has me laughing every day!
That Cohen is quite the expert. Who knows that he could have explained to us if he had a clay pigeon…
Too funny Micah! I have a feeling Mataya is going to be quite the entertainer storyteller precious GRANDgirl too! Love you all!