[Tweet ” “We should be parenting a generation of children who will serve God in His kingdom.”]
And You have made us to our God kings and priests:
and we shall reign on the earth.
Revelation 5:10
C.S. Lewis transports us to a mythical world called Narnia that is “under a curse” which is a parallel for the Christian understanding that our present world is fallen, under the dominion of the devil, but being redeemed by the Lion of Judah- who is Supreme Ruler and King over all! In The Lion, The Witch, & the Wardrobe, we hear the Golden Age Prophecy.
The prophecy says this:
Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.
When Adam’s flesh and Adam’s bone,
Sit at Cair Paravel in throne,
The evil time will be over and done
- For those of you who haven’t read this marvelous book, Aslan represents Jesus- the Lion of Judah, and the four children, Peter & Edmond are the 2 sons of Adam and Susan & Lucy are the 2 daughters of Eve who will fight the battle in Narnia, with Aslan’s help, and after his death & resurrection, they will earn the right to be Kings and Queens in Narnia.
And once a King or Queen in Narnia- always a King or Queen in Narnia.
What an exquisite picture for us to contemplate. As parents, we are “charged” by the great King Himself, to raise up a generations of royalty; servant leaders who are not afraid to lead with Godly authority! A generation who will draw near to God and become like Him.
We need to raise a generation of Kingly/Queenly leaders. We don’t want to be relegated to the uninformed, powerless, “masses” that abdicate their responsibility of leadership to another. Our culture is trying to “herd” our children into a place of selfish me’ism where all their desires are satiated. God wants us to raise them to become a solution to the problems in this world. World Changers and Shakers vs. video game and TV changers.
We must teach (and model) Righteous Rulership and Kingdom Authority!
1) taking care of the poor and the needy
2) having compassion on those less fortunate
3) attending to the widows & orphans
4) showing kindnesses to the “least of these”
5) becoming a Servant/leader, unashamed to wash an others feet
Don’t forget He redeemed your life from the pit
and crowns you every day with His tender mercies. Psalm 103:4
You and I, in turn, are blessed to be ushering people into the coronation process so they may walk in His goodness and grace!
Surprising Treasures: He offers us a strategic place in His kingdom!
Audio Adrenaline- Kings and Queens
Cindy, I love this reminder! On a related note, I had my two little granddaughters with me for a week last month & they (2 & 4) are REALLY into princesses, of course. Their parents ask them often, “What is the most beautiful part of a princess?” to which the answer is “Her heart!”, and I reinforce that whenever I can. I told them that I am a princess, too–we are all princesses, and princes. God is our Father, we are His children, His sons & daughters, and since He is a King, that means we are all princesses & princes.
I am including that in all my Valentine’s Day messages as well. It obviously is important to me & I suspect others as well–even us “older” princesses! Thank you, Princess Cindy!
I love this Princess Cecilia! 100% right- the most beautiful part of princesses & princes- are their hearts- and courage and nobleness are their virtues. May we act and serve worthy of our King! Blessings and hugs
Dear Cindy,
What a beautiful reminder for us. I have seen the movie but not read the books. Now that I have a child it gives me reason to re-live and maybe even do the things I didn’t do as a child. I plan to read the books with her when she is older. I pray I will have the compassions Christ wants me to have for those with less in life than me.
It is February and if my memory is correct it is your birthday month. Happy Birthday dear friend. You have grown more beautiful in the passing years. I hope our paths cross again sometime soon. Would love to sit and have a chat sometime.
Sheryl Kaul
Dear Sheryl,
You have a beautiful princess in the making. I know you and Joe are weaving her a beautiful, spiritual heritage of faith! Enjoy every moment! I’d love to see some pics and updates from you if you have time to email me. 🙂
Thanks for remembering my birthday. I celebrate with joy the treasure He has put in my life and my heart is fixed on our destination where all things will be made new!
Wouldn’t it be great if we could get together- If we’re in Il or you’re in KS, let me know. hugs and blessings
Amen and amen! Love the song “Kings and Queens.” I stop everything, listen, and pray whenever I hear. Praying- “God give me the heart of a redeemer- one that brings others to the Light. Sadly, I think too often we as believers are Light to the Light, when we have been called to be Light to the world.
Its hard to believe sometimes, how much He loves us and is committed to transforming us into His likeness!
I sure like how your mind works, Cindy. How many times we might just read over a scripture passage until one day it jumps out like a neon light. You definitely illuminated this verse from Revelation for me! What a marvel all that Emmanuel has provided for us, not just for us to keep but to proclaim! Halleluia Hugs! 🙂
We are children of the King- but more than that – we are heirs to the Kingdom and are to reign with Him- wow- kinda blows your mind doesn’t it? The kingdoms of this world are going to be flipped upside down someday- 🙂 King Jesus!