Today was a “gray day” Not outside, the sun was shining, but inside our home & hearts, a storm was brewing.
It was the kind of day, you’re glad you’ve been “storing up” lots of inspirational words & absorbing the the tangible love of family and friends;
just like we should store up money for a rainy day, we should store up all the nuggets of God-treasures to pull out during the “gray times.”
[Tweet “Daily #remind yourself of the #good things God has done. Count your #blessings.”]
An hour before school started, Bethany clung to me, teared up and said, “I not want to go to school today Momma.”
That’s strange. She loves school! I probed and questioned. I got bits and pieces of information through tears. Some I could get involved and solve the problems.
The last frustration she shared, wasn’t in my power to change.
“Momma, I don’t want a para. (special aide) I want to do by myself.
“Well, sweetie boo- you know, you have downs syndrome & I think you’re going to need a para to help you at school to make sure you understand your work. They want to help you!
She wailed!
I want to be like everybody else. I want talk fast and not need help.”
[Tweet “Rejoice in the #uniqueness of #you- God #created and #loves you!”]
“Oh Bethie!” I wrapped her up in a big hug, kissing away her tears.
“It doesn’t matter if you have downs syndrome or leprechaun syndrome– she looked up startled, tears diminishing to sniffles-
“What matters is God made you- Bethany- that’s who we love- just the way you are! And I’ll tell you a secret….”
I had her rapt attention now, eyes locked on mine, willing me to make everything all right again.
“Bethie- Being like everybody isn’t the goal!
God didn’t make us to be just like each other.
It’s better to be UNIQUE- one of a kind!
There’s only one you Bethie!”
Hugs, giggles, and smiles- the sun came out again and we didn’t even have to wait for tomorrow. 🙂
I took her to school & came back to check on my new attempt at social media-Twitter 🙂 An article literally jumped out at me! (click on the link- so worth the read 🙂 )
“My Brother Used to Have Downs Syndrome!”
Say What???? I eagerly plunged into reading the article, reveling in Eva Glettner’s story about Jacob, her 30 year old brother with ds.
She had me laughing deliriously as I began to envision the wonders and blessings the future will hold for Bethany!
Eva shared Jacob is into social media big time- he has 1000 friends on FB (yep I can see that happening for Beth) He’s great with his nieces and nephews (yep- yep! already there with more coming for Beth!) but the part that really got me????????
“He will only go to special needs events if he is the counselor. You see, according to Jacob, he “used to have Down Syndrome when he was little.” He’s outgrown it and I love him for that. He works at a local private school, and he lists his job title as “Assistant Director” on his Facebook page. And you and I know that he is such a valued asset to the team, next year he might be promoted to Director.”
Well- the day may have started out stormy, but it’s roses and rainbows and special thanks to my new friends Eva and Jacob! Isn’t God good to connect us with people that shine His light!?
They helped me see that maybe I was wrong to tell Bethany she’ll always need a para-
Maybe Bethany, like Jacob, will outgrow downs syndrome and grow up to help others at special needs events. 🙂
Surprising Treasures: Psalm 138: 8 “The Lord will work out his plans for my life—
for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.” NLT
Love it, love you both- glad God’s timing works like it does- and also hope God works in the heart of a certain para (and others in Beth’s future I’m sure) to take the time to understand her heart and choose their words and interactions carefully and Full of loving praise!
thank you Sarah- I don’t know what I’d do without you and your family! You’re the best <3 and I know "we" can figure out Beth's future with hope and joy!
I could feel your “pain” as I read this. Jan cannot express in words as well as Bethany did, but I see that same feeling in her eyes. I have seen it alot lately when she wants her life to be more like Jessica’s life. At the very least she feels really left out that she cannot go the Jessie’s home because it’s a 3rd floor apartment with no elevator.
When she is having a good day, with higher levels of confidence in who God made her to be, she tells me she does not want to live with Daddy and Mom, but with friends. (she speaks in 1-2 word sentences and answers “Yes” and “No” questions to get her point across)
Don’t we all have those days? Just last week I was grateful to the Holy Spirit for bringing Ephesians chapter 1 to my mind at just the right moment. I was having a low moment and remembering that I am blessed,chosen, holy and without blame, predestined, adopted, accepted in the beloved, redeemed, forgiven, purposed and all the other great things my Lord said about me, picked me right back up again.
We gotta love it when God drops “just the right thing to say at the right moment” into our thoughts. Sounds like you handled it well.
Love, Debbie
oh Debbie, wish I could give you a big hug, kick back and spend the day together- encouraging one another in the Lord. I’ll be praying for Jan as I do Bethany- and for all us parents- because, after I read Eva’s article, I realized once again, it is up to me to help Bethany SEE the truth. What is the truth? Simply that He created each one of us uniquely for His glory and nothing is wasted or lost in His economy. Nothing that is broken will go into eternity broken and forevermore – FOREVERMORE!!!! we will walk in the joy of His presence! Love you Debbie- give Janice a hug from Bethany and I.
God gave Bethie such a wise and gentle-hearted mother! I just love this surprising treasure. It is perfectly full-circle! Hugs galore to you two. 🙂
Thank you Edy- I feel so ill equipped sometimes- BUT GOD- He rises up and gives us words to say and love to cover the parts we don’t know what to do with! I was so blessed that it made that full circle within an hours time! I’ll take those hugs!!!
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What a deeply touching message…you are all such a light and a blessing to all you touch.
Thank you Amy- He is the light- we just have to “position” ourselves to reflect it! You are a treasure and I miss you!
Awww… tell Bethie there are days I don’t want to be me, either! I want to like… You know, the ones who write Best Sellers and are Award Winning photographers and Renowned artists. 🙂 But He wants me to be me for a reason, and I know His ways are best. Thank you for helping me see this more clearly, Cindy!! And give Bethany a hug for me!
LOL- I’ll tell her Mid! “But He wants me to be me for a reason” That’s it isn’t it- we are the clay- He is the Potter! I’ll give Bethy a hug!
Mid said exactly what I was thinking. “There are days I don’t want to be me, either!” Thank you for sharing from your heart to mine, and putting a sparkle in my day. Hugs to you and Bethany!
Sweet Rita- I know- been there- thought that myself- Bethany just doesn’t have “whatever holds us back from being so transparent”. She tells it like she feels it- and then I get to “see” new treasure and truth as the Lord show’s me His truths to encourage her! humbling
We knew these days would come. Thank God for His Word that daily keeps my perspective eternal and looking up. At some level each one of us are disabled- Bethany is beginning to see her disability and her need for the Lord. Maybe she is ahead of the curve… Many, many never realize just how disabled they are without the Lord.
We did know, didn’t we? But God is and has been and alwsys will be faithful! He is walking us through this life between the trees and I wouldn’t want to be walking it with anyone else. Love you my husband!
Ok – got through this – and yes, with tears… Today is literally gray outside – but now I’m smiling, and feeling God’s “sun” 🙂 Give Beth a big hug and kiss from us – and we really need to get on this skype thing!! 🙂 Love to you all!
aww Amber- love you- thank you for “sharing” our lives- our joy- our pain- I’ll give Beth a big hug and she really does want to connect with JayCee! It’s me that keeps forgetting! hugs 🙂
Tears!!! We’ve had similar conversations at our house, and I’m so thankful that we have Jesus! He gives us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness! And we can teach our lovely children to live that life of praise!
Sniff- my heart sends you hugs too! It’s not always easy being the mama- sometimes I want to feel sad too- but it’s so much better to sink our roots down deeper into the soil of His marvelous love, drink of His truth and sustenance and then revived- teach “our lovely children to live that life of praise” beautifully said Julie!
Oh, Cindy…. I teared up at this! I had one of those moments this afternoon with my visually impaired son. He doesn’t want to go to his older brother’s basketball game tonight because he says he can’t follow the action. “It’s boring. I want to go with you to your meeting instead and play video games….” I don’t want him to introvert because of his diability, but sometimes I don’t have the right words to say. Thanks for sharing this with me today.
Hugs Brittany- its so hard sometimes- our mother’s hearts yearn to kiss away their “boo boos” but they can’t all be kissed away. Praying God will continue to give us strength and wisdom to help nurture both roots and wings for our surprising treasures! <3 blessings
Oh what a wonderful testimony to what wisdom God has given you Cindy! He always comes through but we have to be sensitive to hear Him and you always seem to be in the lead in that department. Beth is so fortunate to have you and Jeff as parents. If I was a child I would be so honored to be one of yours. It puts me to shame that when Dan as a little boy was embarrassed because of a birthmark on the side of his neck that kids at school were teasing him about. His question to me was shy me? I said so God could keep better track of him. I got by with that one for about 5 years. I sure paled in comparison to what the Holy Spirit gave to you. You and Jeff ae wonderful parents, people grandparents, and someone I admire to be just like you two! God Bless to all of you.
Thanks Charlene- but I would say Jeff and I (and our whole family) is honored and fortunate to have Bethany placed in our family. His strength is seen in weakness- so we get to see His love and strength shine every day!
What a wonderful share! I’m sure Bethany has made great progress through the years! Blessings to you!
Thanks Christine! 🙂 Bethany is such a blessing- now (15) blessings and thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.