God makes the clouds his chariot
and rides on the wings of the wind.
Psalm 104:3
Grace and Inspiration have kept our home functioning since Jeff has been in Cuba, on a mission trip. I miss him terribly, but God’s helping me see the bigger picture- the eternal perspective-
[Tweet “Sometimes we need to be #lifted up to see the bigger picture- #eternal #perspective”]
I can let go temporarily so Jesus can use my man for His glory…..
But Bethany- lives in the now- the moment-
She is Daddy’s girl. She doesn’t really have long term perspective!
She’s the one who skypes Daddy at work and is content to have him put the phone on his desk so she can “be with him” while he’s working.
She’s the one who asks every day, “When you comin home to be with me?”
He’s the one who takes her on Sonic Dates and KU bowling and jogging dates.
If you’ve been around people with special needs, you know they can get “stuck” in their thinking. The way I think about it is like a “glitch” or scratch in a record that you have to “lift the needle” to get past that groove. (see glitches)
It all started when we said goodbye to Jeff. Immediately she asked-
“I miss Daddy! When’s Daddy comin home?”
I rolled my eyes and prayed.
[Tweet “No request is too big or small for God- #Pray for #help. #HeAnswers”]
“Oh God, please help! I don’t want to answer this question 1,000,000 times before he comes home.” 🙂
Heaven Sent Inspiration
I remembered the scripture- He rides upon the winds and makes the clouds His chariots! (who knows- maybe His wind winged the wisdom straight into my desperate brain)
“Bethy! Guess what? Every time we miss Daddy, we’re going to stop what we’re doing and make up kisses and hugs. Then we’re going to throw them up to God and He will send them to Daddy in Cuba. It’s Special Delivery- just for you! ”
“We can?”
I showed her in her Bible-
“Do you know God rides the wind and clouds and He is everywhere all at once! He can see us and He can see Daddy – so we’re still connected- even though we can’t see each other! All we have to do is throw hugs, kisses and a little “I love you Daddy” and God will make sure Daddy gets them! Isn’t that A-ma-Zing?”
“So awesome Mom!”
She’s smiling and bouncing up and down. Immediately she begins blowing kisses to upward, followed by heartfelt, thrown- up – in the air- hugs and shouts
“Tell Daddy I love Him lots God!”
I get caught up in her childlike faith and do the same.
Thank you Jesus!
And so it has been for the past 5 days – and will be for the next 4 days- until God brings our circle back together. And you know something, I believe it too! Why wouldn’t God want to deliver pure love and hugs on the wings of the wind?
[Tweet “God uses #wings, #wind, and #chariot special delivery to answer #prayers.”]
Sarah told me the technical word for what God showed me how to do is “cognitive re-framing.” Wikipedia defines it as “changing the way people see things and trying to find alternative ways of viewing ideas, events, situations, or a variety of other concepts.”
I’m not that smart or insightful 🙂 I’m giving all the credit to One who has an unlimited, unfathomable, inexhaustible store of wisdom and delivers it on the wings of the wind.
Have you been keeping your heart open for special delivery on the wings of the wind?
Surprising Treasure: “There is no one like the God of Jerusalem! who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in His majesty. New Living Translation (©2007)
“There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor.
Wow! You are a GENIUS…and YES..i LOVE THIS!!!!! Oh my..I think it may be one of my favorites yet !!!
Awww Amy- you made my day 🙂 thanks for your encouragement and insight. hugs (we’ve got work to do 🙂 )
Did you get my hugs and kisses this morning??? 🙂
Yes- got them- super fast- came through with no problem! <3 hugs and kisses back at you!
Oh, my, your Bethy tugs at my heartstrings! I love her creative connecting through the phone on her daddy’s desk, so they can be together. I will think of your Heaven Sent Inspiration several times a day when I miss a loved one (I’m not the only one in my family that cries at good-bys – they are HARD when days are long). Thanks for this message – I’m sure I’m not the only one who needed it 🙂
It surely was inspired- we send messages throughout the day and many at bedtime- it’s a lot more productive than tears- and Bethy’s only had 1 time of crying- which in my mind is a miracle! Its opened my eyes to the possibilities of how to pray and ponder my loved ones who aren’t with me 🙂 hugs Edy
It’s so funny Edy- she gets the connection, he tells her hes too busy to talk, and she’s like- OK- Ill just watch you Daddy. lol- she doesn’t care- she just wants to “be” with him for a while 🙂
yep…needed this, too… What a neat way to help Bethy “see” what she needs to understand. Seriously, Cindy, everytime I look at her, I don’t see her situation…she is sooo pretty and looks sooo normal to me. I know you have to “deal” with issues, but I truly feel she is growing and will be become a strong, emotionally secure young lady. And if the Lord returns first, she’ll be totally healed, like the rest of us 🙂 !! Whooot!
Thank you Mid! Your words are precious to me. As she gets older, its poignantly more difficult. She is blessedly “childlike” but will be turning 13 this summer- so the “gap” between her peers is growing. BUT GOD- is the One – helping me navigate- giving me eyes to see her treasure and worth- and I pray Jesus will shine brightly in her to touch each broken person that comes her way- 😉 ’cause we’re actually all broken in some way or another. To Jesus- our Author & Finisher!!!
As the daddy and hubby who was away I must admit I had to do some serious “cognitive re-framing” myself! While in Cuba, from awakening until bedtime I was busier than a one-armed paper hanger, meeting dozens of new people everyday, trying to remember names and places, thinking in English-but trying to speak and share the gospel in Spanish… But as I layed down every night I wanted to download with Cindy and the kids… Cindy and I had probably spoken everyday since 1978! And I would say on 99% of those days we had shared about something the Lord had said or done during that day or the previous one. I will say this- “Cuba was the experience of a lifetime, but there is no place like home!”
we are beyond thankful you are home where you belong 🙂