[Tweet “Look up! Accept God’s #crown of loving kindness and tender mercies.”]
“Momma, why I have creepy eyes?”
quote- Bethany Barclay, 10 years old- with down syndrome
My mission:
Equip Bethany (& all my children & grandchildren) with the truth:
[Tweet “We are created in the image of God and He #crowns us with #glory and #honor. #identity”]
When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you set in place—
what are mere mortals that you should even think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?
Yet you made them only a little lower than God…..
and crowned them with glory and honor.
You gave them charge of everything you made,
putting all things under their authority—
[Tweet “What would happen if you could see you’re wearing an invisible #crown? #worth #identity”]
a pit stop in Bethany’s journey of identity…..
~ a synopsis of a much repeated conversation for the last 2 weeks~
“Why my eyes creepy? Why my face creepy? Why people not like me?”
“What? Who told you that?“
“I creepy. I bad. People not like me.”
“Bethany, look at me. That is a lie. It is not true.”
“Here is the truth……
Everyone is made by God and for God. You are His treasure. He likes you AND loves you and He’s the one that gave you those beautiful almond eyes.”
“You are God’s special creation….. and that’s the whole TRUTH.“
“Why they say I creepy?” (more tears)
“Oh Bethy, some people are blind to God’s beauty. Sometimes people feel bad inside so they try to make others feel bad too. And some people are just mean.”
“I want you to think- who always tells the truth- God or people?”
“Right! Now, let’s try it again! Are you creepy or beautiful?” she had to think about this.
“Because I say so or because God says so?”
“God says so!” Bethany is starting to smile.
“Now, sweet girl, what are you going to say when people say you’re weird or creepy or bad?“
She tentatively said “I special to God?“
After two difficult weeks at school, visits and observations, questions asked but not enough answers, we decided to go back to full time home schooling until next year. There have been too many tears and frustrations- on Bethany’s part (thankfully, none on mine 🙂 )
We didn’t pull her out of school to protect her – we pulled her out to give her some “intensive care”. Unfortunately, we can’t protect our children from rude, mean people BUT we can equip and nurture them in the truth so that rude, ignorant peoples power to harm is diminished.
I can’t waste my time feeling sorry for Bethany-
I have to nurture and “water” this young seedling to grow strong and sturdy- open to soaking up the power of the Son, sinking her roots down into His love, and being planted firmly in His identity for her!
My Message Today: Don’t be afraid to give yourself- or your children- or your friends- or your hubby- Intensive Care!
We don’t “crown” ourselves out of conceit but we need recognize with awe the value God has placed on us- His children. We need to be wearing our crowns He has so lovingly given us! If you haven’t been wearing your crown out…. Put It On! – look in the mirror and say-
“You are special to God. He crowns you with glory and grace. Don’t forget you walk in this world with His authority!”
And if anybody calls Beth creepy again- I might buy her a tiara to wear- so everyone can see she’s crowned with glory and honor!
Surprising Treasure: He crowns you with Glory and Honor- putting all things under your authority.
Ps. 8
Wow… Cindy, has she ever seen pictures of oriental girls? Bethy’s eyes aren’t even that almond… and people think oriental girls are beautiful! And they are, and so is she! Besides, eyes are not what makes us/her beautiful, it’s our hearts inside, and I’m glad that’s what God sees!
Give her a hug!! (Well, I know you do all the time, but a special one from me 🙂
Thanks Mid- its a no brainer to me but I God has been showing me so many truths to “build into” the core of our kids and grandkids! Created in His image- stamped by God- Unique, loved, crowned with glory & honor. not to be prideful but to be confident in Him- Not ONE person is an accident or oops or mistake. We are crowned with his glory- woohoo. (when u look in the mirror this morning- tell yourself that & it will blow you away – it’s been liberating me from negativity I didn’t know I still thought!” Our Father is the King!
“Equipping not protecting” was an essential motto I followed when I was a school administrator. Bethany has so much to give the world. Cindy and I and her entire family want her to know that!
Sometimes I wish there was a “real” spiritual armor that we could dress our kids in every day. 🙂 but the authentic spiritual armor takes intentionality and determination to understand and apply it!
Dear Cindy,
What a beautiful writing. I have cared about Bethany from the first time I laid eyes on her and did not even know she was your special treasure.
At Bethany’s age, these are tough years for anyone as kids seems to delight in mean barbs to one other. I think your decision to pull Bethany out of school for this year is a good one. I know it will put more time pressure on you and may God give you strength.
My daughter was not born with downs syndrome, but she was born with something that has affected her emotions all of her life. She has made one wrong call after another. She feels physically sick and stressed almost daily. She is incapable of having a job and now has decided that she does not feel comfortable driving a car very much, and she is 43. She is physically beautiful and comes across with a great personality so most do not know. Angela is into her third marriage. We pray this is the final one. I understand about feeling helpless for a daughter in need. I wish my family had understood that my daughter was born with an emotional handicap of some sort, but instead they accused us of not handling her correctly and did not really love or accept her. We have been to councelor after councelor without much success.
So, I in a small way, do understand. James Dobson once said, A mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child. Wow!! I try to live above that or I could be down in the dumps most of my days.
God’s grace, love, and wisdom is available and I am sure that you like me are so grateful for that knowledge.
Bethany, called me GEGE again last Sunday. I just love that. She is a special treasure and she is on my prayer list.
God bless you Cindy, and Bethany and may He bring to your souls and minds His undying love and peace.
Heavenly Hugs,
Oh Earleen- you are so precious! Our “calling” as a parent never ends does it? Of course it changes and grows through each season but I think we’ll always have our “mother’s heart” toward them. I know I’ve learned more about the Father Heart of God – His infinite compassion- slow to anger- He knows our fragility and weakness- He saw our lowly brokenness and sent His Son- – Behold what manner of LOVE the Father has given unto us- that WE should be called the Sons and Daughters of God. Incredible!
Thank you for your love and support- and especially for loving Bethany and being her GEGE!
love ya-
Dear Cindy, you are so saturated with the love of God and His word that you are truly “ready to give a reason for the hope” that you have to encourage Bethany and others. What a blessing for her to be your child! I am so impressed, because I don’t think fast “on my feet,” but have to ponder things. Then, again, the Holy Spirit does give us the words to say to meet those split-second needs! You are a precious vessel for His Surprising Treasures. Hugs!
Thank you from my whole heart Edy- I guess it was the “pit of depression” years that God used to fill me to overflowing with Him- I want to – no, I need to, stay in His Word- to live in His presence is so much better than living in the pit. As for being “quick”- it’s a byproduct of kids- lol- I’d better have a ready answer because the crisis is over and we’re onto the next one 🙂 Its a journey, isn’t it dear sister? I’m so thankful for you!
God is good! 🙂