Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant through the trial and the change
One thing… Remains [repeat]
Your love never fails- it never gives up!
Never runs out on me [3x]
The most amazing love- we’ll never come to a full understanding of- We can write about it, read about it, sing about it, and shout about it, but the fact remains- His love is beyond our reach of understanding-
His love never fails- He never gives up- He is the Father waiting and searching for the Prodigal Son, He is the Merchant who sold everything to buy back the pearl of great price- He is the “widow” who searches for the lost coin and of course He is the Shepherd that leaves the 99 and seeks to save that one lost sheep!
He crowns us with loving kindness- He loved us before we loved Him- God so loved the world that He gave His only Son- and of course- I Cor. 13- the epitome of God’s love-
faith, love, and hope, abide- but the greatest of these is Love!
Jesus loves the strugglers and goes looking for stragglers, but what about us? What are we doing with those folks? Particularly the ones who don’t look like they are serious about finishing, let alone finishing victoriously? Can we love them?
I think I can because I do it with one person everyday. There is someone I love even though I don’t approve of what he does. There is someone I accept though some of his thoughts and actions revolt me. There is someone I forgive though he hurts the people I love the most. That person is —— Me.”
It’s true you and I have plenty of practice loving, forgiving and taking care of someone who disgusts us at times. And it’s true there are plenty of things we do that which we don’t like, but we can love ourselves and accept ourselves without approving of everything we do. We can do the same for others, particularly if we keep the realities of eternity—one with God and one without Him-in view.
The stakes are high. Love never fails. Loving others like we love ourselves is our only option.
The Christian life is combat and it can get very difficult, but God’s love for us is our victory. I recently read, “Its not that we don’t love God enough, its that we don’t have know how much God loves us.”
Twice blessed and inspired! First by your wonderful post, and then by Jeff’s comments. Happy Valentine’s Day to a special couple!
🙂 so blessed you’re my sister in Christ- Jeff is my BFF and cheerleader.
Dittos from me, too! We cannot fathom the magnificence of God’s love for His creatures; we can only appreciate and delight in it. Halleluia! Happy Heart Day to you lovely people 🙂
My heart is so happy – blessed- and overwhelmed at His constant and unchanging love for us! Love you Edy! Thanks for being my sistah 🙂