Jingle, Jangle, Ring-a-ding-ding! Ring-a-ding-dang! The Salvation Army Bell Ringer was merrily ringing with all his might. “Mommy, I need money! I need money!” Bethany bounced up and down as she chanted. Digging in my purse, I scrounged all the change I could find.
Her excitement grew with each step. Plunk! Plunk! Plunkity plunk! “Mer-ry Christ-mas!” Bethany sang out.
“And the same to you sweetie.”
Who says you can’t say “Merry Christmas” anymore?
No one’s duct taping our mouths shut- right? 🙂
[Tweet “Be #bold. Open your #mouth and speak #comfort and #joy! #CHRISTmas “]
That brings me to a new contemplation. Since I have the freedom to say anything to anyone 🙂 Is “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” what I truly desire to say? I have wonderful childhood memories of everyone telling each other Merry Christmas! It seemed to fill the air with the Christmas Spirit and Good Will Toward men, much the same as the “everygreeny” smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree. But I wonder if Merry Christmas has become a phrase much like “God Bless You” after someone sneezes or “Have a nice day.” They are “nice” phrases but don’t carry much of a wallop.
[Tweet “Many people are #afraid and #hurting- #Speak #hope- Share #joy. #CHRISTmas”]
Compared to the angel’s joyous message,
merry christmas and happy new year seem…. I don’t know….. To me, I want to “give” people so much more than a nice Christmas wish. This year, to me, the phrases seem like a weak cuppa tea. I’m longing for a tasty, bold flavored coffee that has a little bite to it. LOL
I guess my question to myself is: Have I let Christmas be reduced to “wishing” people a Merry Christmas instead of intentionally spreading the message: GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY?
d[Tweet “We can be the #Light to this #dark world; #Hope to the #fearful. #CHRISTmas”]
Hmmmmm. What could I say? “Have yourself a Merry Little FEAR NOT?” nah- no one would understand what I’m talking about. What about- “Jesus is the Reason for the Season?” mmmm- that’s not exactly inspiring- more like preaching. What if I said, “Good will toward men and peace on earth?” I don’t think so- that doesn’t even mention Jesus. I know, what if I said, “Joy to the World, the Lord has come!”- mmm- that sounds too much like it could be a line from a song.
Maybe I’ll try looking people straight in the eyes, smile and say with joy and sincerity,
“Fear Not- God wants to be near you this Christmas!”
“Fear Not! God’s peace to you this Christmas!”
or even
“God bless you this Christmas!”
Honestly, that’s a little scary for me….. I might need to practice saying it in the mirror a few times so it doesn’t feel so strange and uncomfortable. But Jesus didn’t think about comfortable when He laid aside His heavenly status and entered earth in a messy stable. What I have to remember: I hold the Good News. I am to share the Good News. I want to be His messenger of Good News of Great Joy to all people- so I think it’s time for me to stretch out of my comfort zone and be open to proclaiming real joy and hope into peoples lives. Who knows, maybe I’ll even grow into such boldness I’ll shout- “FEAR NOT- GOD BRINGS YOU GOOD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY!” 🙂
[Tweet “#FEARNOT- #God is 4 you– He is working out #salvation and #peace. #CHRISTmas”]
SURPRISING TREASURE: If we FEAR NOT- God can use us to bring LIGHT to those walking in great darkness. No Fear!
****To those of you who don’t have your pretty picture in a “gravatar” when you comment- you can go to http://en.gravatar.com/site/signup/ and upload your pic so when you comment- wa-la! we’ll all see you!
Some random “selected” thoughts from a sentimentalist who knows we are in a spiritual war. A sentimentalist who is wise enough to keep his sentimentalism from disappointing or angering him when he observes retailers using the birth of a King, whose name they cannot mention, to sell me stuff!Know Jesus Know Christmas. No Jesus no Christmas. They try to be so clever with their nonreligious synonyms for Christmas and Jesus. Postmodern thought removes Jesus from history, while at the same time, expects us all to live how Jesus taught us.
Hmmm. I think these comments are making me sound old and out of fashion. Know Jesus. Know Christmas. That is still my wish for all. My heart does break for so many in our congregation that if they pushed their Christmas and Jesus beliefs too far they would be terminated… Hard to believe… We really do need a national revival. Not so that unbelievers will once again begin celebrating a birth they do not believe in… But that broken people might be able to hear the real proclamation of Christmas, “God’s Son has been born.” Hey everyone, let’s do as Cindy suggested… Go to our mirrors. Practice a meaningful, culturally subversive phrase and go out into the world as little Christmas operatives. My favorite, “Aren’t you glad Jesus was born to save us?” Without Jesus we would only be celebrating a meaningless, lengthy shopping season.”
Honey- you need to your own blog to get all your words out. LOL 🙂
Great one liners mom! I think I am going to say, “God bless you this Christmas.” none of this weak sauce “Merry Christmas” anymore. Even though it is kinda silly to think that just by changing a few simple words we say could change someone’s life, I know there is the power of life and death in our words and I want my life to give life. Thanks for the reminder!
ps God’s peace be with you and your family this Christmas!
Let me know if you get any different response! There is the power of life & death in our words and I want you to know you are really awesome at giving life and encouragement!
“Fear not–God is with us!” Might try just writing it out every chance I get & then try that mirror thing. Do like your line, Jeff & your thought-provoking words. My comfort zone is in such a state of transition, I might as well throw this in to the mix! Will keep you posted…
I know- I choked and stuttered at Walmart today but I said- God bless you this Christmas! She said- oh- the same to you and smiled. It’s a start…. 🙂
Oh, so many wonderful ideas posted here – I like the idea of being ‘culturally subversive’ and also the reminder that we have the power of life and death in our words (and The Life is the message). I’ve always been partial to Charles Dickens’ Tiny Tim’s quote “God bless us every one!” So, I think I will make an effort to greet thus: “Merry Christmas to you – God bless us every one!”
I love it! It’s such a wonderful time of year. God bless us every one! btw- my hubby told me of a teacher who recently tried to forbid his students from saying God Bless You after anyone sneezed because it had a religious connotation to it and he deemed it an offensive saying. I’m happy to say- the teacher was fired. I was afraid when Jeff was telling me that maybe the school agreed and would back the teacher…..
Hope you are feeling better and getting lots of rest! I wanted to share a story with you which reminded me of your blog post. At work today I asked the custodial worker how she was, and she replied” exceedingly blessed”! How refreshing! Wouldn’t it be great to hear that response more often? Take care!
I appreciate all prayers!!! How cool is that response! And isn’t it interesting that her two words impacted you in such a positive way? I think of a scripture that says “words fitly spoken are like apples of gold” TREASURE to be given I think- 🙂 hugs Ann
I am feeling better! Yay! Thanks for sharing your story… isn’t it amazing when we become the recepients of “choice words” It really brightens our day or makes us stop and think? Proverbs says “words fitly spoken are like apples of gold.” It would be great to HEAR and GIVE that response more often. 🙂 hugs
Thank you for the reminder, Cindy. It is definitely stepping out of my comfort zone, but I like the challenge. I am going to try this and let you know how it works 🙂 Love your blog!
Thanks Bethany 🙂 You’re still so young – I’m getting to the age where I’m throwing all caution to the wind LOL- But I’m convinced- a kind word, a caring attitude, a patient demeanor, and even a simple thank you or Merry Christmas goes a loooong way these days- people are too stressed out to be kind anymore so when we are kind- our light shines bright. hugs