John 21:21 “Turning his head, Peter noticed the disciple Jesus loved following right behind. When Peter noticed him, he asked Jesus, “Master, what’s going to happen to him?”
Jesus said, “If I want him to live until I come again, what’s that to you?
You—follow me.”
One of the most liberating truths I’m learning that comes as a perk of growing older, and hopefully wiser, is this;
[Tweet “Stop comparing your #life to others. #freedom”]
Jesus has an individual plan for MY life,
in His time,
by His ways,
through His power,
and by His will He will accomplish all that concerns me.
Many have it much worse, more difficult and more unfair than I.
Many have it much better, “looks” easier, and more “golden” than I.
I think Jesus is asking me- “What is that to you? YOU- follow me.”
Comparing – weaves sadness and discontent, minimizing the magnitude of blessings He has lavished upon me.
[Tweet “Comparison robs us of #contentment and #joy. #thankfulness”]
Comparing robs me of the peace that God is in control in my life and is working all things together for my good.
Jeff & I were always very intentional NOT to compare our children. We tried to celebrate each one as a unique gift- with the inalienable right to become who God created them to be- not who or what we wanted to shape them into.
Then along came Bethany with a whole new standard of measurement. How could we tell if she was doing well if we didn’t compare her to “normal” milestones?
Yes, there’s even “comparing” among the special needs community and perhaps it’s more destructive and devastating.
When I read a blog about a young woman with down syndrome who is going to college, I rejoice but I’m also thrown into despair. I don’t think Bethany will be going to college. Then I read about a young man with autism who is imprisoned in his own way, having never spoken a word to anyone- not even his parents. My heart breaks for that family but rejoices that Bethany can communicate.
The Bible has a simple solution-
[Tweet “Weep with those who #weep and rejoice with those who #rejoice.”]
That’s it. In a nutshell. Accept that God is good and is working out His good plan. Be quick to weep and quick to rejoice- but don’t compare your life to any ones.
For my life is God’s story, being written for His glory.
Jesus isn’t comparing us to one another. Each one of us is valued, not by what we do or bring to the table, not for our accomplishments or achievements, not for our skills or material worth-
We are valued because He made us and He has set His love upon us.
So, next time we’re tempted to look at someone else and whine- er- umm- I mean complain– er, ummm I mean compare… remember what Jesus said to Peter- and I think what He’s saying to each of us-
“What is that to you? YOU- follow me.”
Surprising Treasures: The Lord will perfect that which concerns you. (and me) Psalm 138:8
Comparisons never produce eternal fruit… Lord help me to learn that… I remember reading about Charles Spurgeon. Spurgeon was successful. First mega-church pastor, the London Tabernacle. I thought, “How awesome to be like him…” Then I read that he died having suffered with severe depression and the complications of gout at the age of 57. I am 56. Comparisons never produce eternal fruit.
I’m really learning- God is big enough and wise enough to trust with my life and everyone else! Godliness with contentment is great gain- and I’m so blessed to be right smack dab in the middle of His plan for my life.
Cindy, the timing of your post is eery. I needed this message from both ends…to not compare my writing career with anyone else. “Oh, look what I just accomplished that these others haven’t” or “Wow, I’m so far behind where these others are at.”
What is that to me? I follow Jesus. If we all do that, we can compare journeys on the other side of heaven, not this side.
Isn’t it difficult not to do Sarah! I am constantly telling myself- just keep looking at Jesus- He’s the One authoring my story- He is doing what pleases Him as I seek Him- not seek to be like someone or envy them! <3 hugs You are a treasure to be sure and God is using you for His glory- in His timing! hugs
Such a good reminder. It has always been a temptation for me to compare my circumstances with others and think they have it better. Thinking God has favorites. I have never thoughts of the encounter of Jesus with Peter in this way. I do believe you are right and God has spoken to you and us through this. Thanks for sharing. One thing I have told myself is that God knows the beginning and the end. He knows what each person will have to face in their lives.
I have also recently thought about the idea of having peace in the midst of the storm. Maybe it isn’t always tangible peace. Maybe you still feel the anxiety and fear. But it is peace in knowing He will never leave you and will always be with you. That is our peace when facing disappointments and fear. That is our rest.
Sheryl Kaul
Such wisdom! In so many ways, its a relief not to compare OR to be responsible for how someone else responds or acts- we just need to follow Jesus and know that we know that we know- He is working His glory for our good- and nothing can stop our Sovereign God in this mission! I like your thoughts on peace- the fear & anxiety may still rage but His peace is what keeps us moving forward- eyes fixed on Him! hugs Sheryl
Another beautiful post, Cindy. Of course, the word FOLLOW jumped off the page into my heart. That’s my word for the year. Really hit home!! XOXOXO
Where He leads me I will follow…. I don’t want to go another path- the journey He has mapped out for me has its own precious treasures- and I find it’s much more relaxing “following” than running ahead of Him :). hugs Julie!
This will have to be a short-cut on my computer wall, since I need this regular reminder. While I do find it easy to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice, your writing touched me in another category. I mourn my failings and have such a need to see why and how God can work all things for good. So, you see why your “Surprising Treasures: The Lord will perfect that which concerns you. (and me) Psalm 138:8” overflowed my heart just now! Thank you, dear girl!
I’ve been meditating on that verse- He will “perfect”- He will “accomplish”- He will bring it to pass- all of that rooted and grounded in His love and our best interests! What an amazing God- He is perfectly working in you- and perfectly working in me- and perfectly working in “Saige” – whom when I think about, I just want to- I don’t know- “I” want to fix it- but He is more than able- mind blowing! hugs and much love to you!
I love this! we spend entirely to much time comparing ourselves to others – what we have, what we do, what we don’t have, how we live…etc. if we want to compare ourselves to anyone it should be to Christ – and each time we will fall short.
Living our life for the Lord the best we know how… that is what He has called each of us to do!
thanks for this wonderful reminder….
You’re welcome Marie- It’s so neat when God “speaks” to us to refocus us. on the journey- and just enjoy what He’s doing! He even had to remind His disciples not to compare 🙂 Thanking God for you Marie- your ministry- your love- your spreading of joy to so many! It’s fun to work for the same King! hugs and blessings and may He ever increase your reach for Him!