I want you to meet an incredible family!
Aren’t they just beautiful? I want you to love them as much as I do!
Meet Sarah, Noah, John, and Genev’e
Here is there amazing story from my friend, John!
In April of 2004 I received a call from our Doctor informing me that there was a good chance that our son would have Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome. I remember I was in my car at the time and immediately tears started streaming from my eyes yet I was not visibly crying.
My first thought,
“God, why? “
As a Christian I had given my life to Jesus and considered the advantage that that would be to me. Safety, peace and knowing His love. So not doubting God’s love for me, yet I just kept asking why?
Over the next few weeks while listening to my favorite music by Bach or other Choral Masters I would immediately just lose it. Really crying now. In the car, at home or anywhere. Sunglasses were now mandatory.
I also started praying all the time. Why God??? was still the prayer. I know the Bible tells us all things work together for good and yet…
[Tweet “When we ask God #why- we begin a journey of knowing God better.”]
I remembered in school as a child, there was a child with Down Syndrome. That was some 40 years ago and he was very bad off. He had seizures in school and everyone mocked him. This is how I pictured hos my son’s life was going to be. Also I remembered going to the store and seeing other families with a child with Down Syndrome. “What is wrong with those parents?” I would think.
A wonderful thing happened in prayer one day.
God actually spoke to me.
He said as clear as day,
“This is My perfect will for you John”.
Immediately a peace came over me and I was able to embrace my future.
I told my wife and we knew that it would be okay.
Noah, our first child, was born on 08-10-2004. There was such a joy in the hospital room. I knew angels were there singing. I took a picture of my wife’s face and it was truly a picture that spoke a thousand words. She was glowing and had a big smile that lit up the whole room. Our Doctor- Dr. Cross, yes that is her real name, 🙂 put little Noah on the scale and the digital display beamed a big 7.0 lbs. God’s number of perfection. I laughed as I read it and said “Oh Jesus you are so good!”
Noah is the most precious loving boy I have ever known. He is always happy. Always giving joy to others. He is 6 now and just today told me that I needed to put my seat belt on. He also walked up to me and hugged me and said, “thank you dad Mc Donalds”. I never notice if anyone stares or notices my son since to me he is flawless.
Another surprise happened in early 2007. My wife was pregnant again and this time we were all happy thinking that when my wife and I are no longer here there will be a sibling to take care of Noah. YAY! Not so fast though [
we received the same familiar call from Dr. Cross.
Guess what?
Another baby with Down Syndrome!
We already knew her name would be Genev’e which means to” gush forth”. How could we not be overcome with overflowing joy at the news. When Genev’e was born they put her on the scale guess how much child number two weighed? She weighed 7.7 Lbs.
I see my children in the light of the love of Jesus for me and now Noah and Genev’e are a daily reminder that
His ways are not my ways.
How wonderful is that?
My wife also loves Jesus and was diagnosed with M.S. a few years back. If you were to meet her you would say she is an angel. Why?
She never complains. She just retains that beautiful glow. Its never left her face.
Back to Cindy 🙂 –
You can see why I wanted to share their story with you! I’m continually amazed by the great LOVE of God- which can wash over His children like the ocean-
Wave after wave of God’s incomprehensible love and grace.
This family is literally trusting God in every area of their life. Sarah, has secondary progressive Multiple Sclerosis and both of their children- Noah and Genev- have down syndrome and autism. Instead of hiring home care workers, John knew he had to be at home to care for them! He sold his tax practice in 2011 to be at home full time.
These life circumstances would consume, paralyze and overwhelm most people!
But John and Sarah have a special faith- God is transforming them into Overcomers– they daily overcome obstacles and challenges. God placed in their hearts to give to others- in spite of the obstacles and challenges they face!
John wants to help other families that have children with special needs. Hee tirelessly shares the good news of these childrens with ds and autism as “Blessings in disguise!” He has about 5000 followers on FB and has built his own website and blog to inform and educate others.
Incredibly, John takes NO salary for his tireless contribution and work.
John is answering the phone at all hours to support parents all over the world. He was able to get a Google grant to share his site worldwide and as a result the calls come from everywhere and even some that are very hard to understand due to their limited English. Some call because they are discouraged, or they feel the school is not helping them, or some have overwhelming financial needs. Many others want to talk about their child being bullied. Most calls are from San Diego where John will go visit them or they will come to him. In just 3 years John has touched thousands of lives as you can see on his FB page.
Isn’t it just amazing how the Lord encourages us in such unique and delightful ways! And, how He provides for every need! Thank you for sharing this family’s story. What beautiful people, and what a beautiful Savior that leads His dear children along the road to home. Hugs to all!
All these “treasures” in the journey- and I would have never met them if we hadn’t been “guided” into the Land of Special Needs! When I see John and Sarah- Noah and Genev’e living their life in joy- for the Lord- it encourages me to keep my eyes fixed on the One who knows what He’s doing- and simply trust Him. hugs to Edy- thank you for commenting!
What a story–so much joy here. And I’m dabbing my happy tears.
I love this beautiful family!
Hugs from Georgia,
I feel so blessed to get to “know” other families walking the same journey- I’m posting Ricci’s story soon and I know it will bless and encourage! I look at John and Sarah and think- wow! I don’t think I could walk that walk- but then- I know I can face what life brings me – not because of any strength in me- but because we all serve the same kind, wonderful Savior.
I remember two quotes after reading this “Faith can move mountains”, “When life gives you lemon, you should make lemonade out of it”
Wow this was written so many years ago. Noah is now 18 and Genev’e 15 years old. The joy is still here because of Jesus. Noah wants to care for horses for a living and Genev’e wants to dance. In fact they both love to sing and dance all the time. They love to sing the song called “I’ve got the Joy Joy Joy down in my heart”. We do have a care worker now named Diantha and she loves Jesus too and has been with us many years now. Another miracle for sure.
John` so much life has happened. I just got back on the website to download a few things- Thank you for always being so encouraging. How are you? I’m so happy to hear about Noah and Genev’e! Bethany’s 25! I am looking and longing for His coming and to be with Him who loves us most. We’ll finally meet and share our stories of what God has done in our lives! Blessings to you all!!!!