If you’ve been following the
“Saige Saga”
you know, the quest began simply enough.
Like most people, we try to make giving intrinsic to our life- even though it may be small and meager; besides tithing, we like saving all our spare change at Christmas time because Bethany has to give to every, and I mean every, Salvation Army Bell Ringer! She loves to tear off the $1 coupon to add to every Dillons grocery bill because it donates 4 meals to someone in need! We sponsor Swampna from India, with Compassion Int.. We drop off our outgrown clothes and coats to others or Planet Aid boxes and in general, look for teeny ways to help people and pay our multitude of blessings forward.
But this year,
a little Asian, orphan girl
with downs syndrome,
named Saige,
has become inexplicably tied to our family.
In truth,
this quest has become painful
I feel like I have labor pains-
only there’s no relief from this pain
until I know she’s been birthed into a family.
When Beth and Moriah were sick I had a lot of time to sit, read, and contemplate. Reece’s Rainbow is one of the awful/beautiful/inspiring sites I’ve ever been to. It’s infinitely sad to peruse the pictures and bios of orphans, as if I were on a shopping spree- looking for one to favor. Oh, I wish I had the resources and a compelling voice to eradicate familylessness and place them all in loving homes!
After reading bio after bio of children on Reece’s site, I blew my nose and wiped my eyes. I had to get a grip! Feeling bad accomplishes nothing- so, taking a deep breath I embraced their slogan- “It matters to this one” and decided to pray and chose just one-
1 orphan who needs a home-
1 child to focus and pray for.
I chose Saige.
Her smile reached in and wrapped her little self around my heart! How could she still be in an orphanage? She didn’t “look” that disabled. Why had she been passed over? Why did she only have 35.00 in her adoption fund account? Would she even have a chance for a family now that she was 10?
She became “my” mission and I started showing everybody in my family, posted on FB, and shamelessly tweeted repeatedly for help to my minimal 100 followers. Naively, I thought- well, if everyone who visited my site in one month would donate $2.50- that would put over $20,000.00 in Saige’s account. Wa-lah’!
Not that I really thought I would raise that much but I’ll admit, the power and possibility social media snowballing into a large number of people doing just a little to bring about a humungous miracle- now that thought excited me. It seemed “possible.”
Her fund crept up to $ 353.00- better than 35.00 but a far cry from est. $ 20,000.00 needed for adoption fees.
Bethany and Cohen wanted to help. Their ideas morphed into a “virtual” lemonade stand – they wanted to offer “lemonade” and “water” on FB, sure that people would get the idea that though there was nothing real to drink, the cause was real and compelling. I wasn’t too sure about it. They begged me, made a poster and insisted they just “knew it would work”.
“People love to help little kids, Nana.”
“Yeah, mommy, we haf to! People love kids.”
The first day nothing happened….. but the next day $150.00 came in for Saige. They screamed and shouted, hugging each other and doing the happy dance. We check Saige’s fund several times a day & the kids are ecstatic that as of today there is $843.00!!!! much more than 35.00 but a far cry from $20,000 🙂
* * *
Now, Saige had become Bethany’s mission. Her quest.
She started typing into GOOGLE- “moms dads Saige”.
She was on a heavenly quest- FIND SAIGE A MOM AND DAD!
Then it escalated to a whole new level.
Beth’s expectations were off the chart- she doesn’t really get the necessity of money- she just thinks she has to find someone to be Saige’s family and that will be that.
She wanted me skype Saige and and tell her we are getting her a a mom and dad soon.
Uh oh-How in the world do I explain, I have her picture but I don’t have “access” to call her on the phone.
And in the unflinching, stubborn determination Beth gets once something in her mind she can’t let it go,
“the Saige Saga”
escalated once again.
Beth packed her bags.
“What are you doing Beth?”
“I’m packed and ready to go.”
“Go where?”
“Maybe you come with me. We need go China, get Saige, bring her back, and find a home.”
I looked deeply into her earnest almond eyes, filled with tears and determination. I started this. How in the world was I going to explain that Saige might not get a family?
“Yes, Bethie?”
“You and Daddy are great mom and dad. Could you be Saige’s new mommy and daddy? I love her and I can teach her lots. She can sleep with me.”
When is enough enough?
I don’t know. But I have to know we’ve done all we can.
I’m going to promote Saige’s adoption fund until the end of the year and don’t forget ALL sales from my ebook-” Momma, who is God” is going to be directly donated to her fund! (click here or on link in sidebar to go directly to Amazon)
But I know one thing- if Bethany had the resources, she wouldn’t stop giving of her self and passion until there were no orphans left in the world.
If you would like to give, here is Saige’s direct link at Reece’s Rainbow-Please share this with as many friends and family as you know to raise awareness of Saige. Merry Christmas and blessings to you and yours!
Cindy I think this is your best post! Ever!
I just pray it can open doors for Saige to find a family- If we weren’t in our fifties! (although Abraham and Sarah were a lot older than that)
Oh CIndy…Beth is led by His Spirit more than almost anyone I know….what a joy..what an amazing young woman she is..and you and Jeff..I am praying for this and for you all and Saige.
Thank you Amy- I’m so blessed- we’re all so blessed- there just has to be a way to spread His goodness around so everybody can know His love and blessings!
Reading this through tears…
hugs Susan- between praying for Saige (and the rest of the deserving orphans on Reece’s Rainbow) and the school shooting- my heart has been crying to the Lord this Christmas season- if pure religion is caring for the orphan and widow- I’m asking Him to show me how to do it better. Hugs Susan and blessings as you serve Him!
“Out of the mouth of babes….” I just love that Bethany’s bee in her bonnet! Now I’m curious – what happens next for Saige once the money comes in? (Will Bethy’s suitcase still be packed?) 🙂 What a treasure!
I’m curious and praying too! Jeff and I briefly talked about pursuing adopting- but considering our age and not wanting our children to step up to another responsibility have left us praying for a family to fall in love with her and stumble upon this little treasure! Bethy still wants to share her room 🙂