Saige has $3732.50
(and of course if you’d like to help round that up to $4000.00 🙂
Keep making donations at Saige- Reece’s Rainbow
I just had to share my granddaughter, Finley’s, solution to the problem of orphans. 🙂
Don’t you just love the faith of children?!
 Perhaps, if they were running the world- the important issues would get attention instead of inane, ridiculous, picayune laws that eat up our tax money as puffed up politicians strut around boasting that they’re solving our problems!
 “Hey Nana, does Saige have her family yet?” queried Finley Faith.
“Not yet. Her account is up to almost $4000.00 though! Don’t forget to keep praying for her forever family to find her.”
“Is she an orphan kinda like Anne?” (we’re reading Anne of Green Gables after school)
“And God doesn’t want their to be orphans, right? He wants us all to be in families?”
“Right. “
I love when Finley gets ideas! Her eyes widened, she started jumping and skittering, a 1000 watt smile accompanied twinkling eyes as she pitched her solution!
“I know what we can do!”Â
She took a breath and hurried on running her sentences together.
“We can put all our money together and build a great big house and we’ll fill it with orphans. It’d be a real home. We could make this family Nana! Maybe Saige could be the first. Wouldn’t that be cool Nana?! We can all take care of them!
Mari and I have it all figured out- She’s going to write books and I’m going to be the illustrator- then we’ll have lots of money to make it happen.”Â
She paused and took a deep breath-
“So Nana, just where do you think we should build this house?”
And just like that, Finley has solved the orphan problem.Â
May God open doors, open hearts, open homes and demolish the red tape and bureaucracy that keep children orphans.
New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
It is numbing to see the needs of widows and orphans around the world. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world,” (James 1:27). I am so proud of Cindy in her efforts for Saige- Cindy’s burden for Saige has spilled over to me, but it has really impacted the lives of our children and grandchildren. For the past twenty years we have supported children through Compassion. One little girl, Rosa, we really “connected” with. Sharing letters with her and she would send us hand-drawn pictures. Sadly, during the civil war in Ethiopia, Compassion informed us that Rosa was “lost.” They didn’t know if she was killed or had left the region as a refugee. This was heartbreaking to all of the Barclays. But I do know this. We have to care and our “care” needs to motivate us to care with action.
Praying God will show us how to be effective in our “latter years”- love you babe.
“God places the lonely in families” (Ps. 68:6) a favorite, is such encouragement. He also touches early the hearts of children (my experience as a pre-schooler, watching Lutheran World Action films at church on Sunday night with pictures of World War II orphans prompted my future calling, I have no doubt). I got to meet Dieu Minh, the little girl I sponsored through World Vision when I was working with orphans in Vietnam, and just the thought of her letters moves me to tears. I can imagine your heartbreak, since the fall of South Vietnam severed our relationship, too. But, thanks be to God, He is father to the orphan, and He holds them in the hollow of His hand, even when we cannot. (By the way, my nephew’s little girl, about Finlay’s age, loves spending time holding babies in the orphanages in Haiti, where they are missionaries. Isn’t it exciting to walk with Jesus and see where He leads us!) Hugs to Finlay! Bless her bumpity heart. 🙂
thanks for bringing up that scripture- I’d almost forgotten it 🙂 Thanks be to God is right- He will Father us and sort it all out in the end…. I love seeing the kids get so excited about how to make a difference in this world- there are so many things that vie for their attention: tv, video, materialistic things,- It’s fabulous when they dream and plan for justice and fairness and how God really wants the world to be! hugs
Cindy, I must have missed this one. I’m with Finley. I want to build a big house and take care of all the children! What a great idea! I was ready to share the same verse that Edy did and I so agree with Edy’s comments about how early experiences shape us. I know all those Sunday night’s growing up in the Baptist church listening to missionaries share their experiences had such an impact on me, and the movies about orphans that I saw in my junior high years. My daughter is already planning to adopt someday. You are making a difference Cindy and it’s wonderful! Just imagine the celebration when we find out that God has placed Saige in a family! He will have given you the desire of your heart. Wow…think about that. <3
Well Shelli, maybe we’ll map out a plan when you come visit next weekend. My heart has always wanted to do this- when I was little- I read about Jane Adams and the Hull House- I thought how awesome it would be to have a big home that would be open to whoever needed help and encouragement. My brother and I are both adopted and we used to beg our parents to adopt at least two more. 🙂 hugs