[box] RAM- 1)Random Access Memory-RAM in the computer is like short-term memory in our brain. The hard disk in our computer is comparable to our long term memory. [/box]
We all deal with “limits” in our human brain! I know I have days where I feel “brain fog” or “brain dead”. I go into a room and forget why I went there. LOL! I go to the grocery store and come back home only to remember what I forgot to get. (oh my 🙂 ) But for the most part, I’m amazed just how AMAZING our brains are! Every day we use it to learn and store new information, cataloging new information and creating connections to our long term memory! WOWZERS!!!
When Bethany was diagnosed with downs syndrome, one of my first questions was,
“HOW MUCH will she be able to learn?” “What will her learning CAPACITY be?” “Will she have a MAXIMUM THRESHOLD in learning?”
but all these questions led to an over-riding theme of query:
IF Bethany has “slower RAM” and a limited “hard drive”
what are the MOST IMPORTANT things I can teach her?
What content do I want to DOWNLOAD into her mind?
What is the difference between useful and useless facts?
What will bring the most “treasure” into her life?
This morphed my perspective. I learned to evaluate if I was teaching TREASURE or TWADDLE. (Charlotte Mason says the definition of TWADDLE is; words & thoughts that are silly, insignificant, worthless, trivial, feeble, tedious, & weak. Can you say “Sponge Bob Square Pants? 🙂 ) In other words the opposite of Phil. 4:8 which encourages us to “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
Whatever Bethany is to learn and store in her God-given hard drive and RAM-
I purpose it to be about God and things that are excellent, lovely, honest, and pure.
The rest is gravy.
You know, when I was homeschooling our other children, I knew teaching them about God was important, but I was more worried about them learning to read, do math, science, and history! It’s amazing how much my priorities changed when I was no longer comparing my children’s learning to the “norm”. Grades didn’t matter to me anymore! They didn’t measure what I was teaching. I evaluated if Bethany was/is gaining understanding and growing in wisdom! Learning the complexities of the water cycle, photosynthesis, or the complexities of human cells were reduced to basic facts about those topics. My main goal became making sure Bethany understood and comprehended that GOD, her Creator and the Creator of the universe, made everything to work together and it is GOOD! “Living Life God’s Way” and “Loving to the Google power” became our core curriculum.
I admire people who have a humongous “hard drive” and up to speed RAM ability! I certainly wish mine worked better and I could use an upgrade with a lot more megabytes! 🙂 But I’m coming to see, it’s not about how much RAM we “have” but how we “use” our RAM.
All God requires is for us to be faithful with what He’s given us- if He’s given you brilliance- USE IT FOR HIM! If He’s given you simplicity- USE IT FOR HIM!
God chose the simple things of this world to confound the wise.
Oh, Cindy, this is superb insight and writing! ‘…“Living Life God’s Way” and “Loving to the Google power” became our core curriculum.’ I’m recalling earliest highchair memories of learning to pray, hearing the 23rd Psalm, the Lord’s Prayer, and “Jesus Loves Me” (and more) so regularly that it stuck in my brain/heart with no effort on my part. I’m so grateful for Godly parents, who knew what matters most, that “the first things we learn are the last things we lose” – and they chose “the better part,” so deeply embedded in our “hard drive” it endures to the end. Thanks be to God! I love you, and I love your posts, Cindy!
“the first things we learn are the last things we lose” WOW! Sarah tells me the majority of Bible verses that “pop up” in her head are the ones she learned BEFORE kindergarden! Another word I will have to blog about on this topic- EMBEDDED! You always get me so excited Edy! hugs
Likewise, my dear! Now, I’m excited for the embedded topic, too. 🙂
The praise goes to the Lord, but I remember watching Cindy as she was making this discovery and seeing her shift in Bethany’s educational approach and priorities.
“WHATEVER Bethany is to learn and store in her God-given hard drive and RAM- I purpose it to be about God and things that are excellent, lovely, honest, and pure. The rest is gravy.”
Frankly, whenever people go on and on about how wonderful and smart Bethany is, I attribute it to the way Cindy has taught all the Barclays about how to prioritize our learning and life. I have an extraordinary wife and our children have an extraordinary mother!
One of my upcoming sermon series is going to be “Are you ready for an upgrade?” This particular Surprising Treasure post will be there!
thanks best friend and partner- You’ve done a TON of QUALITY INPUT into our kids lives too!!!!
Does your congregation have a website where sermons are posted? I’m intrigued by the “upgrade” series!
Yes 🙂 Jeff would think that’s so cool if you linked in and listened- It’s posted 2 days after ther sermon- I’ll give you a heads up! the link is ccclawrence.org Right now he’s in a series called Green God- God recycles, reuses and RENEWS! 🙂 (people that is)
Thanks! I’m impressed 🙂