I actually had someone ask me the other day, “How’s your downs girl?”
My downs girl?!
I looked at them in stunned silence? Seriously, if you can’t remember her name, don’t ask- please!
“Do you mean my DAUGHTER, Bethany?”
They had the wisdom to look embarrassed.
I don’t see downs syndrome, or retardation, or an intellectual disability when I look at Beth. I see our daughter- flesh of our flesh- a visible reminder that God has blessed our union, the 7th in our family- one of our children. I see her; with her unique set of giftings and limitations- just like everyone else who lives on this planet.
And that’s part of the problem.
[Tweet “All #individuals are a gift of #life from the heart of #God. #identity “]
Why do we see & judge the “packaging”? Until we see- and I mean really see people as unique creations – ALL individuals– as a gift of life from the hand of God, we’re blind to the treasure inherent within each unique masterpiece.
Satan is also in the business of twisted labeling. Name calling. Identity thieving.
“You think you’re a Christian- you’re a liar & a cheat.” “Look at you- you’re so stupid, you can’t get anything right.”
“Loser”, “Outcast”, “Hopeless”, “Alone”,
These are the names and identities he’s trying to spin in our hearts and minds.
[Tweet “Our #identity should be #grounded by #truth. #GodsCreation #masterpiece”]
I think it probably infuriates God, even more than it does me, to hear His children labeled something they’re not.
But God stands up and says,
They’re not any of those things-
through Jesus, I’ve reclaimed them and made them mine.
They’re my CHILDREN!
“Father, please give us your eyes to see your hand in all you’ve created. Give us your words to bless and build up others. Give us your heart of love & compassion to flow to the outcast, the lonely, the downtrodden, the lost. Amen”
Surprising Treasure: Isaiah 43:7, “Even everyone that is called by My Name: for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yes, I have made him.
I need a LOVE button 🙂 I needed this message this week for sure!
thanks Mary- if more people were like you- what a wonderful world it would be! love ya! (praying for your mom)
A grace that I give people when they refer to Bethany as our “Downs girl” is that they probably don’t do it with malice. However, when Satan attempts to lessen, twist, or steal one’s identity he does with it is with a hateful intent to mock and re-indentify human beings as something less than God’s image-bearers. However, and getting directly to the point–to me there is no question that Satan has convinced many people that human beings are products of time and chance (i.e., evolution) and that children are the commodities of parents and not the heritage of the Lord.
It’s true, that we are too often distracted by “outward appearances” (I could tell you more than one true story!) Thank the Lord, that the still small Voice of the Holy Spirit calls our attention to the heart that God sees! “All are precious in His sight” and aren’t we glad! Hugs, and thanks, Cindy!
Oh yes, I’m more than glad! Yearning to have people “see” Bethany as one of us- just another Barclay- not “oh, and their downs girl”, has made me much more aware when I “look” at individuals- Lord- give me my Father’s eyes!