(Hey there- I am your guest blogger for the day 🙂 Lucky you lol… My mom had asked me to write for the blog this Easter week and so, here ya’ go! Blessings~ Sarah) http://surprisingtreasures.com/about/sarah-finley-and-cohen/
As a little girl, naïve and a helpless romantic, all I desired was to marry someone who loved God and would think I was beautiful forever.
My list of “must-haves” grew, and by the time I graduated college, it felt natural to embark on the marriage journey and I was fairly confident in my choice of a mate- there was chemistry…fun, strong friendship, a shared love for children, he valued my boundaries and went to church- a decent start.
Once I read “a harmonious marriage between a man and a woman is one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences one can have…” and I still whole-heartedly believe that! But at some point, my “beautiful experience” turned into something not-so-beautiful anymore.
Intense marital counseling, modified hopes and dreams, soul searching prayers for restoration; ALL necessary and yet, reconciliation never “stuck”. What came next was more physically painful than anything I have ever experienced (and this coming from a woman who has had two natural childbirths!).
Having originally been there making “two into one”
my great Physician came as a last resort
to do a “surgery” via divorce and
bring a slow healing by separating my heart only to Him once again.
I don’t want to use our time together to argue about biblical divorces vs. non- but I can tell you, I feel scripturally justified in my reasons to divorce and please know that my decision was not taken lightly.
So understand when I say this very carefully- I actually felt peace and grace throughout the process. That’s not to say screaming, midnight tears and second thought doubts didn’t have their center-stage moments, but I RE-learned something fundamental:
God’s peace will always separate us
that which is unlike God
to that which is like God.
I read A LOT in the two years surrounding my divorce. One brilliant topic I studied was PEACE. It appears that there are two main types.
Type One: peace between “God and man” (Luke 2:13,14).
Type Two: peace between “man and man” (Matthew 10:32-34, John 14:27).
This word peace means “to join,” or “to set at one, again.” The peace between man and man is man-made “…peace the world gives...” (John 14:27).
The peace between God and man is directly from God himself, it surpasses our human understanding.
Have you felt that feeling when you have hope even when it seems hopeless? The comfort that stays with us even when the chaos around us is enough to take our breath away and plunge us in to a very dark place?
[Tweet “Jesus is the #offering of #peaceful living that happens by being #joined to Him.”]
Jesus is The Offering of peaceful living that happens by being joined to Him. “I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned…don’t be upset. Don’t be afraid” (John 14:27).
We all want peace in our families- yet I know lots of us have misunderstood what peace is all about, WHO Peace is: “For He Himself (Jesus) is our PEACE…and has broken down the middle wall of separation” (Ephesians 2:14).
[Tweet “Jesus, Himself- is our #peace. His peace will unfold until the whole world is covered by His peace.”]
To understand God’s peace, we
must focus on the definition and
more importantly, the nature of
PEACE: which is “to join, or set at
one again.”
It’s incredible to think of Peace as something or Someone that has an aggressive nature, even to the point of causing the “walls” in our lives that are separating Him from us to be broken down, especially if these walls are relationships.
The reason for this aggressive nature of God’s jealousy is to actually preserve and restore!
[Tweet “God is jealous for you- to #preserve your #peace and #restore your #wholeness.”]
Peace. Whenever there is peace between two parties, it causes a joining. Whenever there is conflict between two parties, it causes a separation. Did you get that? God is battling for us to be joined to Him!
We’ve all heard “don’t rock the boat” used as a way to describe keeping the peace. But realistically even when there is a mutual agreement to not make waves (these “agree-to-disagree” situations), it is not true peace.
True Peace always carries with it a separating unto that which is holy, uncontaminated or true. If we do not have peace in our families or homes, I believe it is because we have not allowed Peace to be an intricate part of the fabric of our lives (nope- not just Cotton;)).
Indulge me- read the following verse aloud 🙂 : “Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way” (Colossians 3:15-17).
Here’s what I think- Peace will lead us away from confusion. Peace pulls us into a house where every detail is managed by “The Message”- a home life filled with “thankfulness, common sense, and singing”. It will separate us unto the Lord Himself.
Just a word of caution: This process is not always exactly what I would describe as looking “peaceful” If we want to be at peace with God and have peace in our family, we must make those tough decisions to allow Peace to rule, allow God to sanctify you and the members of your family to fully experience the blessings He has in store for you! I don’t think we were promised it would be easy, but I know He promises it’s worth the journey. This Easter week- thank God again and again for sending us His Peace!
Surprising Treasure: He is our Peace!
Well said. You are a such a beautiful person. I have always seen in you a person willing to run the risk of being thankful–even though the enemy has sneaked in a couple of times and planted his seeds where you had previously cultivated the Word. The exciting part, for those who keep watching your “rows,” is what happens when a person (like you) lets the Word to run free. Just like God promises… it never returns void. And that is why your life is so bright and fruitful! I love you very much.
Here’s what I think- Peace will lead us away from confusion. Peace pulls us into a house where every detail is managed by “The Message”- a home life filled with “thankfulness, common sense, and singing”. It will separate us unto the Lord Himself.
So be it Sarah. So be it.
Thanks Dad 🙂 I think you guys did a good job keeping our house thankful and full of common sense- and of course- singing….
Sarah I was so blessed reading your message. I have always loved you and admired you, but when you opened your heart and let me “peek” in, my appreciation for you grew big time! What a strong woman you have turned out to be!. The oft quoted scripture “God’s Grace is Sufficient ” is true, but seeing it work is a real faith builder. I know that when you step up to see Jesus, He will say “Well done My faithful servant”, You were put here on this earth to be a great mom (you had the pattern with your own mom) and what ever it takes I know you will withstand whatever Satan throws at you. It is no wonder that your parents are so proud of you, Most would have crumpled, but not you…you went in and changed clothes and put on your fighting gear….Go get em !!!\
Thanks Char- I learned alot from others out there that’s for sure… a group like DivorceCare and some great friends/family support…. and about your “fighting gear” comment- LOL, I call it putting on my big girl boots- gotta love a good pair of leather boots 😉
You have shared such a beautiful exhortation! Thank you for risking and sharing your heart, and for encouraging mine! I see you standing in the fire, and it is a glorious thing! The refining fire of the Living God that brings forth gold…I see it coming forth in you! Jesus IS glorified! 🙂 Bless you!
You are a beautiful song to the Lord. He treasures your heart and I’m so blessed I’m your mom. I wish I could take away all hurt and pain from your life- and yet- I acknowledge that the difficult, painful things are only tools in His hands to form us into His likeness! I see Jesus in you- and you radiate His peace.
Oh Sarah, what a beautiful and thought provoking post. Never looked at “peace” like that before. I’ve been guilty of using the terms “don’t rock the boat” or “agree to disagree”, but I will certainly think twice before those words come out of my mouth again. It doesn’t set things straight. I just pushes the issue to the back burner which could rear it’s ugly head later. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and heart with us. Hugs to you. Angela 🙂
I hadn’t read this before – how did I miss it!? I can remember when we first started talking about all of this divorce junk. Your guidance through the bad times that I thought couldn’t get any worse was invaluable. Even now, walking through the best of the best of times yet still having to deal with the challenges that come with remarriage – I look to you for helping me figure out some clarity through all of it. Most of the time – what’s your answer? “Pray about it.” You always offer to pray for us, too. Thank you for the constant reminder that looking to God for the answers and relying on his mercies and grace every single day is what will give us the peace that we need in our lives. Honestly, those who haven’t been through it can’t understand it to the fullest of extent. I think God has taken us on this journey so we are able to help others through the same thing. I hope that I can be as great of a God-seeking resource for others as you have been to me.
My friend- I celebrated your wedding just weeks ago- and it was beautiful! I just love how it’s a live action example in Grace and Redemption… God’s restorative power to give us a future and a hope. Not that we need “men” to give that to us, but wow did we find some good ones to partner with:)
Thanks for your kind words, and for being patient with me when my filter is off 🙂 Crock-pot family cooking is fun, but always challenging when so many cooks are in the kitchen- maybe we need a blog about that too!
Lovely Powerful Heartfelt Peaceful . . . Your words ring true amid the rampant divorce rate of today. Our son’s world has been ripped apart by the ugly claws of lies, deceit, adultery, and hate. His once peaceful life destroyed and shattered. BUT GOD! I’m going to share this with him so he knows he’s not alone as he tries to find his way back into reality and the Lord’s loving arms.
Thank you, Sarah ♥
I’ll tell Sarah so she can read this too Mid. Praying for your son and God’s beautiful, unfathomable peace to flood his life and bring healing and renewal. hugs dear sister!